The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
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Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
Biden Drops Out: Kamala Harris Endorsed and Project 2025's Impact on Education
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In this episode, I discuss the unexpected withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the presidential race and his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. The conversation shifts to the controversial Project 2025, focusing primarily on its potentially devastating effects on the U.S. education system, including eliminating Title One funding and the resulting teacher shortages. The episode concludes with a call to action to stay informed and emphasize the importance of voting in the upcoming elections.
00:00 Biden Drops Out: A Historic Decision
03:24 Kamala Harris Endorsement: A New Hope
25:38 Project 2025: What You Need to Know
48:34 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
You know this past week, I was like, man, what exciting new things is going to happen in the political atmosphere? And then. President Joe Biden drops out. Of the race, which. Before we even continue, I want to give him just a round of applausE.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-6:Now you have to admit for any political figure. It's very hard for them to. Step down. Right. It's very hard for them. To give up power, especially for white man. But. You know, throughout the day. People were just giving so much praise and love and respect and calling him a Patriot and called him a true, like he like a true country person. Or country, man, I would say. And. I personally, and I don't want this going on for a thousand years. I personally think it was probably one of the toughest decisions that anyone can make, especially because he spent his entire career, his entire career. To get to that oval office and just to give it up. It after four years, you know, and he says it all the time and he's like, there's still so much. I wish that I could do. But now, you know, he has to pass the torch. And it all stems from. The debate. Now, go ahead and add that debate. As I said, in the last episode, what's terrible. It was the worst. Presidential debate that I've ever witnessed. But I felt as though Democrats should have. Rallied behind him. They should have ran to him instead of running away from him. And I think that's why. There was a lot of. That's why the country didn't believe in him. Like the party didn't believe in him, but. And that was the issue that I had. It was like, why are you running from him? Obviously he needs help, obviously. We should have been running to him and figure out, all right, who's on his campaign staff, who's doing like, who's prepping them. There should have been so many different questions, so many different avenues to try and approach. The before his second debate. You know, we, we all mess up. We're not, we're not perfect. And I feel like they, maybe they over prepped him to where they didn't give him enough time. He is old. You know, enough time to absorb it. They should have been given them like bits and pieces, you know, debate up maybe a half a day this day and maybe another half a day this day. I think he was probably over-prepared. Either way. It was terrible. And I think they, his colleagues, his party, the democratic party should have ran to him. Instead of running away from him being like, yeah, it was terrible. We're scared. I think you should step down. Like. We kind of asked for it. But. That wasn't. That even though that was historic because historic moment. Is when the QI. Gave his endorsement to vice president Camila. Eris. Like, let me tell you the internet went wild. Now. I'm literally driving my bus. And I'm finding out, you know, I get, I get updates from CNN on my phone and it's like, Biden drops out. I'm like, fuck, no. And then by the endorses Kamala Harris, I'm like, oh, yes, This is something we've been wanting for. And let me tell you the. Excitement that's coming from the democratic party. Is amazing. Like even I am excited. Like at first, I mean, I was still excited with Biden. Like I was still on a vote for him. I was still all in forum. Like I said, he's still had a terrible debate, but no, one's perfect. He's 81 years old. You can't expect much from, from him to be. Spot on. Perfect. Like he's not. Young. But when he gave the endorsement for vice president Harris, I just got so excited. I was like, it's about time, right? We, and even the coming days, they were on take top beam. Like if you're going to pass a torch, pass it to her. And I feel like it was amazing. You know, the, the excitement that's there, the young people from 18 to 34, it's there in the black, the black community. Is there the Hispanic, is there everyone, any type of minority is there because they are ready for change. They were going to vote for Biden, but Harris just makes it easier. Right? Nikki Haley, even though I do not like her anymore. She is fake in my book. She said. The first person who gets rid of their old guy is going to win the election. And I think she's eating those words right now, because I believe. In my whole heart, that Harris will win by a landslide. I feel like this is what. The country needed. I feel like this is what the democratic peep. This is what the democratic party needs. And I feel like she's going to be able to reach those avenues that maybe. Trump can't reach. Right? One thing that I'm seeing a lot is that they're starting to attack Harris. Not only for being black, but being a woman they're attacking her laugh and something. I was discussion discussing with my best friend, JD. Was that. The more you attack women, the more they're going to not vote Republican and they want to vote for a Harris. Because. Why. Like you're attacking because she's black, you're attacking because she's a woman. Like you're just pushing all those people. You're trying to attract. Right into Harris's bank account. Szczecin votes, right. Especially trying to get those independent women, all those suburban women. So this is exciting. It's so exciting to watch. It's, it's going to be amazing. But. One thing that Republicans are always doing, they love to point out that Biden was old. But. What about Mitch McConnell? He's pretty old, actually. Take a look at this clip. And you tell me. If he's not old.
Thoughts about what? Running for reelection in 2026. Did you hear the question, Senator? Running for reelection in 2026. All right. I'm sorry. You are. We're gonna need a minute. Any okay. Somebody else have a question? Please speak up.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-7:The man looks like a goldfish. Like he's just there, like. I don't mean to make fun of him. But I do it. So then we all understand what you can't sit here and be like, Biden's old. He needs to. You know, Not, you know, if he can't run a re-election campaign, he shouldn't, he should just step down. And it's like, you have Mitch McConnell over here. Freezing. Like he's a goldfish staring outside of the bowl. But then you guys. Th you guys aren't telling him to step down, but you're telling like, come on. They're kind of like double-edged store. Like they want, they want one thing, but then they can't admit their own faults. Right. So today's show it's going to be amazing. It might be a little long, but we'll see. We're going to talk about that the Republicans have called vice-president Harris is a D E I hire. We're going to talk about DEI. And how that is important. And then we're actually going to start talking about project. 2025. I've seen a lot of information on it, but I'm specifically in this show going to talk about how it's going to affect our education system. Especially for those schools that are rated D or F schools that are in poor communities. And we're going to dive into education. We'll also dive into other things on project 2025. But in this show, we're going to talk specifically about education. Stay right here because. It's going to be a good show. Promise you that.
Thanks for watching!
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-12:So we knew that. When vice-president Harris announced that she was going to run for president, we knew the attacks, right? She's black. She's she's a woman. And all the other things that you could think of that goes along with it. Oh. And also the new insult that JD Vance believes is an insult. Is that she's childless, which. I didn't think if you were a step-parent you're really childless anyways. So. The Republicans. I've already started coming out with it. So take a listen to this. Of what one Republican has said so far. About vice-president Harris. Being a D E I hire.
CNN:First off, he said he's going to hire a, a black female for vice president. When you go down that route, you, you you take mediocrity and that's what they have right now as a vice president. He's suggesting she's, she was a DEI hire? 100%. She was a DEI hire. Republican Congressman Tim Burchette of Tennessee complaining about Vice President Kamala Harris being put on DEI. Is it 1951? Is it 1951? 1951. 1951. Was he about to go into, like, a country club in, like, rural Tennessee there, like, in 1951? Is he serious? If you are a black woman, then you're a D. E. I. hire? She was Attorney General of California. United States Senator from California. Where does he get off saying this? Again, just because she's a black woman.
Stephan:So I'm not the only one who is questioning why all of a sudden. We're thrown out, DEI out there. Because it's not bad. To be honest. The entire United States is DEI. Now you're probably like, well, Stefan, what does DEI even mean? I'm glad you asked. Here's what DEI means D means diversity. It is embracing the differences. Everyone brings to the table, whether it's someone's race. Age. Ethnicity, religion, gender sexual orientation is gullibility or other aspects of social identity. Now equality. Or equity, whichever one you want to say is treating everyone fairly and providing equal opportunities. Inclusion, which is I is respecting everyone's voice and creating a culture where people from all backgrounds feel encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives. Now you're probably like, well, that doesn't sound. That sounds good. Yes. It to me and probably most of other Americans. Yeah, it probably does sound. Amazing. But to Republicans, they don't like D IDI means we have to work together. That means they're going to have to listen to other people who are not white. So. They're using this as. A insult when essentially they're just pushing more minorities away from the Republican vote because you want the, you want people who look different from different. Black backgrounds to be able to come to a table at their job or wherever. And be able to contribute to whatever the meetings going with. So next, we're going to skip down to how does the DEI look at work? Every job is completely different of how DEI work. Some will say it in their policy. Others, it's more just the language that they use about it. And so. This study here says that according to a pew. Research center in 2023. 61% of us adults say their workplace has policies that focus on fairness. In hiring promotions and pay. And 56% of us adults say that focusing on increasing diversity equality inclusion at work is mainly. That thing. Kelly Baker and executive vice president and chief human resource officer. At trivalent, I'm probably saying that completely wrong an organization that provides financial advice. So the DEI in the workplace can be a mix of employee training, resource, net words, and recruiting practices. Now as you know, we've had several Republican states that have. Not allowed that they literally have told companies. You don't have to worry about the, I don't include it. And as I've reported before that Texas and Alabama took it out of colleges and universities. They're not going to be the only red states that do that, but. It'll go into the article about that part. So they also say that her company, for example, has resource groups for women in leadership, young professional, black employees, Hispanic employees, and military veterans among others. The company's D E I training teaches employees how to understand and bridge cultural differences in the workplace. The company also seeks job candidates with diversity in their race. Geographically. Gender industry background baker had said, experts say that many corporations tie DEI. To their business in the strategies. They go on to say that diversity is related to our business growth strategy. Baker said. It's paramount and essential and crucial for us to ensure that our client base reflects the world that we are in and the world that we are going to be in. As I said, they're, they're, you know, very blunt about it. There's other companies that honestly follow the same policies. Or the same track. You know, making sure that everyone's voice is heard may ensure that there's equal pay. Hiring. And this is, and this is kind of like a rabbit hole, but. I know when. Black. Academy students are looking for certain precincts or certain. Jobs, I would say in the law enforcement field, diversity is a huge factor. Because you want people that look like you who will be training you or just be in that department. Because. You know, it's, it's, it's good to feel welcome. And it's good to see someone else who looks like you. Who might have had the same experiences so they can better explain things to you as well. Now DEI in education. Is where a lot of problems stand for. As I said, Texas and Alabama, there was also other states that took out the I out of their college and universities. And it. It just creates this tension because we have so many different backgrounds. We have so many different, you know, Cultural differences that this would be essential. For colleges and universities. So you can learn about someone who is from Morocco or someone who is from India, or maybe you want to know your black friend more better. You know, you have all these different holidays are celebrated that. You know There are celebrated. And the college wants to make sure that everyone feels. Accepted or everyone feels included. Right. So colleges. Campuses have also been a ground zero for the AI debate in state lawmakers across the country launch efforts to hold or limit DEI programs in public schools and universities. Earlier this year, university of Florida eliminated the office of its chief diversity officer to comply with regulations of the Florida board of governors that prohibit spending state funds on a DEI program. Ella Washington, professor of practice at Georgetown university's. McDowell school of business said that she is concerned that efforts to ban DEI on college campuses will prevent students from being prepared for the real world. She goes on to say that I think a lot of it is shortsighted and politically motivated. It's hard for me to believe that all these lawmakers want exclusion to be taught and to erase all of the history. Washington said that while DEI looks different on every college campus, many schools focus on efforts on recruitment and administration. Krillick gum. And special programs for underrepresented students. Georgetown office of students, equality and inclusion oversees several DEI center programs, including the disability culture center women's center, the LGBTQ resource center and the center for multicultural. Equality and access. According to its website. Washington said that there is also a program for first-generation college students, where they have chance to build a community. Prioritizing and embracing a diverse student body allowed students to interact with peers from different walks of life and learn new perspective. Even outside the classroom. She goes on to say, Colleges. Are certainly a. Micro organism of the world. So having an experience where equality is centered Is considered inclusion is at the forefront of people's minds. Those are things that we are teaching the next generation about how they should be running the world. So you heard it there. That. One, these politicians, red ones, Republicans are shortsighted. Being that. In college, this is how. And even in school, like if you take it from college and you put it in K through 12 schools, right. You teach in school. You're teaching schools. You know, teaching students how to interact with people who don't look like them. Right because there's certain there's there's. Certain households that will teach. Kids to look. And act around certain groups of people. I'm not saying that all of it's negative, but I am saying that it affects the child. So if we start K through 12, And then we put it in the colleges as well. That means when they go out into the real world. They know, oh, you know how to be respectful to someone, not saying something insulting, but that's just how this country wants this country is built on DEI. If you, if, if you want to take it from just a small aspect to much larger. DEI is the United States have an hour, but we are a country full of immigrants. The only people who've been here are native Americans and we treat them like shit to. So if the country is founded on DEI, You know, it's embedded in there, no matter how much you try and get rid of it. It's not going. It's just not going to be that big of effect the way that Republicans want it to be. To be honest, I mean, if you're thinking about it, it's like, they kind of just want everyone to hate each other for having a different skin color or having a different sexual orientation or being a woman. Or discriminating against someone who may have a disability, whether it's slurred speech or they might be in a wheelchair who knows, but that's the. That's the, the mold that be. Republicans are creating. And in some aspects it is working and in some aspects it's not. So it, we need more people we're pull DEI. To keep preaching. To keep spreading the word of, this is what we need. This is the only way our country moves forward, because if we don't have the EEI, we're moving backwards and we're creating a world hate. We're creating a world of more judgments. We're creating a world that our kids will grow up in. And they won't want to interact with someone who is a different race or whatever the case may be. So let's move on. Cause I can. I wrote a whole paper over it. So what's the next in the fight over DEI. So in April, 2022, Florida, governor Ron DeSantis signed HB. known as stop woke bill into law. Texas North Dakota, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah also have at least one anti DEI bill that has been signed into law. According to the Chronicles of higher education. And the brassica Republican state Senator Dave Mirman proposed the bill in January that would prohibit state colleges and universities. From dedicating public money. And staff time to DEI efforts. The bill is currently in the Nebraska legislation education committee, which will decide whether to move it forward to a full legislation vote. Merman's office did not respond to her quests from CNN. Nebraska Democrat. State Senate, Danielle Conrad. Told CNN she opposes the bill in part because the broader effects to band DEI. Has been decisive. She also said it distracts from the real issues. Colleges are facing such as families who can't afford tuition. DEI she said is valuable to colleges and universities. She goes on to say. We absolutely know from common sense and research that when we have more diverse perspectives and discussions or as part of our education, it helps us have a more thoughtful results. Conrad set. It helps us to be more well-rounded active and engaged citizens. As I say, if you take the EEI from just colleges and universities and you relate it to everyday life, we're working with people who don't look like us every day. We're talking to people who don't look like us. DEI is a global theme that helps our country keep moving forward. And the moment you get rid of the I is the moment you were saying, Who gives a flying fuck. About diversity who gives a flying fuck about equality, who gives a flying fuck about inclusion? Right. Those are things that every single person you, you listening to this podcast. You want your job to make sure that you feel included. You want your job to make sure that you feel equal, right? You want to make sure you're when your job is how I am hiring a diverse. Workforce. Everyone brings something to the table. We all have a resume. So we all have different experiences. I have a way different experience than some of these other drivers who work for Greyhound. Which means. I see things differently than they do, or they see things differently than I do. But when it comes to. DEI. They're trying to make it. I say, Republicans are trying to make it seem like you don't want this. This is terrible when it's essentially not. It makes you feel like you're included, as I said, In that in the diversity, let's go back up to it really quick. In the diversity, it says embracing the differences of everyone that brings to the table. Whether their age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, and or other aspects of social identity. That's everyone. Right. You're a woman, white woman, you fit in diversity. If you're a Mormon, you fit in there with the religion. No matter, even if you're a white Mormon, you fit in that. So DEI is very important. We need it. And every aspect and I. I would even go as far as starting it from K through 12, we need to start teaching these kids. Y D E I is important. I'm not saying shove it down their throat. But it definitely should be like, Everyone needs to feel included. You know, I'm black, he's white, let's Brit let's bridge the gap. You know, let's oh, this is, you know, this is what we cook for Thanksgiving. What do you cook for Thanksgiving? Or, you know, whatever the case may be. It's about feeling. Included. It's about feeling equal. You can share that everyone has the same opportunity to go for that promotion. Right. That's enough on DEI. I can, I can go on forever. The next thing that we want to talk about and move on to is project 2025. Now I've seen. People say it. I've heard people say it, but I want to go into a specific. Area. About project 2025. I specifically want to focus on. Education education is what makes this world go round. Would you agree? So let's focus on education. And what project 2025 wants to. Due to the education system. And it's not good. We'll be right back.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-14:All right. So I want to share a clip of what's in the pages of this project, 2025, which is 900 pages long. But I want to read just. Some of the policies. That I, that are pretty bold. And the 2025 Packet of doom. So. We're going to go down this list and then I want you to listen to this video. So if you know, who gets elected the whole thing, oh, please, please. God. These are some of the policies that they are going to propose. First one is gives employers the choice to no longer pay overtime to hourly workers. Why the fuck do I go to work then? Overturning the 25th amendment to no longer limit presence to two terms. So I would. I would think that he wants to be like, Ooh, And be able to do. You know, Three terms or five or however many are staying there as long as he wants. I wind up allowing the president to enforce the death penalty where appropriate and actual. Creating a civilians state to monitor pregnancies and give the government the power to prosecute those who have miscarriages. Increase the national maternal mortality rate by undoing a policy that requires hospitals to offer abortions and medical emergencies. And protections for preexisting conditions for healthcare coverage and when employers deny coverage of birth control. And I UDS. Eliminating red flag laws and make it easier for dangerous individuals to purchase guns and ammunition. I'm eliminating the Medicare's ability to negotiate lower prescription drug costs. And the$35 insulin price cap. Then the shipping of pills used for medication abortions and the medical equipment doctors used perform the abortions. Effectively and in the procedure of nationwide. Increasing the amount of working families pay in federal taxes each year while allowing the wealthy to pay even less. Slashing the budgets for low income schools and getting rid of head start programs. Programs like Medicare. And eliminating more than 50,000 government jobs in the favor of a new system that would go as far as the department of justice. Make the workplace less fair by reversing regulations that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. Gender identity, transgender status and sex characteristics. And the last one says creating policies hostile to green energy by withdrawing from the Paris climate Accords. Rolling back greenhouse gas, regulations and laws around fuel efficiency and auto mobiles and making it more challenging for solar and other renewable energy sources to be added to national power grid. Are you scared yet? I'm scared, like. Like ending pre-existing conditions. Light. Aye. Yeah. So I'm going to let you listen to this video. And it's it's about education, but it's about making. You take a military exam. Just, just listen to this.
Joy Ann Reid:Far more sinister is what's buried deep within project 2025, which any person who sends their child to public school should care about. They want to mandate that all students in schools receiving federal funding must complete the armed services, vocational aptitude battery in plain English, that's a military entrance exam. If you flip to page 134 of the 900 page project, 2025 manifesto, you'll read this proposal and I quote to improve military recruiters access to secondary schools and require the completion of the armed services and vocational aptitude battery, the military entrance examination by all students in schools that receive federal funding. And guess who would be exempt from that requirement since they don't get federal funds. Private school kids. You feel me now?
Stephan:Now, if that didn't scare you. Taking a military exam. Who, what. Not even. So that's the video I wanted you guys to watch. So let's go into a little more. Depth. With education. So first off. Congress past. The department of education organization act in 1979, which established the agency as defined by its core. It says this to strengthen the federal commitment, to ensure access to equal educational opportunities for every individual. Project 2025. Would dismantle that entire thing. This is how it would dismantle. It proposes dismantling the key role of the federal government to increase access and close the educational opportunity gap. Essentially. Or especially in communities with lower property values. Since a large proportion of the country's K through 12 schools is funded by local property taxes in doing so. The playbook creates an intentional harm on today's children and generations to come. One of the projects 2025 most extreme plans include abolishing the U S department of education. The only federal agency that is mandated to ensure equal opportunity. And accountability and to fund states and school districts for elementary and secondary education. Now we know. If you haven't figured this out, and this is before project 2025. If you live in a poor neighborhood, that school. It's, it's not going to have the funding to have like laptops and new school supplies. That's why, why these schools, like, if they have a football team, they're always trying to go out and sell candy bars. They're doing something because the school doesn't have that money for that. Activity. And project 2025 with. Pretty much eliminate all those schools. Those schools would have to depend on. Something. Or at least it would depend on the property taxes, but it wouldn't get any money from the state or from federal. So here's what also, it goes into. So. They recommend that the next bar rate administration redirect taxpayer dollars, including K through 12 public education to fund. Listen to this. Private and religious schools or the wealthy. So school, so people who are building rich. That's would taxpayer dollars would go it wouldn't go through it. Wouldn't go to that small little school and pine Hills in Orlando. I can't remember the name of it. Wouldn't go there. It would only go to private and wealthy schools. It would also roll back title nine, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. It would also eliminate headstart. It would block student debt cancellation programs and increased monthly payments for student loan borrowers. Remember they just blocked the, they just blocked the previous bill because the red state. We're like, Hey, we're not making the taxes off. These student loan repayments. So we're on a block program. It would sensor anti-racist. Studies that teach tolerance in schools. And it will eliminate school nutrition programs, particularly for children experiencing food insecurities during the summer when they lack the access to school meals. Moreover project 2025 proposes disinvestment in programs that support states in meeting academic needs of the nation's most vulnerable students, including students with disabilities. Served by the individuals with disabilities, education act and low income students at title one eligible schools. Now. Not only would this affect. Schools, but this would, this has a real effect on the students itself. So in title one part a of the, every student succeeds act or E S S a obligate supplemental fund, federal funding to states ensure that all. Children. Regardless of their income receives a fair. Equitable high quality education title. One was created in response to the civil rights act. The 1964. On the elementary and secondary education act. Of 1965 was signed into law by them present. Lyndon B Johnson. And an acting title. One Congress recognize that students in high poverty schools have greater education needs, which continues to be reality. And states lack the resources to continue that divide. Therefore federal aid was required to provide the academic services and opportunities for those students. Private 2025 with what? Eliminate all that. More than half nations, public schools serve a high concentration of low-income students with 63% of the traditional public schools and 62% of public charter schools in 20 21, 20 22 school year identified in title one eligible. Title one has been a critical program to address Chronic funding and opportunity gaps between students experiencing high poverty. And the more efficient peers. Now. Teachers. For all my teachers out there. I love teachers. I I've had some amazing teachers in my Cape and 12. I'm learning. But teachers have had shortage. I don't know if you know, but there. Especially for. Poor schools. It's hard to attract teachers. Most schools have to do like a bonus or they have to do some type of incentive. To get. Teachers to work there. And some schools even offer higher paid. Like they offer the, pay you more than like, let's say that the teacher wanted to go to a B school, right? That D school is offering them more than the B school, because these school obviously needs teachers. So title one. Is critical to hiring and retaining well-prepared teachers in schools during 2023 and 2024 school year. Every state in the country reported a teacher shortage. One or more subject area. But high poverty schools are at a double disadvantage when it comes to teacher shortage. Recent research show the turnover rate. At our higher at high poverty schools, 29% in schools with lower. With lower poverty rate, 19% indeed. Teachers are leaving high high poverty schools at alarming high rates due to poor working conditions and unmanageable workloads. You also have to take in the fact that teachers are buying their own supplies, which could cost two,$300. And remember these students are poor, right? So you're, you're not expecting them to bring that entire long list. Of school supplies and it seems like every year they're just getting. Higher and higher, like they're adding more and more clap. Because the teacher is coming out of their own pockets of, to. For most of it. You know, and. It's just, it's so sad. And that's when they do, you know, back to school drives where, you know, they're having other people donate that packs or donate crayons, or it's essentially just. Community has to take care of its community in order for it to keep. Staying just a float. So it also says in order to close the achievement gap between high poverty and wealthier schools, districts need more funds, financial or federal aid through title one and other programs to support early career teachers. And retain outstanding teachers who make up the irreplaceable due to the high performance and success. Now. If 2025. Would go into effect. It would also worse than the teacher shortage that we are already facing right now. So project 2025. Would eliminate more than 180 teacher positions. And negligent and negatively. Negative tealy. If I can speak. Affects the academic outcome of 2.8 million students. Across the country. Loss of 180,000 teacher positions represents 5.4% of teacher workforce. Nationally. Which is roughly 3.2 million public school teachers. Title one illustrates the loss of teacher positions and affects students in every state. As a result of phasing out, title one funding. At least 5% of teacher positions in 32 out of the 50 states would be lost. If federal title one aid were eliminated. And some states such as Alabama and Arizona, Mississippi, Nevada, Florida. Nearly 10% of the teacher's jobs would be lost Louisiana. We experienced the greatest impact more than 12% of the teacher positions eliminated. So you're getting the trend, that title one, literally funds how we keep teachers. Even though we have a teacher shortage is how we keep. The ones that we have, and if project 20, 25 goes into effect people, if it goes into effect. 180,000 teacher positions would be gone. They're not funding title one anymore. So those schools that are being like, Hey, give us the money so we can keep paying these seizures. No more. Nearly 2.8. Million. Of our kids. Wouldn't be able to get an equal education at all. So project 2025 would phase out title one. Reverses a national effort to retain teachers, including legislation to increase teacher pay. A contributing factor to retention today. The average teacher salary in majority of states is below the minimum living wage and teachers are being paid 5% less than what they were a decade ago. When adjusted for inflation. Now. If you eliminate K through 12 education funding. This is how much money. The state has received in money. Would be gone. The teacher positions would be lost. And the students that would be affected. There was all the states on here, but I'm really gonna just read two of them. I'm going to read Arizona. The state that I currently reside in now in Florida, we'll also do Illinois too, because you know, Got it. Got it. Got to give it to the hometown. Home state. So Arizona. Last year in 2023. Received 356. Million$281,409 from the federal government. Right. Now that would eliminate. If they D if they took all that funding out, it would eliminate 4,000, 295 teachers. That's an 8% loss. And it was effect over 97,931 of our kids. Let's go onto the next one. Let's go down to Florida. Loretto received. This. One. You already. One. Billion. This is in late Trump. He the beauty now Florida received$1,037,800,442 from title one. If title one is eliminated. That would affect 13,330 teachers, which is an 8% loss of teachers, but you know how many students, it would affect 243,931. Can you believe that? Let's go down to Illinois. Illinois. Got$766,835,954 from the federal government. If title one. Is eliminated that would affect 6,979 teachers. It's a 5% loss of teachers. But it would also affect 95,600. Content students. But you know, who received. The most. Funds from the education department. I'll give you a second to guess. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Time's up. California. California. Got. Too. Billion. 108. Million. 516. Thousand$114. Receive from the education department. If title one. Is eliminated that would affect 15,897. Teachers. It's about a 6% loss. In jobs. But it would affect over 346,500. 53 students. So you can see. How with project 2025. Goes into effect. Education is done. All those teachers out of jobs, all those students are affected what you means. What does that mean? Our teacher to student where you see. Ratio increases. From that. You thought maybe having 25 students in the classroom was a lot. Five 30. I 40 students to one teacher. If they revert all of the money. To private schools. Which means you're going to have to put your child in a private school. How much has that. A lot. 10 10 grand is I think what Amber told me. Because she wants to put her son in private school, but it's about 10 grand a semester. Yeah. So let's wrap this up. Okay. So title one funding directly benefits teachers and students in the suburban roar and urban schools across the country. Districts use this funding to provide direct student support services and to hire and retain teachers. Project 2025 proposal to eliminate title one funding. The lead to a loss of teacher positions, high teacher to student ratios, and a lack of school-based programs in quality instruction. This would be devastating to local schools, students, families, and communities. Teaching is the only profession that prepares workers for every industry. Teachers and students that you serve must receive adequate support. In preparation to enter the workforce. Supporting the social and emotional development of future generations. And be informed citizens. Our democracy can rely on. You may not. Like. The Biden administration. You may not like all their policies. But let me tell you one thing. If you elect. True. Again, This is all reality. This, this can be put. In reality very quickly. I even heard him talk about education in one of his rallies of how he wants to get rid of it. Education. There's also talks where he said he doesn't want to get rid of the whole education, but he wants to slash it. And return it to the states. Now you thought project 2025 was extreme. We turned it to some of these Republican states. There is nothing we can do. They could literally go buy this. Letter. We have to start taking this stuff seriously. You know, people are like, oh, project 20, 25, but let's start diving in specifically to the errors it's really going to affect us. Education is one of them. Our kids. You true generations. Hell even now. You have to be informed. I know they're always like woke his bed. Walk. It's bad, but you need to be woke. Right now. Right now in today's age, you need to be woke. Because shit is about to get real. And if we're not at that pole, making sure that orange slice does not get reelected. That is the goal for November. Okay. I'm not telling you to agree with all the, all the BioMAT policies. And now it's the Harris, you know, we'll see what she wants to do. Not telling you to agree with all the policies, but I'm telling you. Look at the alternative. Especially if what I read previously. You know, we talked about giving employees, employers of choice, even pay over time. You know, a lot of us like working overtime, especially when we have a vacation or a birthday. Gone. Gone. Look at this. I said, you don't have to agree with every policy. But look at the alternative and we are going to be living in a very dark age. For the country. When we come back, we'll be talking about final thoughts and we'll wrap it up. I'll see you guys in a few.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-16:So we talked about a lot in that show. We talk about DEI and why it's a form. And we talked about product 20, 25 specifically about education. It's a lot. It's a lot to absorb. But essentially. What it boils down to is voting. You know, we can all have our own opinion about different things, but voting is honestly worth coming down to. And in this election, We need it. Vice-president Harris has been hitting that campaign trail. And let me tell you. It's changed something in the democratic party. I feel more excited. To be able to just. Have her on the ticket. But to wrap it up. Share this episode, share with a friend. Sure with a family member shared with anyone who's going to listen about project 2025. It's a dangerous project. That if it goes into effect, set us back. Decades. And as I said, now that the poll choice has been returned to the states. It has opened the door to pretty much anything else. Reproductive health wise women. Whether that be. Abortion, whether it be birth control, who knows what else that they can target. Babe open that Pandora's box. But I love you all. Thank you for watching. I want to thank all my other countries for watching UK. We have Ireland. We have India. We have all these amazing countries listening because they're very intrigued on what's going to happen. So be safe, be kind, be different, treat everyone the way that you want to be treated. Remember. D E I is not dangerous. DEI is honestly how we keep a country. As amazing. As it is now. But if project 2025 happens. I'll see you guys in the next episode.