The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
Voting Rights
Equal Pay
Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
Political Downfalls: Feminism, Political Turmoil & the Biden-Trump Clash
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Hello Fam,
In this episode of 'The Last Conversation,' I dive deep into the core beliefs of modern feminism, discussing women's equal access to healthcare, pro-choice advocacy, birth control access, equal pay, and the numerous challenges women face today. I share my perspective on the upcoming election, emphasizing women’s crucial role. The episode also critiques Biden’s performance in a recent debate, explores rhetoric-induced political violence, and reflects on the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Finally, I break down the Republican National Convention's highlights, including Trump’s VP pick and the discussions on Project 2025, presenting a stark vision of the future. Stay informed and engaged as we unpack these pressing issues.
0:00 Political Downfalls: Bidens Debate Fail; Trump Assassination Attempt; RNC
08:05 Biden Failed Debate
28:33 Trump Assassination Attempt
37:16 RNC
52:04 Final Thoughts
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
So I would call myself. I'm a feminist and my version. This is me just exclusively. My version of being a feminist is making sure. That women have equal access to healthcare. Right. Like. Hands down. If you love women, you want women to have. The best healthcare they possibly have. Whether that's, you know, being, pro-choice doing what she wants with her body. And or having access to birth control. But these two issues. Our huge issue for the Republican party. I'll give you another one. equal pay. Yes. It has been proven that women. Make 78 cents. It could be a little bit higher or lower. It's not that much higher. 78 cents. Per dollar that every male makes. Below insane because there's women out there who are a lot smarter than the men that they work for. Obviously we have to talk about, you know, sexual harassment. We have to talk about schooling. So all these issues about just named. As a feminist, I support, I want women to be able to do what they want with their body. I want women to be able. To have equal, equal pay, especially if you're doing the same job.
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-1:I believe in November that. Women will show up in hordes. It will probably be the biggest number breaking records we've ever had for women showing up in elections. Most other years, the turnout for women. Has been the high, but it's going to be. Very high this November. And primarily on the grounds of. Abortion, right. Or as I like to say, pro-choice, that's the language that we should use because. I think it's a lot easier to, for people to like swallow and talk about. So when you talk about pro-choice, you're also talking about. Birth control. Right? We've been trying to pass both control. We finally have the OPILL. But even that is still being challenged by federal judges. Also the country. Who are male who have absolutely no fucking idea. What birth control is and they're not doctors. So if you're not adopter, There was no way that you should be having opinion on birth control. Oh, well, I don't think, but I think birth control should be at this age or this age. I think birth control should be available to women at all ages when they start that cycle. You can't just dictate when you believe that women can have this birth control. We're also, you know, so you have abortion or pro-choice sorry, you also have birth control. So those two main factors. Oh, and you have IVF protection, right? Even IVF is being targeted and most people. Before IVF even became on the docket. Didn't really know what IVF is, but now you have. Now people know about it. You know, the protections of making sure that a woman can do IVF and it's not, oh, well, you know, you're punishing doctors because you know, they destroy a sample, right. Because. Even an embryo is life. And it's like, oh my God, you guys keep making up all these excuses about what's life. What's not life. And. It becomes complicated for just the average day person. So in November, whoever women truly want to see back in the oval office, it's either going to be Biden or it's going to be Trump, right? Or, I mean, it could not be Biden because the way that things are going right now, most of his party is calling for him to exit. But we'll talk about that later on the show. As of now. Women that are going to be the main focus from this date. So July 17th, all the way until. Election day, women are primarily going to be the focus. Of everyone's campaign, they're going to try and pitch to women, especially our minority women. To be like, Hey look. This is what we got. Right. You have one guy who says, who. Who started this? You have that one guy who started all of this and he's proud he boasts about it. Oh yeah. I get, I overturn Roe V. Wave like that. Like he says that as an accomplishment, like he wears it as a, as a sticker. And he wants people to be like, you know, oh, he did that. And the Republican party, they love that. But for everyday women who are Democrat or liberal or independent, or who haven't decided, or just women in general, You're boasting about that. You feel happy of taking women's rights. You feel happy. By doing that decision, you put all the rights of women's bodies on the docket for people to just judge who have no doctor experience at all. You put a Mo emergency. Abortion care. In jeopardy. So now women are traveling all over the country to different states to get the care that they may need, because the state that they're in is a Republican state and that state just outright ban abortion. You're proud of that. So women will turn up. It will turn up and turn out. I can tell you that right now. So it's going to be very interesting. But. To all the women out there. As I said, I'm a feminist. I support you. I will be voting. Because. Your, your health. It should be a priority in this country. People look at this country as an example, and yet. It's failed. Women. I mean, it's built a lot of other minority groups, but that's how I see women, women of minority group. If it was up to some Republicans, women wouldn't be voting at all. Women wouldn't be driving. Women wouldn't have jobs. We've been, wouldn't be in the certain positions that they are in now. It was up to the Republicans. But, Hey, that's, that's just one black man's opinion of what he sees in the political spectrum. Ah, keep watching the news. A lot of interesting stuff happens when these Republicans are getting closer and closer to November. But I do have an interesting show to you. If we're going to switch gears a little bit. We're going to talk about this terrible bail debate. And we're not going through all of it. I have certain sections. I specifically want to talk about. Next because we've been gone for a month. Someone tried to kill the former president. And assassination attempt. I mean, if I hadn't, since Kennedy Nixon. I honestly was probably scared for Obama the most, like out of all the presents. To him, you know, I, I truly like, I would pray. But that did not happen to him, but this happened. I'm the president. And now the rhetoric is changing. Like people outside. Oh now being like, well, we use certain rhetorics at our political opponents. But you call him Hitler. I remember I watched one tick talk. And the, the lady was like, while you did call him Hitler, most people would want to kill Hitler. So now rhetoric needs to change, right? You think. Ah, we have the Republican national convention that just rolled in. This past, well, a couple of days ago. We're going to talk about that. Trump also picked his VP. Yeah, he picked JD Vance. Was very little experience. In a political setting besides being a Senator. And I think that was only for like two to three years. Like. And you picked them as your. Vice-president. I mean, he's Trump. He's like Trump 2.0. So we'll talk about that. All right here on the last conversation, stay tuned
Intro:thanks for watching!
Microphone (MAONO AU-AM200) & Camo-1:So we are going to look at the Biden and Trump debate. Now, let me tell you. Out of all the debates I've watched that are presidential. This has got to be the. Most. Terrible debate for Biden. Like I like, like it. And I jokingly say this. It felt like I was watching two old men fight over which nursing home they wanted to go to because that's essentially what it was, was two old men who are old. And the debate wasn't like, I'm feeling inspired. Like. The Biden that I wanted was the Biden that I got at the state of the union. Like, remember that Biden who's forceful. You felt you felt the power, you felt them. Or he was telling people, you know, laughing and doing all this other stuff that. Was the buy-in I expected. On debate. The Biden that I got was those people who call him old, man, Joe. Or. Whatever else they call him. Because I did not feel empowered. I, after, I mean, even after watching the debate, I was like, oh my God. We're not. Going to win if this is what he plans on displaying to people. And give you a little bit of background. You know, his team said, oh, well we had a cold, it was one of his bad days. And then my head, I was like, Okay. You are the parties in the United States, if you needed to cancel this debate because you will not in your best. Cancel. Okay, because I rather have a cancel debate. Then you. Embarrassed the entire democratic party. And after this debate. Even now there are still high. Oh file Democrats who are calling for him to step down because of that debate. Now, Biden has said, he's not stepping down. You know, he went to different campaigns and, you know, He has that vigor again. But, you know what? We were all watching the debate, not everyone watches the campaign speeches that he gives at these other Republic events. Right. No one, no one really watches that. And you find little clips of it. I'm like Tik TOK or Instagram or wherever else, you get your little reels from. But people were watching that debate. It was all over. It was on Tik TOK being sprint streamed live. It was on CNN. It was on every single major news outlet being streamed. So the entire world plus other. Nations. Watching this debate. And it did not end well forum. So the first part of this talks about Biden's age. So let's go through it a little bit. So the most important job for Biden on that Thursday night was to put. To rest voters' concerns about his biggest vulnerability is age and turn the election into a referendum on Trump. He failed flat out failed. There was parts where like he would say something and then it would be like And you're like, are you, are you there? Like, like it's pauses. It's not like, you know, he's like talking a lot and he, he catches his breath. Like there was. Points where he was staring. Just blatantly. So Biden was Horst and at times unintelligible words often ran together. He stumbled particular when he tried to cite stats and legislation. He really raised his voice to hammer home points of emphasis, missing opportunities to attack Trump over his efforts to overturn. The 2020 election, his Supreme court appointments. That led to the reversal of Roy V. Wade, abortion rights protections, and more, he had plenty. Plenty of ammunition to use against Trump to make Trump seem like that. At if you will let them again, worst possible choice. Okay. So, and as I said, two campaign sources said that Biden had a cold in recent days. Then why did you put them on the stage? If he has a cold, or if he's under the weather, you know, he's not going to give the performance that people wanted. Like. It, it baffled me that they did that. And I like, I blame not only do I blame Biden, I also blame his team. I don't know who they are, but I can tell you that if I was. The campaign manager. We're looking at new staffing. Even the campaign manager, to be honest, like someone should have had some type of oversight to be like, the president is not ready to go on stage. Someone who is a trusted source who saw what he did at state a union that everyone riled. That all of the Democrats, like, yeah. Work cited. This is it. No didn't happen. And. It was terrible. So through the democratic primary. As long over his performance is surely to more hand wrangling among party members over whether handing by in a second nomination with only. Numeral opposition was the right move. He's also raised the stakes for September 10. When Biden Trump are set to meet for their second. And as of now final debate hosted by ABC. So that's supposed to be their second and final one. So Biden. If you're listening to this, go to sleep. Take some NyQuil. I want Steve a union Biden. I do not want the sloppy mess of what you put on for the first debate because you have. And as I said, this was so long ago and I'm giving you updated news. Now you have so many Democrats, high ones, even minority house leader, Hakeem. Jeffery's didn't even endorse him. Like. E even your leader of the house for your party, hasn't even publicly endorsed him. And it's just, it's just going downhill from here. Even there's governors who are concerned. That if he doesn't, you know, Dropping out. It's it's literally scaring the shit out of people. Literally. And he's trying, I. I mean, he he's honestly trying his, his best, but I think at this point, you know, It's it's. It's not, it's not there. We'll be right back after a short break. Okay. So Rebecca, I. I have to make sure that this was still recording. Cause. Sometimes man, I have to tell you. So there was also concerns over what a second term would look like for Biden. Which was a little questionable, as I said, it was. It was a, I think it was a hit or miss. Like I don't think it directly really like show me, okay, this is what he wants to do in a second term, because he was under the illness. I'm going to put quotation marks around that. It just, it wasn't giving me a, here's what my goals are for my second term. A, B, C, D E. Here's what they said. So besides Biden's physical shortcoming on that Thursday night, a voice. That failed him a diminished appearance in a split screen face that was widely showed online. It wasn't readily clear after 90 minutes, what objective he entered? The evening hoping to achieve. Unlike in their first meeting four years ago, when Biden put Trump's record under the microscope and offered a more hopeful vision for the country, his message that Thursday was muddled. And just, it struggled as though he was having trouble getting the thought out of his mind. Biden was clearly on the defense most of the night, but that was to be expected as he is the incumbent. But his explanation for his record was often deep in the weeds of policy. Of his first term and fell short of invoking the middle-class Joe image. He cultivated for years. His attacks on Trump or similarly uneven. And he's struggled with fat chat. The former president on his lies. Even ones that have been repeated for years. One of the biggest issues for Democrats is abortion. Biden failed. At times he re tooted. We're bogged down in stats and that made it hard to follow like this riff of the former presidents tax cut. For the wealthy. He, this is the quilt that Biden said and listen to what I'm about to say. Cause even I was like, what the, what are you saying? Biden says we have 1000 trillionaires and America. Billionaires and America, and what's happening there in a situation where they, in fact pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just paid 24% or 25%, either one of those numbers. When they rise. 500 million billion dollars. I should say. In a 10 year period, we be able to wipe out his debt. Yeah, the way that you're listening, you're probably what the hell did you just say that? That's what he said. Okay. So a lot of people. After the bay, we're like, oh, well, Obama had a bad debate. Yeah, but Obama's debate. He just wasn't prepared. He was very articulate. He just wasn't prepared and he wind up. You know, winning a second term. In this case, and also Obama's age wasn't in called to question maybe as birth certificate was, but. Age wise, wasn't it. In this case? Age is in the description of what people are looking for. So. That. Right. There did not. What I want to skip down to. Is. I want to talk about Trump's. View on the abortion pill and what his stance was. So in the debate. Dominated by discussion on the economy, inflation immigration foreign policy abortion should have been Biden strongest. Topic. He should have been. Waving flags, rainbows, everything. He should have been light. All in it. Right. I didn't give it. The us Supreme court handed down abortion rights supporters to wins this month. And democratic voters are still motivated by anger over the overturn of Roe V. Wade. Instead, it was one of his worst moments of the night Biden struggled to explain his party stance on abortion. Rumbled appeared confused at times. And unprompted gave Trump an opening to bring up crimes. Immigrants have committed against an arrogance. Earlier this month, the Supreme court dismissed the case that would have rolled back access to the abortion pill. Mess. Stone. I don't know how to say it. You guys know what it is. And Trump on that Thursday backed by high court's decision. This is what Trump said. The Supreme court just approved the abortion bill. And I agree with her decision to have that done that I have done that and I will not block it. From there, Trump related his stance that regulating abortion should be left to the states, repeated his false. Accusation that every legal scholar wanted to end the federal abortion protection. He said that he supports exemptions for rape incest and to protect the life of the mother. He goes on to say that it's been a great thing. Of abortion returning to the states, it has been, and then Biden shot back and said, it's been a terrible thing. The fact is that the vast majority of the constitutional scholars support at Roy. RO when it was decided. But while abortion should have been one of the president's strongest moments of the night. Given the emphasis on his campaign has placed on restoring access. Biden's answers instead, took a confusing turn and gave Trump an opening to talk about crimes committed against Americans. By my burns. I want to skip down. Because. There was a part of the debate. Where. Trump. Said that migrants. Are coming over and stealing black. Black jobs. And it got me thinking. What's up black job. Popeye's is that a black job? Cause I can tell you right now there's a lot of white people who work at Popeye's. So obviously that's not a black job anymore. But I want to read what it says here, and then I'll give my opinion. So as a debate turned to black voters, Trump took an opportunity to make a bid for black and Latino voters. And knocked by not inflation. So. Biden's chances of winning in November are desperate. Pretty desperate. I would say. On black support in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and other, and more in Georgia in North Carolina. But polling has shown that Trump is making modest enrolls with some black voters, specifically men. While others are disengaging from the election. That right. There is a whole different topic that we need to talk about. Specifically men and others who are disengaged from the election. Remind put let's put a sticky note on that one. Biden was asked what his message is to black voters who have lived, seen record low numbers in unemployment, but still face. Disparities when it comes to wages Maternal health. And incarceration rate. Biden told it his policies, including his efforts to reduce student loan debt, but acknowledged that the costs are up. He goes on to say, I don't blame him for the being disappointed. Inflation is still hurting them badly. Inflation is hurting everyone badly. There is more to be done incredibly more to be done, but we've gone. A great deal so far, and I'm not letting up in the nitwit. Going on Trump blame Biden for creating inflation and said that the immigration policy has led to jobs, losses for black people. Trump says he caused the inflation and it's killing black families. It's killing Hispanic families. And just about everybody Trump said, the fact is that his. Big kill on black people is the millions of people that he is allowed to come through the border. They're taking black jobs now. The conversation and turn to PO. To policing, as Biden said, Trump tried to cut funding to police. Trump incorrectly said that Biden referred to black people as super predators in the 1990s. That was former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. And towed it, his work on criminal justice reform and opportunity zones of the South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott. He goes on to say, Trump did. And the biggest beneficiaries of blacks. And that's why we have the best numbers with them. It may be ever. So. Let me tell you something. Inflation is up. It hurts everyone. I don't know why people want to be like, oh, well, inflation hurts. Black people. Inflation herds, middle and. Poor people. That's who inflation hurts. The rich doesn't hurt them. It's like a nickel and a goddamn can for them. They don't care. They're still getting rich. They're still spending money out. Ridiculous. I'll be ass. But it's really, the inflation hurts the middle class and it hurts. Poor people. Black families in particular. I would say. Even before inflation. The economy is not necessarily fair on black families as a whole incarceration rate is still up. And I released a video on Tik TOK. About a couple of weeks ago. It said that. A lot of the issues stem from your state. So your congressmen senators, your state, local government. Really plays effect on your day-to-day life. Right? So if you're talking about rent cap, you're talking about all this other issues that affect black families, it's going to come from a state level. Yeah. There's some things that come from a federal level, but that state can easily block something as you've seen, or, you know, do something that they want to do. I still want to know what a black job is. And just because you have Tim Scott on your team, that lint licker, ain't doing shit. In all honesty. That's why he didn't get picked being present. Vice-president. He did all this toting being like, oh, black people in for a Trump. It was like Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about black people. I don't know where some of y'all black. People are at being like, oh, Trump's restaurant. Doesn't give. Damn about you. He wants your vote. And that's it. Once he has your vote, you're absolutely useless to him. There is no way he's talking about, you know, he talked about backing the polies, but yet, did he say anything about like, okay, well, you know, we're going to do a reform. No, he doesn't say any of that. He does not care about. Lat people. He already said black jobs. What's a black job. I still want to know that. Immigrants. Who come over illegally. And after I say this and I'll I'll, we'll go onto the next section. Immigrants don't steal jobs, immigrants get jobs that Americans don't want. And I'll repeat that again. Immigrants don't steal jobs. Immigrants. Take jobs that Americans don't want. Americans are bougie. We want all this fancy stuff when it comes to a job. Healthcare higher pay. All this other stuff, right. When an immigrant comes from a country that doesn't even offer us spit of that. And these companies. Don't mind paying them. I don't know,$7 an hour. You don't have to pay them health insurance. Don't have to do anything else, but just pay them$7 an hour. Immigrants are going to take that. Right. So don't sit here and believe that. Immigrants come over to take our jobs. Immigrants come over here with eight jobs that you don't want to do. You want. Healthcare. You want a 401k? You want a union? You want this? You want that? Immigrants who come over. I don't even want half of that. The only thing they want is a paycheck. And if$7 an hour for manual labor. And the company that spam them. Hell. I honestly think that immigrants would be amazing. To put in my art construction workforce. We are hon. Like a housing shortage. Those immigrants who come over. Put them in construction work. Hell, put them in. The field not. You know, Far more. We can grow a lot more stuff here if we have the manual labor to do it, but we don't because as I said, Americans are bougie. We want too much. And these immigrants. All I want is a paycheck and a roof over that. They're not asking for. 401k's, they're not asking for health insurance. They're not asking for. You know, PTO or vacation. They're not asking for all that. So. Anyways, as I said, we're going to sticky note. That one line that I said specifically, black men and others who are disengaged from the election. That's going to be a whole nother episode. We're going to talk black man. The black community. Anyways, we're going to move on to our next topic, which we are going to talk about the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. By a Republican supporter. Buy a gun that the Democrats have been trying to ban. Republican. They're like, no, we want our guns. The same gun that tried to kill your president. So just. Five days ago. Someone tried to assassinate the former president of the United States. As I said this hasn't I mean, besides Kennedy. And Nixon. No one else has tried. Okay. I mean, there's been like people trying to get into the white house. All other stuff. But this has been the latest attempt to shoot a former president. And it was done by a 20-year old. Out of. I I, out of all people. So it says. Obviously the guy tried to shoot Trump at a rally. Investigators discovered the shooter, Thomas Matthew crooks visit the rally site twice before the shooting. A motive is still unknown. Butler's authorities told the secret service. They lack the manpower to secure that building, where the guy was shooting for. Where are you shooting from? Excuse me, where the shooter positioned himself. Several Senate Republicans publicly criticize the briefing they receive today from the director and deputy directors of the secret service and the FBI with GLP conference chair, John. Bar bar and also saying the head of the secret service needs to go. In recent weeks, United States authorities gained intelligence on a plot by Iran to kill Trump. With no norm with no known links to Saturday shooting, which led to an increased security around the former president, Iran officials have denied the accusation. Trump again, appeared with a bandage on. His wound ear at the Republican national. Convention. On Tuesday night. Now. Let's learn a little bit about Thomas Matthew crooks. The kid. Kid. I mean, he's only 20. Wanting to shoot a former president. God. Like, I, I don't. Okay. So this November, Thomas. Was set to reach a political milestone. The first presidential debate, he was old enough to vote in a 20 year old living in a crucial swing state. Crooks. Had already known potential, had already shown potential signs of interest in politics. Make an assault, small political donation as a teenager and registering a vote just weeks after he turned 18 years old. But instead of casting his ballot this year, according to law enforcement, crooks traveled an hour north of his home. Climb the roof of a building and open fired on the former president. During a campaign rally. We even have bloodied and coming inches away from killing him. Crooks attack, which killed one specter and critically injured to others. Rocked American politics to its core with elected officials from both sides of the aisle, condemning the violence and warning of the dangers of the country's deep polarization. So far investigators haven't found any evidence on social media or other writings by crooks that might help identify his motive. For the attempted assassination law enforcements have said. But CNN interviews more than a half dozen former classmates and neighbors of crooks painted him as a quiet. With classmates remembering him as a good student and something of a miss. Mischief in high school. And a review of poet records suggest that he may have had divergent political leaning and crooks registered to vote as a Republican. But making a small donation to a democratic leaning group. Crooks lives in PA. Lived sorry, in the Pittsburgh area. About an hour drive south of the Trump rally, where law enforcement's officials say he fired at the former president. Chris graduated from Bethel park high school in 2022. According to reports and his graduation ceremony. Jason crusher 21 who went to the same high school, told CNN that crooks. Was bullied by other students and seemed to be a loner. Crooks had no. Facial expression. When he walked through the school hallway, kosher said he wasn't like. With the click. So he always had, I guess, a target on his back. Another former student at the school. Sarah de Angelo. Remembered crooks as a quiet kid. Not obviously political or violent in any way. She said the only time that he spoke with her. Was when their class was waiting for the graduation ceremony to start. Third classmate. Who asked not to be named said that crooks was very smart, took honor class and was very shy. She said he had a group of friends who were fairly conservative and some who were where Trump hats. There was a quilt that says, or the statement. There was definitely chatter about him. Just looking a little different classmates set of crooks, almost a retro nerd vibe. Of course high school experience was interrupted by the pandemic when students being out of school for months in 2020, and allowed him to study remotely. After that classmates said that she added. That she didn't recall seeing him much during the sophomore year or junior years. When Cher that Kurtz was identified as the Trump rally shooter, the classmate said, I was just like shocked. I couldn't believe he did something that bolt considering he was such a quiet and kept to himself kind. Person. FBI said we're working hard to determine the sequence of events related to the subject and his moments in the hours, days and weeks prior to shooting. So. I'm not going through all of this. One thing that's been rattling now and the political aura. Is. People. Are saying it's the rhetoric that caused this. And let me know if you're listening and whatever, if you believe that's true. Do you believe the rhetoric that we are using? In today's political atmosphere. Is. To blame. On why someone would want to shoot at a former President United States. Because when you call someone Hitler, Everyone wants to shoot Hitler. Right. I mean, let's just say you're really religious and you call Trump the devil. Anybody wants to kill the devil. So when you have these rhetorics and use certain words to describe political figures, you would think that there were some consequences behind that you have some very extreme people who take those beliefs real hard. Someone calls someone the devil and they keep hearing it right. They keep hearing it over social media, the devil, the devil, the devil, the devil. Eventually they'll believe. He's the devil. He needs to be eliminated because I am a god feeling person. Right. When you call someone to Hitler or you call someone. Whatever you want to call them, but the rhetoric that you use behind it. That's what people hear. Over and over and over. He did die or he is dead. I would say. And it's. It's unspeakable. I don't, you know, there's no. Words. Describe this, it was a horrible event. I, no matter what side you're on, whether we're Democrat, Republican, independent. There's no need for political violence to manifest. Into a physical form towards someone is now seeking violence to hurt that person. In no way. At least not to this measure, you know, you have freedom of speech, freedom of protest, go online and say whatever you need to say. But when it starts to inch toward violence in your life, I want to. Haute this person physically that's when it's been taken a little too far. So that's the last we're going to talk about this. It's still being updated. As the days goes they're still trying to find out about the motives of crooks. We're going to take a quick break. We're going to talk about the Republican national convention. Because that's kind of interesting to see. Especially for all of you black people out there who were like, oh, well, Trump is good. Well, wait until you hear about what he has to say about education. We'll right back. Okay. So. Well, the Republican national convention is when a whole bunch of Republicans get together and they endorse the former president being like, yes, we want you and everybody comes up on stage from senators to Congress, man, the special speakers, all to. Boast about it. So. Trump picked senator JD vans. Now, as I said earlier in this program, Nancy has only been a Senator for about two to three years. He even had words about Trump before he got picked. It's weird how you can talk shit about a guy. And still want to be his VP. Like I can go up to my boss right now and be like, yeah, you're a piece of shit and blah, blah, blah. And then as soon as like, there was an assistant manager job come up. Oh, she's not that bad. Like the fuck you. I just was talking all this stuff, saying she doesn't care about people. She, she eats babies for breakfast and now you're like no, she loves babies. Like I, I don't get it. And the one person who I always focus on is Tim Scott. Like Tim's got is probably one of the most lint licker people who I've ever. Encountered or write about, you know, seeing from his debate. To him becoming just hardcore sniffing Trump's butt cheeks on a daily base. Right. I played that interview for where you were. He was like, yeah, well, Trump will be our president and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So he did all that ass kissing and didn't even get paid to be BP. Oh. And then, and then he got. Picked over someone who's been in the Senate less than him. You even shitted on your old boss, Nikki Haley too. So you can get a spot. As VP and yet he doesn't choose. He chooses a white guy. Who's been in the Senate less who has less connections than you do. How do you feel about that? sorry that was my little rant anyways. Let's go on. Trump joined J the man he chose an hours earlier as his vice presidential running mate, Ohio, Senator JD Vance in the box at 10:00 PM. The crowd, Shannon fight the word. The word, a bloody face. Trump. Had shouted several times while pumping his fist in a year, a secret service rushed them at the stage of of his rally. So. Who is Vance. Trump, choice reflects Trump's belief that Vance is an effective communicator who can sell Trump's populist agenda, particularly to a working class voter in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and were presidential elections can be decided by thousands of votes. They go on to say that he is consistent with Trump's appeal to working men and women, Ohio, governor Mike DeWine said advance. Also someone who shares his desire to expand the base. The Republican party. So there was a Vance before and a vans. Now Vance's something of a double edge sword for Republicans who are betting on his ability to communicate Trump's message, but we'll have to contend with the senator's own history. Prior to running for his Senate seat in 2022, Vance was a. Vulture capitalists political commentator and the author of a bestselling memoir, hillbilly Elegy. Publicly and privately, he was a strident critic of Trump. Material Democrats are certain to replay that for the entire duration of the campaign. From his bed advance can articulate his evolution from a Trump credit to a supporter will prove much more potent than other comments after all. He convinced Trump of his change of heart. The former presence endorsement is what propelled Vance to victory in a crowded Republican primary in Ohio 22 Senate race. Vance was picked on Monday was big news and delegates at the convention watcher, heard from several other Republicans who Trump considered for vice prison. As well, they praise Trump and some seem to do so with one eye open for a 20, 28 run. South Dakota, governor. Christie norm brag that she implemented a virtually no business restriction during the height of the. COVID pandemic. She goes on to say that president Trump honored the constitution. He let me do my job. And the most notably person of the night, the person who boasted so much about him. Is the Linton liquor Senator. Tim Scott. From South Carolina. Who drew a religious connection to Saturday's assassination attempt. Here's what he said, our God still saves. He still delivers. And he still sets free because on Saturday, the devil came to the Pennsylvania, holding a rifle. But an American lion got back up on his feet. And roared. What. You're such an idiot. I'm sorry. What oh. Anyway, so a teamster, a teamster. So a person who represents union went to the RNC as well. And his D. His speech was a little confusing. Cause I was like, I think you're at the wrong convention, buddy. The strangest thing about speech. Delivered in prime time by Sean O'Brien. The international brotherhood of teamster president. Was that it happened at a Republican convention, labor unions have long overly supported Democrats. And I have fought anti-union policies backed by Republicans, particularly in Wisconsin. But O'Brien. I'm the head of a 1.3 million member union that was not endorsed. The 2020 presidential race and said refuses to keep going. Doing the same thing. My predecessors did. Today, the Teamsters are here to say that we are not beholden to anyone or any party. Brian said that Trump is not afraid of new, loud, and often critical voices. What he didn't say is that Trump took policy positions. While in the white house. And appointed a number of officials that labor unions opposed. The American people, aren't stupid. They know the system is broken. We all know how Washington is run, where we can. People have no chance of winning this fight over onset. O'Brian used his speech to urge Republicans to Tate. A populist working. Friendly position. That are at odds with much of the parties, conservative, Orthodox, much of it received a lukewarm response from the crowd, however, frump, and those in his VIP box stood and watched closely. And illusion of how Trump has turned much of the Orthodox. On its head. The speech was a blaring red alarm for Biden. Who's route to a second term is dependent on the strongest support from union workers in the blue wall states of Michigan. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Also I'm concerned for Biden is who attempted to beat back concerns from fellow Democrats. Over his age. Is the boast that O'Brian gave Trump's image. Whether people like him or they don't like him enlight. What happened to him on Saturday? He is proven to be proven. One tough sob. Yeah, that's kind of weird. The Republican party doesn't usually like unions and yet you have the president. Of a union organization. I guess try and somewhat to encourage Republicans to change. I took that as. Someone coming in. And being like, if you want more people to vote Republican, you need to change your rhetoric. Of working class families and supporting unions. Getting behind unions that may ensure that families feel safe and security at their job or Republicans do this. Absolutely not. It's not part of their base. I don't think they will. And I would say that's probably the end of the first night. I don't have much longer because I don't want to make this episode too long. So we're going to talk about the second night. The second night. At the Republican national convention. One notable person. Is Nikki Haley. Now as most of, you know, have. I was kind of in the middle about Nikki Haley. Like if it was a Nikki Haley ticket and a Biden ticket. I would have actually, it would have been kind of hard to decide. I wouldn't say hard, but it, I would kind of lean toward Haley, like Haley, you had that approach of these are the problems that we have, not only just in the Republican part of it and the democratic party, but as a whole. And these, this is kind of how I want to fix it. So I was on board with Hayley for, you know, most of it. If she would've stayed in, like I said, it would have been probably a heart. Vote. Depending on how else she went about her campaign. Ah, but she came here and she folded, she folded like a piece of paper. Here's what happened? Former South Carolina, governor Nikki Haley in her speech, the Republican national convention on Tuesday. Cheered Americans' incredible ability to self-correct Haley. So recently a political rival and a fierce critic. Of the former president might have been talking about herself. The second night of the convention in Milwaukee, less than 24 hours. After a top union leader, denounced corporate America in the same hall. Pledging her support to Trump and asking others. Who have expressed similar concerns about her, about his political returning to power is considered an alternative. President Joe Biden, Nikki took the stage as the, as the invitation of Trump to a mix of cheers and jeers. She quickly set. About the win over. The faithful. First she offered a full endorsement and then noting to their occasional nasty. If one sided, primarily fight issued a simple message. We don't have to agree with Donald Trump a hundred percent of the time to vote for him. She said, Take it from me. And a 2024 primary Haley consistently scored above 20% among GOP voters and one, two. Contests underscoring Trump's lingering issue with moderate suburbian Republicans. On Tuesday. She said that she was speaking to them, the fierce sitters. For the sake of our nation, we have to go with Donald Trump. Haley said a little better. Before telling delegates I'm here tonight because we have a country that's eight. She also took repeated jabs at vice-president Kamala Harris, a crowd-pleasing venture and spoke. With grotto about Trump's foreign policy chops and cheering. To his wide view. Haley. Would known, of course, having served as Trump ambassador to the United States for two years. Or take away from that time. He appreciated advice and input. There was also other bring kissers and ask As I would say people who literally said Trump was, this was, that was that we're at the convention now saying we love him. He's the most amazing and all this other stuff. I don't. Okay. There was a message of unity. Which didn't last, very long. Let's go into it. So on Tuesday. Just as a night of the RNC speeches field. Which calls for unity. Got underway. Chris Christie dropped a bombshell on. Co op ed in the New York times, calling Trump's early attempts to reign in some of the worst rhetoric impulses. In their parties. Less than promising. He goes on to say, it's not enough for this to only be a monetary call for you. This change has to go beyond this week. Next month and the November elections to be a real transformation shift. Otherwise. All we are left with is just another fleeting political moment. Others on the convention floor and outside the venue have preached unity. And approach. Not just within the Republican party, they insisted, but across the board. Among the Incruse increasingly sick and angry bloody rhetoric. The horrendous attempt on Trump's life. The past weekend in Pennsylvania, Republicans agreed meant. That it was time for everyone to turn down the temperature. That memo reached many of the Knights speakers, but not all carry late. The hard line conservative candidate. For Senate and Arizona falsely claimed that her Democrat opponent represent re. Rubin Gallio voted to let the millions of people who pour into our country illegally cast a ballot into the upcoming elections. She had also attacked the media per usual for lying about everything. Republican Eric who've who was running for Senate here in Wisconsin, embraced a similar theme, accusing the media of dividing us. He goes on to say the bottom line is, why are we here? Said West Virginia, governor Jim justice, another state candidate. The bottom line is every single thing that is going on. In the great country today is one thing. We become totally unhinged. If Donald Trump is not elected in November. There's more to it. It's not the RNC is pretty much just as I said, a bunch of Republicans who had opinions about Trump and now they have different opinions about Trump. But we'll be back with our final thoughts so we can wrap up this episode. We're going to talk about the project 2025. In the next episode, because I want to bring that to light and you've probably seen it on your tick, taught your Instagram, your Facebook. Mainly tic. Talk about people talking about project 2025. It's not in this article and I wish it was, but Trump talked about education at the RNC. His view on education, what set our black community back. As if it didn't exist, it. He said that he would cut education and that he would send the education back down to the states. Which would mean turmoil. So if you thought we had a disadvantage already, imagine our students, our kids who go to these de-rated schools who barely get any funding. What do you think is going to happen to the schools? Nothing. It could get worse. But The events that have happened over this month. Are shaping. This to be probably one of the most dangerous political. Atmospheres that we've entered in. From Bidens. Terrible debate to an assassination attempt on Trump to the RMC and, and now project 2025. Has finally been exposed. And I like how some people are. Well, I would say Republicans are like, oh, don't worry, 20, 20 fives, nothing. Then you have everybody else reading into it. Looking up, what a project 2025 looks like. And people are worried that if this is really it, like. Who knows and, you know, Supreme court. Literally just gave this man immunity. He can return anything to the states and the Supreme court would probably do it. So we have to keep watching. And keep learning. And I save us time and time again. Stay woke. Now as much as some of you are like, well, woke is a bad thing. Woke is not a bad thing. Woke is actually paying attention. So if you're doing your homework into project 2025, you're watching these political debates. Are you staying up to date on those political stories? That's being woke. That's it. You're just paying attention. To the political news around you. And. What. Is going to affect you. As I said, state government is going to affect you immediately. That that's who governs your day-to-day life. The president also governs overall. But state government. Is your day-to-day life. So that's your state Senate, your state Congressman, your governor. Those people. They're going to govern your day-to-day life, which is going to have an effect on what you do. The laws that are going to affect you immediately, that city council. Those decisions that if you live within that city, that's going to affect you. Because at the end at eight, and there is not much that we can truly do. Except them vote, use that power that our ancestors and our civil rights leaders spots. Oh, incredibly hard to do. Vote. So in our next episode, We've got a lot more to talk about. But right now, man, this political aura is heat team. Rupe. So I will catch you guys in the next episode. Be safe. Be kind. Treat everyone the way that you want to be treated. And this is Stefan signing off of The Last Conversation I love you all for watching and listening. Have a. Beautiful week and a beautiful weekend.