The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
Voting Rights
Equal Pay
Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
Empowering Communities: Kamala Harris's Economic and Political Strategies
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This episode explores Vice President Kamala Harris's multifaceted approach to political and economic challenges. It highlights her struggle to gain support from black male voters and how Donald Trump impacts the political discourse. Harris's efforts include initiatives aimed at empowering the black community through financial support, business partnerships, mental health advocacy, and educational opportunities. The episode also outlines her economic plans such as tax cuts, affordable childcare, lowering food and healthcare costs, and home ownership incentives. Additionally, the significance of voting at all levels of government is emphasized, urging listeners to actively participate in the electoral process to drive change and honor civil rights legacies. The speaker shares personal stories to underscore the importance of making voting a communal and celebratory event.
00:00 Harris Fox News Interview
05:53 Struggles w/ Black Voters
17:00 Economy 4 All
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
If he's as bad as you say, that half of this country is now supporting this person who could be the 47th President of the United States, why is that happening? This is an election for President of the United States. It's not supposed to be easy. I know, but it's not supposed to be, it is not supposed to be a cakewalk misguided, the 50%? Are they stupid? What is it? Oh God, I would never say that about the American people. And in fact, if you listen to Donald Trump, if you watch any of his rallies, he's the one who tends to demean and belittle and diminish the American people. He's the one who talks about an enemy within, an enemy within, talking about the American people. Suggesting he would turn the American military on the American people. We asked that question to the former president today. Harris Faulkner had a town hall and this is how he responded. I heard about that. They were saying I was like threatening. I'm not threatening anybody. They're the ones doing the threatening. They do phony investigations. I've been investigated more than Alphonse Capone, he was the greatest gangster. No, it's true. No, but think of it, it's called weaponization of government, it's a terrible thing. So Brett, I'm sorry, and with all due respect, that clip was not what he has been saying about the enemy within that he has repeated. When he's speaking about the American people, that's not what you just showed. Well, he was asked about that specific No, no, no, that's not what you just showed, in all fairness and respect to you. No, no, no, I'm telling you that was the question that we asked him. You didn't show that, and here's the bottom line. He has repeated it many times, and you and I both know that. And you and I both know. That he has talked about turning the American military on the American people. He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful protest. He has talked about locking people up because they disagree with him. This is a democracy. And in a democracy, the President of the United States, in the United States of America, should be willing to be able to handle Criticism without saying he'd lock people up for doing it. And this is what is at stake. Which is why you have someone like the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying what Mark Milley has said about Donald Trump being a threat to the United States of America. He's quoted in the Bob Woodward book that way, yes. Let me ask you a question.
Stephan:That was just part of the box. And he did his interview that vice president Harris did. And I did not watch all of it. I've only watched clips. And I didn't like it. I, I didn't like it because. The interruptions, like he would ask her a question, but then interrupt the question. Just to ask another question. And it just. I was just like, all right, this, this is just not it. But I can see why she did, you know, trying to. You know, I, I would consider it showing that she's not afraid to go to the other side. You know, this is something that. Trump just isn't willing to do. He did a rally, which I can find the clip and show you at the end of this show. Of him just dancing for 39 minutes at a town hall when he was supposed to be answering questions. I thought it was a good interview. I definitely thought that. She definitely showed, Hey, look, I'm not scared. But. One thing that she should be scared of is. Trying to get more black men into her corner. Now we know that she has had problems with getting more black men. And I would say the age range would be about twenties to probably about forties. And you know, I can see why. You know, she would have problems there and she put all her proposal. But I think something that needs to happen is we need to talk about how the government works. I think that needs to be a conversation in order for the black community to understand that things will not go. A hundred percent our way. Because we do not have control of certain aspects of, we don't have control of the Senate or the house. We're not getting nothing done very much. You know, you saw that in the Obama administration. Which she was able to achieve certain things, but I probably would guess that there was more things that he wanted to do. So having. Control of a house and. Troll of the Senate. Would allow Hillis to. Do more things. So that means voting up and down. The balance, you know, it does not stop at just present. It starts with Senate. It starts with Congress. And remember your state government is probably the one that affects you. The moats that that's going to affect you on your. Bailey. Light. So remember that. So in this episode, we're going to go over Harris, struggling with the black men. I also want to go over her economic plan because she's said it multiple times and I'm like, okay, well, what is an economy for all really stand for? We're going to talk about voting essentially because there's still notions out there that your vote doesn't matter. And that's something I kind of want to talk to you. Young black. Voter to another black voter. We're going to talk about. Everything. Not everything. Just something. Yeah. Let's get to it. Harris, has struggled. With. Retaining black men into her corner. Now at some, she won over, but there are some who are. Let me be a lot harder than just saying why you should vote. So they need more, more persuasion. Like there's gotta be something that's going to get you a little wild up. I like to say that. There are black men who are on the fence. Like they don't necessarily want to vote for Harris. Or maybe they're still questioning about voting for Harris, but they definitely, probably don't want to vote for Trump. And I say, go with someone who's offered you some type of proposal, right? And I'll go on this tangent just a little bit and then we'll get back. Trump has not offered any type of proposals that would affect the black community There hasn't been any proposals that have been directly proposition. To the black community to be like, Hey, this is what I want to do exactly for you guys. And you know, Help you out. Eric's on the other hand, it has came up with a proposal, which you know what we have to start somewhere. You know, and something that I tell most black people who want to meet. You're not going to get everything. You're just not, you know, you're just not going to get everything. And yes, we live in a country that We're we're the minority. We're just, we're getting the shit end of the stick. But. It's not going to change overnight. It's not going to change with just one president. It changes. Over time and it changes with. Several presidents. But moving back to the topic at hand. So Harris does lag behind president Joe Biden's number with black voters in 2020, especially men. The recent old suggests that she has room to grow. Last week former. Barack Obama delivered a stark warning to black men saying that it's not acceptable to south a selection in suggesting they might be reluctant to built for Harris because she's a woman. It is a reality. Okay. We have to understand that there are some black men out there. Who do not want to vote for hers because she's a woman. It's just part of reality. And, you know let me just widen that net. There are going to be people of different races who probably do not want to vote for her is because she is a woman. We know people like that who are just. They're just like that. Right. It was a man. Sure. Go for it. It's a woman. No. It's almost like, kind of like a repeat of when Hillary Clinton was running for president. Eva's had bills and insults because she's a woman she's going to be this. It's gonna be that. And it's like, You know, Not true. Anyways. So these proposals that she has suggested will aim to provide black men with the tools to achieve financial freedom. And lower costs to better provide for themselves and their families and protect the rights. So part of the proposal. Includes providing 1 million loans that are fully forgivable up to$20,000, the black entrepreneurs and others to start a business. According to the campaign, the loans would be provided through a new partnership between the small business administration in some lenders, and banks. There is also calling for reading and investing in programs that help expand the pathways for job opportunities for black men, including promoting apprenticeships. And the strengthening and strengthening the public service loan forgiveness program and investing more black male teachers. If you use more black male teachers. And then on the campaign trail, Harris said that she would cut college degree. I mean it's for certain federal jobs, if elected as president. She has said this before, and it wasn't necessarily targeted at black men. It was targeted more at the general population of there are federal jobs that you should not need a college degree for. And as we. Luna. You know, we, there there's people who are 80, 90, a hundred thousand dollars in debt, not even using their degree because you know, these jobs that require the degree now are like, oh, well you need to experience. It's like, well, I just spent a hundred thousand dollars. That's my experience right there. All right. To get this job, and now you're telling me I can't get this job. So now they're working at, you know, enterprise McDonald's, which those are in tablets jobs. Not saying anything about them. But you're not using the degree that you want to build school for. So it's almost like why are we pushing college on our high schoolers? When some of these jobs don't even care that you went to college. They want to experience and you're like, well, I can't get that experience until you hire me. Right. So I always say some colleges better than none. But at the same time, I'm also being proved wrong that sometimes you don't need a college degree to become a supervisor at a theme park. Or wherever you're going to become one. Sometimes it's just working from the bottom and working your way up. At least for federal jobs, she wants to eliminate that. It also goes on to say that the plan will also support a regulatory framework for crypto currency and other digital assets. And the national health. Equity incentive that focuses on addressing health challenges. That disproportionately affect black men. I would say that would be more aiming at mental health. Mental health. And I have talked about this in several episodes and. I will probably do another episode about it. Mental health is a huge crisis in our black community. And. The reason why is because we have yet to understand, we need to talk about it. Yes, there have been celebrities that have come out and talk about mental health, but I still think we need more and more people every single day. To talk about mental health and the black community and how it's killing us. Faster than anything. And if it's not killing the older generation, it's killing our younger generation. And I. Have been a huge advocate for mental health, especially on this platform. But please for all my black people out there who are listening to the show, if you need help. Go get it. There is nothing wrong with you saying I need help. There are programs out there that will help you. Even discreetly, like you may not want to tell your family member, you might want to do it secretly that. It's fine. Just go and seek the help that you may need. Because too many of us are dying. Because we're just not getting the help that we. Or because we feel like we're going to be judged by our family and our peers for. Talking to a therapist once a week about the issues that we're facing. So I'll get off my mental health soapbox anyways. Another component, including legalizing recreational marijuana and clean opportunities for black Americans. To succeed in the industry. The vice-president has also reiterated that she believes that marijuana should be legalized in the United States. You know, I used to. I was not a fan of legalizing weed. And then over the years, I'm just like, Ethic who cares? Like if you want to smoke weed, it doesn't matter. You know, jobs are putting stipulations on. People smoking weed anyways, you know, especially certain jobs. There should definitely be. Restrictions or you shouldn't be able to do it at all, but I mean, everyone does it at this point. You might as well just legalize it. And be done with it.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-19:Now here's campaign as. Kind of hyped up some upcoming events, which by the time this episode comes out or past events one of them is all black men huddle up. Which is like an economic freedom. Talk series and paid media outreach, as they try to draw a contrast between Harris and the former prison. Now, here's what they say. Donald Trump's outreach is gold sneakers t-shirts of mugshots and insults and putting other communities down. The vice-president is actually speaking to what black men can achieve under her presidency. We think that's a start point contrast. And one that is important to talk about. Harris and waltz campaign communication director said in a statement. CNN as reported that Harris has been focused on turning out black men, even before. She took over as the democratic nominee, trying to get the enthusiasm there. That they had for Biden. But now. For her. The concern is that the couch is going to win. One person close to the Harris team previously told CNN. We need to make sure that black men, Hispanic men don't sit on the couch. Because if they don't vote at all, That's a vote for him. Here's the we'll travel to Detroit. This, she traveled to Detroit this past week and on Tuesday. She was on the radio show called the breakfast club with Charlemagne. And with God. Which the audience is primarily black. I will try and find clips of that. And. Put it in our next episode. That's pretty much her pitch. That's her pitch for trying to win. Black men. In this election, which is just the most. Important election of our time, you know? And I think that. The proposals are there. There's something on the table. Okay. There is something on the table. The other guy hasn't offered anything. There was nothing on a table, specifically targeting the black community. As much as he wants to say, talk about the black community and immigrants are stealing jobs are stealing black jobs. There's nothing. He hasn't put anything out on the lawn for us. Harris has. Are they great. That's where you, the judge. You know, if you want to start a small business, maybe that, you know, maybe that loan is is, is something that you're looking for. Like, I'm happy that there's something out there. Legalizing weed, which we know all y'all smoke. Could honestly help a lot of you. So think about that. So we are going to take a quick break and then we are going to talk about the viruses. Economy for all. Now this part is for everyone. Obviously but I wanted to look at it. In like writing. And see, what is our policy for all really mean? Let's check it out together.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-22:So when we talk about a economy for all, right, this is something that Harris has been pitching. It's something that, you know, I kind of was expecting for a while especially when they were like, oh, she's going to release her economic plan. Like, I was like, I have to make sure I'm off work. Like, I want to make sure that I hear this. And so in doing so, I think some of these will carry over from the Biden administration. But she might make a few tweaks, but I mean if they're working, like for a majority of the American people, keep it going, and just maybe upgrade it. Make some tweaks that maybe she sees fit as her presidency. So Economy for All starts with, and this is what everybody wants, is cutting taxes for the working people. So that's you and me who are going out every day working. 9 to 5, or 1. 30 to 12 at night, or the ones who are doing those late Starbucks shifts. Cutting taxes is something, especially for the middle class. We're always hearing cutting taxes for the rich, right? But I don't ever really hear cutting taxes for us. Like, we need, we need our taxes cut too. So first thing on her economy for all is cutting taxes for the working people. Now that means that she, in one of her goals for it, is restoring the expanded child tax credit up to 3, 600 to help more than 100 million Americans. Also part of cutting taxes is a new 6, 000 tax credit to help families pay for the high cost of child care for the first year. Which I need. Children, hell, it's so expensive, and and recently getting a dog from the shelter, hell yeah, like, I, it, it, it's costing, so I'm like, I'm over here, every time, like, someone's like, oh, you want to go out for drinks, I'm like, I can't, I'm, you know, I'm a single father, struggling, struggling to make ends meet, so, that's the first one. Second one that she wants to target is lowering the cost of food. As most of you know, if you go to Walmart, those prices from what, maybe 2016 are completely different from 2024. And you know how? Let me tell you how I know. I, as most of you guys know, I, I'm not, I'm not balling out here. So I buy these pizzas called Jack's Pizzas. If you've heard of them, you know them. Right, and they're at Walmart. I remember when Jack's pizzas were 2 and some change. Right, 2 and some change. And I used to stack up on them. I used to fill my refrigerator with tons of them. And they are now almost 4. They're like 3. 68 or something like that. It is very expensive. The cost of food is, is just, it's, it's really, Taxing on the American family. Like, you know, I spend, I, last week I was like, you know what, I'm going to buy groceries for the week. Because I usually buy groceries per day. And I spent about 60 to 70 dollars on groceries. Now let me tell you, I was picking food that was going to last me throughout the week. So these aren't just one single meal. These are meals I'm eating over the course of a week. So if it's only like 60, 70 for me, imagine what the cost of food for you is, right? If you're listening to this and you have, it's not only you, it's, you have, you have a spouse. You know, you gotta provide food, or if you have children, not just one, not two, maybe four, right? It's a lot of mouths to feed. Part of the lowering food and grocery costs, she wants to invest in building more resilient food supply chains. She also will revitalize competition in food and grocery prices because a healthy and competitive market means lower costs for the consumers, which is me and you. She also says that she will support giving small businesses, brochures, and growers the resources to compete Investing competition back into food markets and lowering costs to Americans. And thirdly, she will call on Congress to pass the first ever federal ban on price gouging. So, pretty good, right? The next one is lowering healthcare costs. As we know, her and President Biden have been very, you know, adamant about making sure that healthcare is affordable. Making sure that the Obamacare or the marketplace is for everyone to be able to grab something. So, during the Biden and Harris administration, they are saying that 9 million more Americans obtained health insurance coverage through the ACA, bringing the total number of Americans insured through the marketplace as a record of 21 million Americans. Nearly 10 million more Americans are enrolled in Medicare than before the pandemic, in large part because of new policies to help states expand Medicare coverage, Despite the process made by the Biden and Harris administration, affordable care still remains out of reach for too many Americans. That is very true. If you're not getting healthcare through your job, it's, it's not cheap. Especially if you don't go to the, to the To the doctors that often so I know like me personally like I when I sign up like the company I work for now I didn't choose the most expensive health care because I don't go to the doctors that often, you know, I go once a year for a physical And you know tough it out, you know if I get sick or something Over the counter medicine or maybe one of the quick clinics, but I don't want to spend all my paycheck on medical now if you have a lot of issues, or I wouldn't say a lot of issues, but if you have a lot of medical conditions that require you to go to the hospital or see a doctor so many times, then obviously you would want to invest in a higher health care plan. Something that her and the Biden administration did work on was lowering the prescription drugs. So that's something that she still wants to carry over, which is really good because no one should be paying all this money for insulin when it's part of your daily life. It's almost pretty much. Betting it's either you pay, you know, 400 to save your life or you die, right? And for an average American, maybe 400, you know, isn't, isn't something that people have. She wants to keep that on her docket as well, making sure that you're not spending more than 35 a month for saving your life, for instance. Another thing that she says is lowering energy costs. Oh. My. God. Let me tell you. I. I have electric out here, but man, like, I, it, it adds up and I mean, like I said, I'm in Arizona and like, I'm paying way more than I was in energy costs than I was in Florida. Believe it or not, like seriously, and I do like the, I do like the pay as you go plan cause trying to do like the traditional one is, oh my god, it's expensive. But I do pay as you go, and like, you can see how much money you're, like, every month. And I'm like, I'm spending double of what I was spending in, in Florida, which is making me have thoughts of moving back. Anyways. But she wants to make sure that she lowers the energy costs. And that's mainly on the, I mean, another way of doing that is, like, building solar panels. 6th thing on her lowering costs for middle Americans is lower costs by providing or by protecting consumers from fees and fraud. This is something that I thought that Biden had announced in his State of the Union address that he wanted to get rid of like those junk fees. You But it says, for example, junk fees, the hidden fees that are often tacked on to airlines, hotels, entertainment, cable, and other bills, but that they don't show up until the very end of the transaction which, which distorts the competition and leads to customers paying more. The average household pays more than 650 in junk fees annually, plus an accumulative of 90 billion and more across the economy. Harris and Governor Walz will stand up for Americans by making sure that they are not being scammed and swindled out of their hard earned savings. Yeah, get rid of those junk fees. Nobody needs the junk fees. Get rid of it. Alright, now, moving on to Section 2, which is called Build an Opportunity Economy to Help Americans Get Ahead and Build Wealth. Verse 1. Is help Americans buy a home, which, let me tell you, when she announced this, that crowd went haywire. Like, it went through the roof when she said that. And some ways that she wants to help Americans buy their first home, she did say she wanted to give a 20, 000 loan, which is your first down payment for a house. Okay. Would be nice. I mean, I don't, I'm not a realtor, so I don't know if 20, 000 is still significantly good in this type of economy. Because houses just keep getting more and more expensive. And that's due to, because we don't have enough houses to go around, which, you know. I always say, the the immigrants who are coming over here put them in construction. Have them start building houses. There goes your workforce. That could be a total dumb idea, but it makes sense. Anyways, the first way she wants to do this is unlocking 1. million new affordable rental homes through the historic incentives for the private sector. She also wants to do this by creating a new tax credit to rehabilitate affordable housing for homeowners who want to stay in their community. Oh! She also says she wants to build up supply through the first ever tax incentive by building affordable homes for first time homebuyers. And, launch a 40 billion expansion. And lowering the cost by taking on abusive corporate landlords. But, she wants to take on price fixing, which distorts markets and ending unfair practices that help large corporations. That help large corporate landlords drastically raise rents and stopping Wall Street investors from buying up and marking up home in bulk, which we have been seeing is a huge problem. It goes on to say that she does want to keep, she wants to expand home ownership with the store up to 25, 000 down payment for assistance for first time home buyers. And then, more than two thirds of renters identify saving enough for a down payment as a barrier for buying a home. Yeah, because, you know, it's, I was, my, my battery died yesterday, and, and AAA came out, and the, the mechanic who came out was just an amazing human being. And we were talking about money wise, and he's like, you know, he's an older, he's an older black man, and he was like, are you putting money on the side? I was like, yeah, I am. He's like, well, I want you to put more. I was like, what do you mean? He's like, I want you, if you can, take 200 out of every paycheck, put it in a separate bank account, and forget about it. And, which is an amazing idea, you know. But, not everybody can do that. And that was my, that was my counter argument to him. Not everybody can take 200 out of their paycheck. Now, the way to do it, and I'm not trying to go off topic here, you can set up that bank account, put it in, you know, your paycheck. Never look at it. Never look at your pay stub, right? And if you get paid bi weekly for that first month, you're gonna be like, Damn, my paycheck is low! But after about a month or two, you'll forget about it. Right? Because we get adjusted to how much money that we make. So, you know, I, I set 10 percent of my paycheck aside. 10%. It goes straight in the savings. Don't even notice it. I just notice when I look at my savings. I'm like, God damn, Stephon, you saving real good. Because I'm starting to get used to, after that 10 percent is taken out, now I have my regular paycheck that goes into my, that goes into my bank account. And I go off of that. I don't go off of, oh well, I also have that 10%. Even though you do, it's just building that wealth. I did find out that the average person only has about 200 to 750 dollars in Which is, you know, it's not far fetched. We don't, the jobs aren't really paying that high, and like I said, the cost of living, the cost of food, everything is so expensive. So it's like, you know, whatever you can save, you can, right? And I, I learned that the hard way. Next, she wants to invest in small businesses that drive the growth and innovation Within jobs, I always say that small businesses is just support your small business. And the easiest way to support your small businesses is go to a farmer's market. Go to one, right? Go to a farmer's market on Saturday. I do mine every Saturday. It's about 12 minutes from my house. And I go there. And if I don't buy anything, that's fine. Go outside, take the family, take the kids. Farmers markets are always usually a nice, neutral, happy place. People bring their dogs out. All that amazing stuff. But that's how you can support your local small businesses. Is going to those farmers markets. Or local small grocery stores. But back to Harris. So Harris, under Vice President Harris and Biden's leadership, entrepreneurship continues to surge with a record of 19 million new business applications. That's amazing. The share of small businesses expected higher revenue and plan to invest more than in the next 12 months. It's amazing what small businesses can do. Especially if you're online. New business applications average was 430, 000 per month in 2024, 50 percent more than in 2019. Also under the small business Harris would like to set a goal, set a goal of 25 million new business applications. She also wants to call for expanding the startup expense deduction from 5, 000 to 50, 000. And she wants to cut the red tape, including making it easier for small businesses to file taxes, removing unnecessary or excessive occupational license requirements. Also with small businesses helping entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground with a 50, 000 reduction for startup expenses, a tenfold increase, supporting new businesses and entrepreneurs in domestic manufacturing, and It goes on to say that she wants to modernize the federal government for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Encouraging states and local governments to cut the red tape, making it easier for people to actually start those and keep it going. Next one is invest in America's innovation and industrial strength power by American workers. Create security and opportunity for workers to build a care economy. She also wants to strengthen the opportunity to communities across America. Protect American out abilities to retire with dignity. And make our tax code more fair and promote growth. That is Harris economic plan. He spent 22 minutes and 30 seconds on it. So I think that's, we're good enough. I will post this as a link on the podcast. So when you go to the description just copy the link and you can read it all yourself if you want to read it. Or debate it. It's up to you. Anyways. In our next section, I did, this, this episode's gone a little longer than I expected. I did want to talk about Trump's tariff idea, but I will do it in our next episode. Next, let's talk about voting and why your voice does matter.
Stephan:So I want to end the show on a positive note. But first. I need you to vote. Okay. I am asking you from. Black. Young male voter. To you other black person. You know, Brother from another mother, like. I don't know. Please. Go out and vote. Okay. It's please do not sit on the couch. You know, I understand you may not like all of her policies. But boat. You know it and voting, it's not just voting for the president of the United States. You have to vote down the ballot. There are. Senators, it was Congressmen's. There are judges there's. Th the list can go on. There's other people on that ballot that need to be voted out or voted in or can stay right. And as I say all the time, The presidents. Yes, it does have an effect on your life, but your local government or your state is what affects your daily life. It is going to affect rent increases. It is going to affect those small businesses. It affects the taxes. Hell. I moved to Arizona and there's like all these damn taxes as if I'm like in New York. And it's starting with your government, your local state government. It's what's going to have the effect on your daily life every day. Yes, the president that's at a federal level. Fantastic. But this is at a state level. So you're going to want to vote for people who are going to make your life easier. Right. So go out and vote. Hell you could S. You know, you could write someone in like some people do the very, like 1% of the people actually write in like someone from the green party or whatever other parties that are out there. But loading. You know, are. Civil rights leaders. Present future past. I thought. Or are going to fight or are fighting now to keep the right for us to vote. Because, let me tell you there. There are people out there who still do not think that we should have the right to vote or there should be way more stipulations. On for us to vote. They want to strip that voting right away. Right. All of your ancestors. Think of. Our past civil rights leaders who have passed on. They fought. Tooth and nail getting drug, getting home, getting. You know, shot at. So you have the opportunity to vote. So you can make a difference. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. I'm telling you to go and vote. That is your voice. So it's not, oh, well, my vote doesn't matter. Your vote matters. Whether it keeping that Senator. In the Senate seat and we keeping control of the Senate so we can actually do more productive things. It's your vote? That, that we win the house. We went in the house. We can, we can do so much more. Right. We won the house and the Senate. Hell, we can have a whole party. But it starts with you. Voting. Not just at the federal level, but the state level too. You know, we talked about marijuana. You have those judges who are harder on. Us black citizens. You know, our white counterpart might get a slap on the wrist, but we're getting 90 days in jail. Those are judges that you need the vote out. Do your research. But you have to go and vote. You cannot stay on the couch. And one thing that I always say to people, if you don't vote. Do not complain. Right. I want you to go out and I want you to vote. I want you to use your constitutional white hell. Make it a party. I, when I go vote, I take the whole day off. I make it a party. I go to my favorite restaurants and I wear that sticker proudly that says I voted. Be proud of it. Take your friends, take your family. Take whoever. Drag them all. So you all can vote together. Hell have a group chat of we're voting on. This day. But do you not sit at home? Do not. So with that being said, I love you all. And I do want to sincerely apologize for my absence for the last two and a half months, a lot of stuff has happened and. In the coming episodes, I will. Slowly died. Breasts or I will slowly devolve divulge. Is that the word? Of what's been happening. So please. I am asking you. I'm imploring. You. Allowed in volts. I do it. Your vote changes a lot. It says a lot too. So. Anyways, I want to thank you all for listening. This has been an amazing time. Let me tell you, I have tried record this. At least 10 times. I love you all be safe out there. Take care of your mental health, taking all your physical health. And treat other people the way that you want to be treated. And take care of. You say.