The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
Voting Rights
Equal Pay
Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
Analyzing Trump's Controversial Executive Orders - Season 2 Premiere
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In this first episode of Season 2 of 'The Last Conversation,' the host discusses the recent wave of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump within his first five days in office, which have been perceived as divisive and extreme. The episode includes a detailed overview of these orders, which cover a wide range of topics such as immigration, climate change, transgender rights, economic policy, and international relations. The host also likens the process of executive orders to an 'Amazon wishlist,' explaining their limitations and the necessity of Congressional approval for them to take effect. Additionally, the host touches on the impact of Trump's presidency, the perceived failures of the previous election, and the broader implications for the American public, especially marginalized communities. Future episodes will delve deeper into specific topics like birthright citizenship and the implications of abandoning DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies.
00:00 Trump's Bold Moves
01:27 Where Have I Been
07:24 Trumps Wishlist
38:23 It's Not Goodbye
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
Everyone. So on today's episode. President Donald Trump has only been in office for five days and he has signed some executive orders that are just. Very extreme, but we knew this was going to happen when he said it on the campaign trails. And project 2025. Was actually published something that we've warned a lot of people about. And people just took it as a joke or like now he's not going to do that. Well, now he is. With his first five days in office, he hasn't signed one executive order. That's when a lower the cost of gas. Make building houses easier. He has signed executive orders. That have literally been divided the country even more than what's already divided. So here in today's episode, we're going to talk about some of those. Executive orders that he signed. And we're also going to talk about executive orders and essentially how they're kind of useless. Until I do go through Congress, but on a more exciting and positive note. This is the first episode of season two of the last conversation. And I can't wait. To keep going and podcasts and with you guys for this entire four years, because let me tell you, he's going to do a lot of dumb shit and we're running to talk about it. So without further ado, let's get to our intro. I'll see you guys in a few. Bye.
Microphone (Camo) & Camo-4:so before I begin this episode, I want to take just a quick. Five minutes. That's it. Just give me five minutes of your time to explain where I've been for the last several months. Starting now. So as most of you guys know I was a huge. Fan of. Then vice president, Kamala Harris running for president United States. I not only was because she was a woman, but she was a woman of color. And I felt that her ideas was actually something that most of us millennial, gen Z younger generations could honestly get behind. Especially because she was a lot younger than president Donald Trump. Right. After the election. I went into, I became an election to direct. I didn't know. All right. Am I going to storm a federal building or am I going to storm to bully? I'm like over here late. I think I'll storm AAA instead. Which is why my points became 4,000 points. That's besides the point. So I became an election denier and. I wasn't out here spewing lies. I wasn't saying that the election was rigged. I was honestly generally like confused on where the American public was at the time of voting. Because we said, we weren't looking back at a person who is a convicted felon. Who just spewed hate, who divided our country in those four years that he was in office. He allowed people who did have hate and who are racist against people who look differently than them to come out of the closet. Essentially. And show their true colors, right? We knew that this man did not care about the middle-class. Right. And I became a denier because it was like, there was no way the American people could be this stupid. Right. And I'm not saying for any of you guys who voted for Harris or you voted for a third party. I'm not saying that you're stupid, but people who voted for Trump. I'm calling you stupid because I watched his campaigns. I watched those rallies and what I took away from it was an old man who grabbed about the good old days. Right. I didn't feel as though he was talking about. Me. Right. When I watched those rallies, I didn't feel that. And I didn't understand how other Americans could talk about, could say that they did, because he didn't talk about lowering gas prices. He didn't talk about making sure that, Hey, we need more building materials to build more houses because we have a housing shortage, right. He didn't talk about, you know, he talked about immigration about deep mass deportations, but he didn't talk about making people who were here. And making sure we focus on our federal you know, court systems that get people processed so they can become, you know, permanent resident to finally get into the workforce. And maybe start building those houses that we are. We're lacking or the, you know, Plantation filter, whatever the case may be. And I just didn't understand it. He didn't talk about women's reproductive rights. He didn't talk about protecting them. He didn't do any of that. He didn't talk about the necessities, that average middle-class people. Talk about. You know, I've taught, I did a take talk earlier. Way before. And I had said most of you are middle class. You know, America only has about two to 3% rich people. So if you don't make. Over$300,000. You're poor, just like the rest of us. And yet the tax cut isn't for us, the tax hubs, where those people who are making all those, all the money. So all the actors and celebrities that are up there making all these, all this money, right. Very good in the tax. Cut. But us. Smaller people who support those actors and creators. And, you know, we you'll see their movies and whatnot. We don't get that tax break. That just means our taxes are higher. Right. And so I became an, a denier because I didn't understand that. And I still don't write. I still don't understand how we got to this point, how we could say yes, we want. To turn the page on Donald Trump and yet. We just went back in the book and flip the pages back again. So I'm running out of time because I'm at 31 seconds now. So I became an election denier. I couldn't understand it. And now we're here. We have four years of this guy. Who in the first five days? Has yet to make an executive order about you. The egg prices are still$4. Gas is still, I mean, it's not relatively high, but it's, it's at a decent price, but my groceries are still expensive. My rent is still outrageous. I still can't buy a house, which houses are now almost 400 over$400,000. Right. But what he has said is, oh, I'm going to put tariffs on things that are important to us. So those, the wood, the building materials that we need for houses, let's go ahead and put a 25% tariffs on that. For all of us who like, you know, tacos and we like avocados, tomatoes and stuff. That's imported from Mexico. Let's go ahead and put a 25% tariffs on that. Anything from China. Which is majority of everything. Right. Is going to get higher and more expensive for you for your everyday costs. So, if you thought those grocery prices were high now, so I'm at a stump anyways, my five minutes is up. We'll be right back. Cause we're going to talk about some of these executive orders that he signed. that aren't helping you. Be right back.
Microphone (Camo) & Camo-5:Before we dive into. His executive orders. Right. I want to talk about what an executive order is for some of you, you, you may know, and some of you may just not know at all. If I can compare it to something, executive orders are like things that you put in your Amazon wishlist. Okay. Now we know a lot of us have a lot of things in our wishlist. That's exactly what a executive order is. It's a wishlist item that you just put on the side. Executive orders aren't they don't go effectively in fat. Yeah, they don't go in effect immediately. So. That's what an executive order is. It's like a wishlist item. Now when you take that wishlist item and you move it to your cart, and we're going to say that. That the cart is like Congress, right? Congress has to obviously go through what this executive order is. Has to get passed in the house, go through the Senate. And then as Amazon, you check out, right, and your item gets shipped to you. When I get shipped we're on a riffer being shipped to you. It gets sent to the presence deaths, and he signs off on it. Right. And it's now federal law, right? That's exactly how an executive order is. It's like a wishlist item. It's not it's, it's just something that he did. Right. So far he assigned, I believe they said he signed about almost 30, three of them. In five days. But. I take it. He's going to be signing even more in the Mo in the coming weeks and months. Right. So some of the things that he has, you know, done so far he has released files about JFK and the MLK assassinations. I personally didn't know this was going to be on his agenda to release it. Buddy did. Also this past Thursday, he pardoned 23 anti-abortion activists a day before he addressed by a video link, the annual March for life event. And he signed more executive orders, including one to support cryptocurrency. His use of executive orders, both swift and abroad carry the weight of law. But can be more easily overturned, some face legal challenges. So let me give you a summary about what his executive orders have been. So we know that he has been targeting immigration like that is his platform. One of the executive orders is called repel and remove. So after his initial flurry of executive orders, Trump issued another demanding that the government suspends the physical entry of aliens engaged in an invasion of the United States. Through the Southern borders. It's called for officials to immediately repel. And remove those individuals. He also went on to sign a national emergency. Trump has proclaimed that American sovereignty is on their attack. Declaring this to be a national emergency that allows him to free up more funding to reinforce the border with Mexico. The same directive tells officials to relaunch efforts to build a border wall with Mexico that was started under his first presidency. This is not executive order and it's unclear how such efforts might be funded. Or assign max, go said, fuck you, second time. It's a woman. And she's really going to say, fuck you now. He went over to closing the border prison has told the military to seal the border side and the flow of illicit drugs, human smuggling and crimes are related to crossing. Here's one of the biggest topics right now is birthright citizenship. I don't know if I'm going to have enough time to really talk about birthright citizen, at least on this episode, but I can guarantee you. Our next episode, we'll talk about birth rate system citizenship. But. Trump has ordered the officials deny the right to citizenship, to children of migrants, either in the us illegally or on temporary visas. But the 14th amendment to the constitution has long been interpreted to enshrine that. Right. And Trump's orders was immediately challenged in federal court. Judge block Trump's plan to end us citizenship. Or birthright citizenship. And said this. It was unconstitutional. Terrorism designation for gangs and cartels. Trump has designated drug cartels. And international gains as a foreign terrorist organization. Adding the likes of Certain gains like M M S 13. To include the list of so-called. Islamic state. He also issued another one in remain in Mexico and no more catch and release. Trump has reimplemented his remain in Mexico policy from his first term. This. Return. About 70,000 Nannette skin asylum seekers across the border to await hearing before being canceled. By president Joe Biden. The same order, demanding the end of catch and release policy that allow migrants to live in us communities. While they await their hearing. From Pez previously promised the largest deportation program in American history, but this could face legal and logistic challenges. The order also shuts down a major Biden error and migration pipeline, a sponsorship initiative that allows up to 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti. And then Suela to fly to the U S it has been designed to cut. Illegal crossing is cut that down. He's got that. He also signed another executive executive order on the death penalty for more, for some migrants or immigrant crimes that should say. Trump has ordered that federal death penalty be reinstated at secure. have not happened in recent years. It would apply to any capital crime committed by an alien illegally present in the country. And anyone that convicted of murdering a law enforcement officer. He also goes on to refugee settlement. Trump has suspended the U S refu refugee resettlement program. Although details remain unclear on a helmet and. Again, as you know, Trump doesn't believe in climate change, he thinks it's all a farce. So here's what he did about that. He pulled us out of the Paris agreement again. Remember, we were in it when Biden first got elected. Which he had to get back in it because Trump pulled us out of it anyways. Trump has signed off on withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, the landmark international deal to limit rising global temperatures. You will have to wait a year before that happens. He previously with the drew in 2017, before Biden re entered. He also issued another one on energy emergency. Trump has declared a national energy emergency. Prom scene the fill up or oil reserves in his inaugural address. He vowed to drill baby drill. For more fossil fuel. Alaskans fuel. He signed an executive order titled unleashing Alaska's extraordinary resource potential, pledging to unlock oil, gas, and other national resources from the state. Fun fact, if you go to Alaska and live there, they have no. State tax or. I think it's income tax too. Because they drill and they have enough money that they don't need the tax from that. So. Cool. Anyways. And he also put an end to the green new deal from has halted the green new deal, a series of Biden measures that were aimed at boost stream. Green jobs regulating the fossil fuel industry and limiting pollution. He has ordered the agencies, the halt funds appropriate through two laws, the inflation reduction act and another law on infrastructure in jobs. He said to us with N Lee seen two wind farms and revolt what he calls an electric vehicle mandate. Trump vows to leave the Paris climate agreement. And drill baby drill. He also took us out of the world health organization. This the world, or also known as who really kind of like oversees and makes sure that we don't have like another pandemic like we did before. They do a lot of things that deal with. Health overall. Trump has signed an executive order to begin the process of what the drawing of the U S from the U N health body, the world health organization also known as who this marks, the second time trunk has Trump has ordered the U S to be pulled from who? After Biden reentered. It. He was critical of how the Geneva based institution handled. COVID-19. He also said another reason why he wanted to withdraw out of Uber out of who. Was because he felt that. America or the United States was putting too much money in and not enough countries were putting enough money. He said we were doing way too much. And he didn't like it. So probably I would say it's more. He might stay in it. He might not, but it would be more like a. Like renegotiation, it's almost like how he did with NATO. Like he says that we were paying too much for NATO. We were paying over our part and other countries. Weren't so. Luckily, he hasn't talked about NATO, but. You know, we're going on week two, who knows? As far as diversity in gender. You know, Republicans, people, if you don't look like a white CIS men, Yeah. Not, not for you. So let's go on first. First, I want you guys to guess I'm going to, we're going to take like two seconds. Guess who are those people on? This list is I'll give you a second. Trans. Yup. Yup. I'm trans community. I mean, Republicans have to have an enemy. That's the only way that they can boost their platform. Right. Right. They don't boost their platform by saying they're helping Americans. Now. They are. They want. Enemies. So they can go around and spew and be like, it's the trans it's the trans it's the trans or it's it's DEI. Like DEI has become an enemy of that. Remember, remember, woke is still an enemy to. So like all these diff like they, they rather have an enemy because that's the only way they're going to get fuel and to fuel people to really. Really put a separation. Like that's how you start splitting people away is you create an enemy. Right. And you say how bad this enemy really is. And so now DEI is on there, right? DEI is not an enemy and I am not going to do it in this episode because I can surely go on for awhile. And we'll probably do that in the next episode, but DEI. Has been a huge issue. And if you don't know what DEI means, it means neither diversity, equality and inclusion. Okay. As I said, if you are not a white CIS man, DEI is you. If you are a white woman, you are the I as well. Cause last time I checked. You didn't have voting rights about. 60 70 years ago. FYI. Anyway, so. Transgender people. Trump has declared that the us will only recognize two sexes. He said this at his inauguration speech, male and female. The sexes are not changeable and are grounded in the fundamental and in. Convertible reality. It is Expected to affect the transgender policies. Relating to government communication, civil rights, protection, federal funding, as well as prisons. It will affect official documents like passports and visas. In the same executive order. Trump ended all government programs, policies, and statements, and communications that promote it and support it. Gender identity. The new secretary of state Marco Rubio from Florida has. Told his staff that if there are any visas that come across with an X under gender, I believe it's non-binary. Yeah, you're just not getting a passport. Because there was only two genders according. To this administration, that's the rule. So if you're looking for a passport. And you're a part of our transgender community or your non-binary. I would kind of hold off on a passport for probably the next four years. Cause he ain't get no. Anyways, moving on DEI. As I said on Tuesday evening, a memo. Followed by another executive order. Shut down all the offices of diversity equality. Or equity, you can say, and inclusion programs within the federal government. With immediate effect, but given them until five o'clock Eastern time on Wednesday to comply. The day before, after being not re inaugurated Trump had halted all such programs, labeling them as radical and wasteful. The administration has also promised further actions that may affect the private sector as well. And as I said, we'll probably do another episode all on DEI and why these big companies like Walmart. And maybe even target on that list are kind of pulling back from the eye because they feel. As though this next administration is going to have a lot of repercussions for promoting it only in companies so far that is still standing pretty strong. Publicly is Costco. Costco is we don't fucking care. Anyways and. Take talk, went dark this past weekend and like, Tell you. It was the worst. Okay. So and a lot of people felt it and then, I mean, it wasn't even shut down for a whole day. Like it was literally shut down overnight. And by late the next evening it was up and running. I mean, it was taking a pretty slow sweet time, but anyways and now people are like, oh my gosh, I'm seeing 10 times. Trump did not save Tik TOK. Trump put Tik TOK in this very spot because when he, in his first four years, he had put Tik TOK on notice. Biden just carried it out. Did it. And then now we have it. And obviously my thought process is that he is the one who started the process and now he came back to be like, oh guys, I'm captain save a ho. Like I saved him. When he really didn't do shit. Right. And. Even that it's its own episode because it's like, Congress didn't give any type of specifics about why it's such a national security issue. Which a lot of take top readers, even myself had ass. What's this national security issue, right? Oh, well, we feel as though China may take information and use it and all this, and it's like, well, do you have any examples? Has this happened? Right? Because you could say that about anything. Right. We have Germany who created. Zoom it's either zoom or it's teams. They could, they could take our information, you know, how many important. Meetings. I worked for an insurance company now. Do you know how many important training meetings happen over zoom and another country has access to that. Right? And if you think. Over other countries are a threat. Have you met Americans yet? Some of the, some of the world's greatest hackers live in our country. Who can easily take whatever they want. Right. And then you have Americans going over to red dot or red book, whatever the hell it's called. That that now that's primarily all China, Aaron, like nothing. No, you know, us servers, anything like that, or Timo. Like, I think we're pretty good on. National security. Anyways. Trump has signed the aid directive per postponing. A 75 day. The implications of a law that would ban Chinese owned app take talk in the United States. The platform I had briefly been shut down the day before the inauguration to comply with the law, which demands that a new American owner can be found. From formerly back the tip top band, but it indicated he revived scores or reverse scores. Of his campaign videos attract billions of views. Asked what the action does after he signed it. He said gives them the right to sell or close it. And let's keep going on. He also went on to get in pardons out. Now, here is where a lot of people are mainly common sense. People are like, why would you do that? So the 2021 capital riot, he pardoned 102 stormed. The us Capitol. Trump announced he issue pardons for nearly 1,600 people of his supporters who were arrested at the right of the capital in 2021. Trump has reportedly referring to those arrested in the riot as hostages. And at least 600 were charged with assaulting. Or impeding federal officers. Now. 600 or charged with assaulting.\ How light, I mean, Matty willing to touch that one. He also commuting sentences for oath keepers and the proud boys. Do your research on what those are. Trump also community sentences for the members of the oath keepers, the proud boys far-right group who were convicted of sedation conspiracy in relation to the riot. A lawyer for the former proud boy leader, Harry who was jailed for 22 years for station conspiracy said his client also expected to be released. He also did some other pardons, so he did some anti-abortion activists, 23 people described by the white house as peaceful, peaceful pro-life protestors. We're pardoned by Trump. 10 of them were prosecuted under the Biden administration for black and the board. The abortion clinic in Washington, DC in 2020. He also did the silk road. Trump said that he signed a full unconditional pardon for Ross. They creator of the silk road, a dark web marketplace where illegal drugs were sold. Ross was convicted in 2015 in New York, in a narcotics and money laundering, conspiracy and sentenced to life in prison. But Trump Joel Haynes, the libertarians in claiming the conviction was an example of government overreach. He also goes into, this is very long. That's why we're going to keep going. We're doing government reform. So dog and Elan must Trump sign a directive grade in the department of government efficiency dog. A new adversary. Body on cutting government costs. It's expected to be led by Elon Musk. Who Trump separately said that he would get an office for about 20 employees. He did put a freeze on hiring federal hiring. I should say another order halts any new federal hiring, except within us military and several other categories until the Trump administration has full control over the government. But our employees returning the office, he said, you guys are no longer working from home. You're coming back to the office. He also did censorship another directive for the restored version of freedom of speech. And preventing government censorship. It directs the attorney general to investigate the activities of officials at certain agencies, such as department of justice, securities, and exchange commission, and the federal trade commission during the Biden error. He also signed another one that talked about political prosecutions and other executive orders seats to end the weaponization of government against political adversaries. It mandates a review of the work of various law enforcement and intelligence agencies under Biden to identify any instances of alleged weaponization and then recommend the appropriate ramification actions. He also goes on to, wow. I did not think this was going to be that long. Obviously what he did when, after he took over for, after he took over after Obama. Repealing pretty much everything that you did. Same thing, Biden left office. Now he's repealing everything. First one was the American first. Trump announced that he is pausing foreign aid outlining that he wants to review the foreign assistance. Programs. Caroline Leavitt, the white house press cert. Press secretary said this was part of a new American first foreign policy. You also have Israeli settler sanctions. Trump rescinded sanctions that Biden began in posing on extremists Israeli settlers, and seller groups in the occupied west bank nearly one year ago. The last administration executive order had targeted Israelis who were undermining peace, security, and stability in the west bank. And response to a surge of attacks on Palatine Palestinians and the properties and the territory. Cuba. Trump wants to undo Biden's recent decision to remove Cuba from the U S list of state sponsors of terrorism's. He could also reinstate sanctions for Venezuela. Both countries have frequent target for his era, doing the first administration. There's also a regulatory freeze and other order directs federal agencies to refrain refrain from issuing any new. Regulations until the Trump administration has full control on vaccinated, federal workers, as part of the directive re revising by an error policies. Trump revert to mandate that federal workers must be vaccinated with COVID. Vaccine. He has promised to reinstate 88, sorry, 8,000 military service members who were discharged due to the Pentagon's pulled it mandate. Those military members would also get. Pay as well. So when it focuses on the economy, he wants to tackle inflation as well. You signed a directive asking every us federal department and agency to address the cost of living. The directive, which is not an executive order as agencies to look at lowering cost of housing and healthcare and key household items, groceries and fuels. Now you're probably will. Stefan didn't you say he didn't sign an executive order for us? Yeah, that. Not really for us. It asks for a report in 30 days. It's not clear how the Trump administration intends to lower these costs and it's not detailed in the directive as well. He also wants to focus on artificial intelligence. Trump has signed a directive poly and the remover. Removing barriers to American leadership in artificial intelligence. Looking at making USB global leader in AI. The order revert, sir, the order. Revolts certain extent existing AI policies and director of the Trump said it had been acting as barriers. The executive order aligns with Trump recent announcements of Stargate, a propose 500 billion product aimed at creating massive IOD. Ay. Ay. Our AI, sorry, data centers in the United States. Science and technology, the Stewart. Director establishes the white house calls, the president's council of advisors on science and technology. The group will consist of no more than 24 members, including. I'm an assistant to the president. For science and technology is a special advisor for AI and crypto. Your Google will be tasked in advising Trump on science and tech matters to inform policy decisions. And harness the full power of American innovation. Digital finance, financial technology. He also signed secret documents. He also released, as I said for present John F. Kennedy. And Martin Luther king to. And as always, he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the golf America and Alaska's Mount den I from his director, the secretary of interior to change the name of the golf. Of Mexico to the Gulf America. Same order also directs the secretary to rename Alaska's Mt. Dan I to the Mount of McKenley in honor of the Americans, 24 20 fifth present. Who's tariff policies, trumpet, Meyers, present. Barack Obama changed the name from McKenney to deny to reflect what north America's highest peak was called by the NEDA. Tribes. You also gave the recognition to the Lumbee tribe. Got a recommendation of the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina. Trump has signed a directly of supporting full federal recognized. Recommendation of the Lumbee tribe. A group of more than five 50, 5,000 native Americans who mostly live in North Carolina. Country. But a recommendation of a native tribe brains with it, legal rights and government benefits such as healthcare and housing grants. All right. That one's good. But what he has not acted on is tariffs. As I said, tariffs is one of those things where. If. If it goes through a make. Things a lot expensive for us. So yes, you, he may have done the what's that. But let's look back. At tackling inflation. But tackling inflation and then putting tariffs on where we get materials and food from. Kind of contradicts the point. Because we get OU from Mexico, we get. You know, food from Canada or whatever the case may be. So. Yeah. Those are the tariffs that he, or I wouldn't say tariffs, those are the executive orders that I just right there. It's a very long list. Right. And I just read through all of them. We're at about 28 minutes of me reading through all that. We're not done. We're not done at all. We're just pushing week one by week two, he could sign another 1220 executive orders that he believes. Is helping the American people when in all actual. When all actuality, it's really just helping you Republican party, right? As I said, executive orders are like wishlist items. They have to obviously go through Congress. They're also going to be challenged by other states. Federal judges. Adversary groups they're going to be challenged, right? So you just have to keep your eye out and keep listening, be aware, right? These next four years is going to be a very, very challenging time for us here as American people. Because for the people who didn't vote for him, like myself and some of the guys who are listening to this episode, It's going to be rough, but. I believe that as long as we just, we, we honestly, and something that AOC says a lot is that Democrats need to. Stop trying to play the nice bite. And what I mean about that is that. Democrats need to start playing dirty as well. Like we need to get our hands in the mud and start playing on the same level they are. And I know you're probably will Stefan doesn't it seem a little petty, like. No, it's not, it seems exactly right. We need to start calling these Republicans out for the bullshit that they are putting up. Call them out because they're not trying to help the American people whatsoever. All they've done is truly divide what America stands for. Especially when we talk about DEI D E I is essentially what America is. We are. A country of immigrants. That's what makes us one of the greatest countries on this planet, because we have a melting pot of people in different ideas, right? And. When we attack DEI, we're attacking that foundation. Right. And yes, Republicans are like, oh, well it should go on merit. You understand, and for all my people of color out there, let me, let me just tell you merit. Doesn't get us. Anyway. Right, right. Because what happens is that the bar could be set here, right? The white. Men. Set the bar here. So then we meet. We are never going to be equal. The bar is never going to be set where it's like, this is the bar. They're going to raise it by something else. So D I was kind of like that boost of, okay, this is, this is what we need, right. It's not about, oh, well we hired you because you're black. Now we hired you because it gives you a fair shot at getting a job that you want. Because as I said, they set a standard and they move that standard up. When someone who does not look like them, trying to get the job. Right. No matter how much education I can get onto my belt. Um, my bachelor's degree will probably never be enough for certain jobs. Just because the way I look. So the war on the GI. Do your research into it, right? This is for you to feel included in your workplace. Remember it's diversity. As. Former first lady, Michelle Obama said that white house was built by black slaves. Right. You have a diversity equality, right. And I don't want to get on a tangent, but for my white women, that includes you. You may be like, oh, well I done the mat. No, that includes you. Equality equity inclusion, making sure everyone has a voice at that table. Right. When you get hired at a job, you want to see people who look like you. You don't want to work in a place that does not look like you because they won't understand how it feels to walk in your shoes. I say the exact same thing when I find. Young people of color going into law enforcement, buying an agency that looks like you. Because if they don't look like you, they don't know the struggle of being a colored person in America.
Microphone (Camo) & Camo-6:We're at 41 minutes. So we're gonna wrap up the show. First off, I want to say thank you all for listening to the show for season two of the first episode, I really just want it to kind of set the tone of how we're going to be going about this Trump administration. Which is very hard. Because. For the next four years. We're just going to have to just, I don't even know, like it's, it's going to be something that is going to be a challenge for the American people. On that note, we're going to be changing some things here at the last conversation. As I said, we are a podcast, but. We're diving into some video games. We're going to be doing our debut of our video game on February 4th, when we have kingdom come deliverance to which is going to be dropped on February 4th. So that's what we will be streaming. We'll be streaming it on Twitch and take top. But we're also going to still be bringing episodes to you right here. I'm going to try and get back more into it regularly. I, like I said, I stopped. And then it was more just like, how can we jump back in? So our next episode, I will be doing some more research into birthright citizenship, but I will also be keeping track of more of these executive orders that president Donald Trump is trying to. Implement. Until then I want to thank you. I love you so much. Thank you for listening. Please share the episode. We are on Instagram and we are on Tik TOK as well. And I hope I can see you guys. In one of those places when we start interacting. Be safe out there. The night.