The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
Voting Rights
Equal Pay
Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
The 2024 Chronicles: Trump's Ballot Battle and New Progressive Legislations
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Hey Fam!
In this episode, I share some personal updates and discuss various topics including my recent admission to Arizona State University (ASU), and returning to school after a long break. The focus then shifts to political issues, examining Colorado's decision to remove Donald Trump from their 2024 election ticket under the 14th Amendment and the implications this may have for other states. Furthermore, I also outline several new laws taking effect in 2024 related to topics such as gender-affirming care, abortion rights, and minimum wage increases in multiple states. The episode concludes with a gratitude note for listeners and a preview of upcoming topics, including a discussion about affirmative action
0:00 The 2024 Chronicles: Trump's Ballot Battle and New Progressive Legislations
25:20 New Laws (gender-affirming, abortion protections)
39:23 Podcast Results
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
What's up. It's been. A hot minute. Since we last recorded our episode. So I'm going to let you know what's been going on in. My life. So you know that I'm not trying to. Get you at all. So first thing first after Thanksgiving. It got a little bit hectic. For me because. Not only was I starting ASU. Because they have. Incredible like. What's the word orientation for like two weeks. That you have to attend to. So you can get, you know, adjusted to how things work with their computer, with their software, how school works. And for any of you guys out there who. Been the school, you know, two, three years ago. And then now you're trying to go back. Maybe you'll understand that it kind of puts you in this like kind of a limbo in a sense. To where you're like, man, like I got a gala just-it to going back to school and since you're going online to kind of have to like adjust your life. Because. Online is amazing, but you can definitely lose track of like the assignments, because they're like, oh, well we'll give you the assignment on Sunday or they're due by Saturday. And you're like, oh, well, I still got a. Oh week. And then you wait until like Friday to do all the assignments and you're like yeah. So with that. And as most of you guys know, I travel for work. Extensively. So I was on the road, so I couldn't do an episode, man. So that's pretty much what happens. So today is new year's Eve and we are recording this episode. This episode will be posted after. New year's Eve. So I'm hoping to edit and get everything done for you guys. So it's a brand new episode in that brand new year. Anyways, let's get to what we are talking about today. So there's a lot of stuff going on. One thing that I love is that for some reason, When I decide not to do an episode, 17 things happen and now I'm like, crap. So let's talk about the biggest one of them. All the biggest topic is Colorado taking Trump off their 2024. Ticket right. And so most of you were like, what the hell? Like was that even possible? Like, what is this? We're going to go into that in this episode. Because I honestly didn't think of something that could happen. I mean, With everything that's happening with Trump. Everything that he does. It's like a brand new road that I think the country never truly saw. And then we're going to talk about some of the new laws. Some of the new minimum wages, abortion gender affirming care. Things that are going to take effect in 2024. And then we're only going to spend probably about like 10 minutes, but we got our results from our hosting website that we host this beautiful podcast on. And I like the numbers are small, but Hey, we all have to start similar. We're going to talk about all those amazing things right here. On the last conver. So you're done. If you don't know now, Now, you know that Trump. Has been. Taken off. Colorado's presidential ticket. Now, most of you. If you. Watch the news. Listen to the news. Maybe even have that friend who's that employee who doesn't shut up about what's going on in. Twitter, whatever, wherever you get your information from. You know, That Colorado Supreme court made history this past Tuesday. Ruling that former president Donald Trump is constitutionally ineligible to run for 2024. Because the 14th amendment bans on insurrectionists holding public office. Covers his conduct. On January 6th, 2021. That's it right. And as I was reading. And doing research. This is not work. In. Unprecedented territory. We absolutely have no idea what we're doing, because I don't think. Fathers. Ever expected us to have a president that would just disobeyed old. Decide to do what he wants to do. And. I think we're just all like, oh, what do we do? So let's go into the article. Of what happened in a four to three decision. Out or I'll justice pause their decision. So Trump can appeal to the Supreme court. Which his campaign said that he will do swiftly. The pause means Trump's spot on the Colorado's GLP primary ballot in March might be safe. If the nation's highest court. Doesn't settle the matter quickly. In many ways, the landmark ruling holds Trump accountable for trying to overturn the 2020 election and provide a political punishment. For his anti-democratic behavior. The ruling is also a mass vindication for the liberal groups and constitutional scholars of all stripes who champions such 14th amendment lawsuits. Despite their long odds. But legal scholars on all sides of the debate. Agree that that's decision. Won't be final word. All eyes are now on the Supreme court, which is posed to play a major role in 2024 election. As it grapples with these serious of major Trump related cases. And Trump has mastered the art of. Converting legal setbacks into pulling bounces. He's already in a strong position today to beat president Joe Biden. Then he was one year ago. Before he was criminally indicted, indicted on four jurisdictions. And he and his GOP allies kicked in high gear Tuesday night playing the victim card. And rallying against the ruling. So if you've watched the news, as I said, Trump, for some reason is getting. His polling. Is skyrocketing. It's something that you would think would be the opposite. So if you think that someone is being criminally indicted and a case, you'd be like, oh, well his numbers around. Down. No one, everyone's going to be like, oh, FM, whatever, like that. But it's taken the opposite effect. It's like, it's like a genie in a bottle. Or like something magical to. To where you wouldn't even think. That someone who was being criminally indicted, but his poll numbers are going higher because to the cult that follows him and I call them a cult because they don't believe anything else. Is wrong with this guy. That. Oh, well, you know, they're going after him because they have nothing better to do. Or they always say that it's Biden's DLJ and it's like, Bye. Doesn't give a shit. I personally don't think that he gives a shit, but I think he also understands that any type of him weighing in on this situation. It's just going to fuel the fire of oh yeah. Bye. Is doing this off. Purpose. But. Let's keep going on because I get sidetracked very easily. So the top. Colorado. Court upheld the trial judge's conclusion at the January six assault on the us Capitol wasn't insurrection and that Trump engaged in that insurrection. These are key legal hurdles that the challengers needed to clear before Trump could be removed from any ballot. Largely because the text in the 14th amendment doesn't actually define an insurrection or spell out what it means to engage in. Insurrection. The justice has also confirmed that the decision that Trump's January six, speech at the epilepsy. Was not protected by the first amendment. Trump was, has unsuccessfully pushed his argument in state and federal court, which found that he incited violence, which he told supporters to walk down to Capitol and fight like hell to take back our country. President Trump insight it and engage the use of violence and lawless actions. Dispute the peaceful transfer power. The justice wrote. And the 134 page majority opinion. Something that as I've said, you all, if you're paying attention to the news, Trump is trying to push that he has. As the president of the United States that he was protected. He doesn't all these criminal charges he's protected from. Cause he was the president United States. And as most. People are trying to argue that even as the president United States, You are still bound by the laws that govern that office, the laws that govern this entire country. And if one man, as the president United States can just disobeyed any type of law that he feels that he chooses to. We don't have any type of order that means even governors could pitch their. Their legislator. Legislation. anD make a, do anything with, they have. Anyone in a government official capacity, you could be like, well, if the president can do this, Maybe I can push my people that I could do. Right. aNd as it said in the 14th amendment, it doesn't necessarily define insurrection and it doesn't define, engage. Engaged in. But as we know a lot of courts. And a lot of laws are always while we're going to infer what the law, even though the law says this, we're going to infer what that means. Sometimes. I feel as though. The Supreme court kind of should have. The ultimate decision on whether or not Trump should be able to run for office. Right. I feel as though there's enough evidence, there's enough cases to where. We can take all this presented to the Supreme court and Supreme court makes the final decision. Okay. We have a, B, C, D, and E case on you. Going through all these cases. This is how we feel. You are not fit to be president United States. But obviously that's not going to happen. Because we just don't live in that type world. He's still pulling. Polling Relatively good. Despite all these legal setbacks, despite all the evidence, despite all these former aides, former directors coming out saying that this guy. It's essentially a cycle path. I wouldn't say psychopath. But, you know, this guy is not. A good fit to the office. There has been numerous other people who've come out and they're like, if this guy gets reelected into office, He's going to destroy what we call a democracy, because he's only going to hire people who are yes. People. We all know those people. Yes, man. He is not going to hire anyone. Who's going to go. Against them whatsoever. And we. We know this, but obviously people still want him to. You know, be present and again, for another four years and I think at this point people in Congress. At least the smart ones. The more liberal ones, the more who are more moderate. Are actually seen what type of threat Trump poses. If he becomes president again. There was a report that said that they, that Congress is making. WHat's the word I want to use. They're making kind of light. Protective boundaries, I guess. Because of the things that Trump has said, Trump says he wants to rip the draw of the United States from NATO. And that. So with that being said, Congress has now. Implemented. We're striction or there's another better word that I'll think of. They have implemented. Things in to where Trump can't just easily withdraw from NATO. Like it's going to have to be. A Congress decision to withdraw from NATO. And I think with these oh, safety nets, that's what I'm trying to say. So Congress has started putting in safety necks because they fear that if he is elected president again, he is going to destroy a lot of things. Right. NATO's one of them. Climate change is going to be, you know, our climate initiative is going to be destroyed. I believe that he's personally going to withdraw us from Ukraine and tell Russia, Hey, take what you want. Right. He is going to try and be a present slash dictator. And Congress is now putting in safety net store. That can't happen. Anyways, let's get back to what. Are you originally were talking about. So the justice broke the trial judge. On one key issue. We're reversing. Her controversial decision at the insurrectionist ban. Applies to every office except the presidency. Section three of the 14th amendment says oath. Breaking insurrectionists cannot serve as senators. Representative presidential electors. Or hold any office, civil or military on the United States or under any state? But it doesn't mention the presidency. This texture vagueness is why the trial judge kept Trump. On the 2024 ballot, but the high court disagree. And this was the. Linchpin. Of their decision to disqualify Trump. thEy go on to say, it seems most likely that the presidency is not specifically. Include it because it is so Prestigious office report said, adding that a conclusion that the presidency is something other than an office under the United States is fundamentally at odds with the idea that all government officials, including the present serve. We the people. Everyone knows this isn't the final, the cases headed to the Supreme court. It's anyone's guess how the justices will handle the case, how fast they will decide to take up the appeal. Will they hold an oral argument? Oral arguments, I should say. How quickly will they, will they issue a final decision? The answers to these questions will have implications for political calendar. With the Iowa. Caucuses kicking off the GOP primary session in less than a month. With the Snyder coming out of Colorado. Colorado. The dramatic. The dynamic has shifted. Trump is now on the losing side of the case and he needs the nation's top court to restore his spot on the ballot. That means he's going to be asking the us Supreme court. With conservatives majority. And the three justice he appointed to keep his campaign. Alive. This is an extraordinary and unpleasant Dennett. Holy. Set Derek Mueller, a election law expert at Notre Dame law school who filed a brief. In the case that provided legal anthesis of the key questions at hand, but was neutral on a trumps eligibility. He goes on to say it puts Trump's entire election campaign. Various legal jeopardy. And the Supreme court will be asked to hear the election alternative case. Something, I'm sure it has little appetite to hear. Now that's a lot that I just read to you. I. I honestly don't know how the justices are going to. Weigh in. I don't know if they're going to. Go with the state.'cause then. I mean, what if there's four other states that have this type of. Dilemma, which Ohio just joined in. I mean, if they side with Trump hate, no one can take him off the ballot. Right. If they side with a state, and that means almost any state could be like, Hey, he's an insurrectionist. It is a majority conservative. Justice. He did elect three of them. But as you know, the justices are the Supreme court, I would say. haS. A. Failing positive. We're view. From the public. I wouldn't say that they would rule in favor of the state to meet the public happy. I wouldn't say they ruled in favor of Trump. I would think that they would almost go on the line. Like they would be tiptoeing around this. Of how they're going to. On a matter of. Really a campaign. Because it's Colorado takes them off. You know how many more states will be? In line to take. I would assume most of the democratic state, but. It could also be like California in California, said we're not taking them off the ballot. We want people to vote. Have that right. And we'll be them at the polls. Which I thought was pretty cool. Of what Gavin Newsome said. Anyways, so. Pausing the ruling is good news for Trump. The ruling said that if Trump appeals appeals to the Supreme court by January 4th, which is near. Which is very near then that decision will be paused until the nation's highest court announces, whether it will take the case. And if it does. Until it hands down. Its final decision. Dry and forth is one day before the state law requires Colorado secretary of state. Jenna. Griswold to certify the list of candidates for the March 5th Republican. Republican. Presidential primary Griswold identify. Pratt has said she believes Trump inside of this section, but hasn't taken a position on Trump's eligibility under the 14th amendment. She said Tuesday. To CNN on Anderson Cooper, 360. And that she'll follow whatever court decision is in place. Colorado justice has said. Grid's wall will continue to be required to include president Trump's name on a 2024 presidential primary ballot until the Reese sip a hint of any order. Or mandate from the Supreme court. So even if he stays on a primary ballot and wins the GOP nomination, that means he could still be disqualified for the general election. And every other state will be watching as it plays out. So even if the Supreme court decides to take their slow, sweet time. And Trump is the nominee for the Republicans. And then the ruling comes down and they're like, yeah. We're we're going to go with the state he's off. He. He's not doing the general in that state. There's still 49 other states that he, you know, he can be on, but if one state goes. Other states might go too, which is obviously going to hurt his chances because he's not going to be on the ballot. And no one's going to vote for him in that state, which means he has even a lesser shot of. Becoming president. States. Again, So the sense from the sharply divided for third court offers some legal foundations for Trump to overturn the historic and really. When he, and that really appeals to us. One justice concluded that the candidate shouldn't be disqualified on the 14th amendment. If they hadn't been convicted of insurrection, which is a federal crime. Trump is facing other federal felony charges. But not insurrection and his federal elections. Version case. Other adjusters raise due process concerns and said that only Congress has the power to enforce the ban. Trump previously raised some of these arguments in the case, even though Trump has bashed the seven members of court. For only having democratic appointees, his team is also embracing that as tense. Taking points circulated by the Trump campaign. Tuesday highlight the strand comments that justice carlos, some Morrison. And he said, I have been involved in the justice system for 33 years now. And what took place here? Doesn't resemble anything I've seen in a courtroom. So majority of the opinion. Acknowledged right off the bat that this case forced them to travel into uncharted territory. And that the case presents several issues of. First impression. And the judge judges have never weighed in on these questions before they've never needed to. There has never been even a remote possibility that the president turned insurrectionists would run for office again. The case provides yet another solemn reminder of how Trump made history by becoming the first president to try and stay in power after losing. They go on to say that we do not reach these conclusions lightly and the majority role we are mindful of the magnitude and the weight of the questions now, before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law without fear or favor without being swayed by public for. More action to the decision that the law mandates. We. Reach. And what that ladies and gentlemen. The fate of. Donald Trump. Is now in the Supreme court. Because. I don't, I don't even know where we go from here to be honest people. I truly don't. You know, if Colorado wins this, then we're going to have other states that go about it as well. And then it won't even be an election. It'll be like some. Lekshun morphed into. Something, I don't have P I don't even know. I truly don't know. I truly think that. I don't, to be honest, I don't know. I truly do not. It's. Territory that we've never walked in before. It's you know, From what he's done, you would think that he would not run for office again, but he clearly is running for office again. We've heard from several. You know, top advisors who were very close to him, who said that this guy is not fit to be in office again. He would literally turn our country upside down. He has 91, the charges. Pending against him. He's in legal battle. The guy can't hit the campaign trail because he's in another courtroom. The next day. And now with him appealing to go to the Supreme court to be like, Hey, MRI. Insurrectionism not. It's honestly, at a point where it's like, man, 20, 24 is going to be the most active year. Of any presidential race. Normally you would have, you know, your normal presidential race, but this is going to be something that no one has ever seen. And anyone who does political stories like I do as a podcast. I'm honestly going to have to put my job. I feel like I'm going to have to quit my job because it's going to be so much going on. I want to make sure I give it out to you. So you understand what's going on. Anyways. That's Trump. The insurrectionist present impeached. Who is now running for president again, but now. The question remains can Colorado. PIM off the election ticket because of. The 14th amendment. I'll keep you guys updated. Anyways, let's switch gears. There's some new laws. Some new things they're going to be taking. Place in 2024. And I want to inform you on some of them. Because you have the right to know. We'll talk about all that. When we come back. On the last conversation. First off before we even begin this. COpic. I just want to thank all of you for listening. To my lovely voice. Like I love doing this and if I had. Honestly the money I would not work. And I would do this for you for a full time thing, but because I have to work because we live in America. I can only do these shows. Like once a week or every two weeks, whenever I honestly get the chance to sit down. Plan out what I want to talk about, because it takes a little bit to set everything up, but I just want to thank you. For for you who are listening. I love you. Sincerely appreciate. Everything that you do to. For the show. So let's get going. So in 2024. Not only will it be a political disaster? I lie. Now it will be a political disaster of things that are going to be doing. But from gender for MaineCare to bands, to gender affirming care bands. Minimum wage increases. These are some of the laws that will take effect. January 1st. Of 2024. Several states saw a polarization legislation session last year as lawmakers tackle. High profile. Measures some of which will take effect. Next year. While many Democrat and Republican led states pass measures to ease the efforts of inflation on the economy. Remains a top concern for voters ahead of 2024 election. States were split among party lines and Mar key issues such as abortion rights and gender affirming care for minors. Gender affirming. Care. Is one of the marquee issues across state letter. So you sure. 2023. For minors with several Republican led states moving to an act restrictions. Some of those restrictions, as we all know. We're that they can't get, and there any, they can't get any type of gender affirming care until the age of 18. Because they feel when you're 18, you can do whatever you want. whIch there have been doctors. Therapist parents have all said, well, if all three of us get together and say that this is best for the child, then we should be able to get it. Well, Republican states are like, Parents. You don't know anything. Oh, my God, you got a medical degree. You're sure. Going to get that off the internet and therapists. Well, who are you? What's the therapist. That's essentially what was going on. THe gender affirming care spans a range of evidence-based treatments and approaches that benefit transgender and non binary people. The type of care varies by the age and goals of the. Recipient. And are considered the standards of care by many means during. Associations. Among the states that moved to pass a ban on such treatment for minors are Idaho and Louisiana. And the bands will take effect on Monday. Under the Idaho law physicians. And or practitioners who provide. Puberty blocking medication. Affirming. Surgeries or other treatments to minors could face a$5,000 fine and a fair and a felony charge. In Louisiana. thOse under the age of 18 will be barred from receiving gender affirming care surgeries, puberty, blocking medications, and hormone treatments and healthcare professionals who provide them. I could be punished with a, what, the re vocation of their license for a minimum of two years. On the other hand. Marilyn was one of the several Democrat led states that pass protections for gender affirming care for all ages. As of Monday, the state will require. We'll require Medicaid to provide. Coverages. Such as care. But you're like, well, Stefan. That's gender affirming care. What else could they screw up? Abortions. While several near total bans and Republican led states took effect in 2023, many blue states pass laws, protecting abortion rights, including. To that will take effect Monday. Washington state. Law attempts to make abortion procedures more accessible. What changes to insurance coverage, many health insurance plans issued or renewed starting January 1st will be prohibited from requiring a cost sharing for abortion. Which generally include an out of, out of pocket costs such as a deductible or copay. Meanwhile a shield or I will take effect in California on Monday that will protect local healthcare providers from out of state litigation's. If they provide abortion services to patients instincts. With the restrictive abortion laws. The protection will also extend to those who provide gender affirming care to add a state patients. I feel. As though Republicans will never understand. Right. And I feel that they will lose every midterm. That they go against because people are asking for these protections. And some of them. Most of them don't even include rape or incest in there. So when you go to the states and some of them, and let me tell you, there are some states, I don't know which ones are, but some of them have lost where. if The person travels out of state bay could still be prosecuted. And you would think. That's extreme, but that's what they want. And my whole philosophy is if that woman has the child, that you are forcing her to have. Are you going to provide childcare or you wind up provide. Medical or you want to provide. Food. No, you're not because every time they try and pass. Either a childcare or passing or food stamps, which you guys are obviously always trying to cut. Which provide for those people who need assistance. So I don't want to hear Republicans say that. Oh, well, you know, it's God's choice. It's not God's choice. It's the woman. It's her choice. Because God doesn't speak to you. That let me rephrase that. God does not speak to you. For you to speak for God. God is its own entity. And that woman can talk to God. She can talk to whoever she needs to talk to because it is her decision on what she does. With her body. It's no one else's decision. It's not the government. It's not these men who are in power. It is that woman's decision for some reason. People in this country. I do not understand that. And it irritates the living shit out of me.'cause it's like, well, you don't regulate anybody. Else's body. You don't regulate mat men. So you can't sit here and tell me. Well, we want to regulate what women do with their body when you're not going to regulate everyone. I don't get it. I don't understand it. It is a woman's choice. Leave it to the woman, leave it to the woman and her god. Or gods, whoever she prays to that does not speak. Through Congress for Congress to speak for God. That's not how this works. Sorry. That's my rant. Lambo. And trust me, I've. I have. Anyways, so. Not only is gender affirming care, bad news. It's not bad news, but what the states are doing as bad news, abortion, same thing, these states are, you know, Just it's almost like they don't care. Minimum wage is going up though. Because it's expensive to live in the United States of America. The Heights will take effect in the following states. January firsts. Alaska Arizona, California, Colorado. The medic kit. Delaware Hawaii, Illinois, Maine. Maryland Michigan. Soda, Missouri. Montana and Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Washington. Washington DC. Some states such as Nevada and Oregon have increased set for July 1st for it as minimum wage will go up September 30th. With increases, Washington will continue to have the highest minimum wage of all states. At$16 and 28 cents. fRom 1574. Meanwhile Hawaiian, we'll see the largest increase in its minimum wage from$12 to$14. However Washington DC will continue to have highest. Minimum wage in the country at$17 and 5 cents. Up slightly from last summer, which was raised from$17. Another. Wage height. In Washington, DC is scheduled for July. That is some good news. Like. Washington's the C$17 an hour. I mean, it's already expensive to live there. I actually want to see what new York's minimum wage is going to be. Because it's not cheap. I live in New York. I was living there for two weeks for work. And I can tell you that food was. Expensive, like out of every, out of all the money that I spent in New York. Food. I was the highest. Cost. YeAh, it's expensive. So if you're running other New York, I recommend you don't spend two weeks out there. But let's move on. The department of education also recently updated the. Free application for federal student age, which is better known as FASFA. The form is used to determine financial aid eligible for 2024 and 2025 academic year. And the updated version expect to be released. Sunday is shorter and easier to fill out. It's also expected that many low income borrowers will be eligible for more. Financial assistance. I actually want to do a show on financial aid. Because, let me tell you. It's probably the easiest thing. I've. I filled out. I think that all. BlAck and brown students, people, kids. If you are going to school and you just graduated high school or you're about to graduate high school. Please. I beg you to fill out a FASFA and just see how much money that you are eligible for. Because most of you guys who've listened to. The conversation with Stefan Garrison. No, that I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. Like my me and my family were poor. yoU know, we lived in the projects. We have water cut off several times. We. Lights cut off several times. So. It's I understand I've been there. But filling out FASFA and being able to. hAve the government pay for my school. I mean, me not even being able mean that. Taken out loans. What's the easiest thing. I just recently started taking out loans cause. The schools that I'm going to are not cheap. So I just recently took out loans, but even if you have loans if you go onto FASFA and you go to your loans. There's all there's repayment options. That you're more than welcome to look over and see which one best suits for you. One loan. One. Program that was able to sign up for was. Abel to where I don't have to repay my loans until I'm done with school. So it kind of puts a pause on all of it. Because I'm like, Hey government, I'm still. Going to school. So I'm going to take out more loans. So in that sense, let's not have me. Repayment. And that is the unsubsidized loans. Which accumulate interest. Not my subsidized ones that the government pays the interest and I don't have to worry about. So anyways, I always recommend. To do it. And that's actually the end of that article. But. I do want to piggyback. Tow. One thing. Remember I told you there was another state that took Trump off the ballot. While there is. It was actually Maine. Maine. Has taken him off the ballot, citing the 14th amendment. And because Colorado did it. They are following suit. As Well. So I told you there is going to be other states that are going to follow. As I've said, I believe Ohio was one of them. I'm still trying to find where it is. Maybe Ohio wasn't, but Hey, Maine's on there. At main goals. There's a lot of other states that are, want to be right behind it. But as I said we're all going to be looking at the Supreme court, whether or not they even want to touch this, to be honest, they might just be like, this is, this is too much of a choppy water for us. And we'll just leave it to the states because you know, they pushed the abortions to the states might as well. Elections the states. Hey. This is, this is, this is just this water's way, too murky. For us, but. Anyways Let's go over the results. For our podcast. And we'll be right back after. I find it. All right. So as I've told you all, I love it. jUst because you're listening to the podcast, but let's go over our recap for 2023. Now, granted. Just. Started over. So I was not expecting for our numbers to be relatively high at all. so We've posted four episodes so far. Sydney. Of south Wales. Is the number one city on the list of listening. So thank you, Sydney. Telsa Oklahoma was also on there. Virginia Ashburn. Birmingham Birmingham. And Queensland. So I'm glad we got some. We got some friends overseas. They're listening to us. We are in 18 countries. United States, United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Canada. Now that's sexy right there. Our top episodes is the scientists and mental health and alimony. Our second highest episode is in-depth discussion about GLP, the bait young voters and Tim Scott skin pain suspension. Our third. Episode, which would be speaker Mike Johnson and Jean and George Santos. And the fourth one is struggling of having a house speaker. Out of all that. 118 people I've listened to our podcast. In 18 countries. 191 minutes. So I want to just give us a whole round of applause. Like, that's amazing. And as I've said so entirely grateful for all of you. For listening. Next year. Which is me in a couple of hours. I'm hoping to spice things up. Give you guys some new things. Look forward to. We did update our Twitter account. So you can message us on Twitter or Instagram. Instagram is going to be. thelast_conversation. And if you find us on Twitter, thelast_convo. Reach out to us on those two platforms. I am working on Facebook. Ish. I'm trying to work on it. It's like in the background, it's on the black, on the Blackboard. On the back earner. Things I have to fix and get together. WE have several. I wouldn't say several, we have two conventions next year that we're going to, that I can't wait to film and share with you. One of them is a pod fast. That toasted every year. It's going to be held here in Orlando. So we'd be going to that. I have a GoPro that's on way. Yay. I can't. So excited. To be able to film for you. And then obviously most of the guys who have listened to our podcast knows. Every year we go to MegaCon Orlando. Woo. And that'll be at the beginning of February. And obviously we'll have our Volpara. So. Which is a lot better because most years that I go, I try and report on my phone. And it's terrible. I've tried streaming on Twitch. It's terrible. And the only reason why I say that is because you have over. I don't know, over a thousand people. And this convention hall, the internet is already terrible and you have other people using technology. Yeah. It's it's it's it's not good for us. So I'm hoping with my GoPro. Filming. We'll be a lot easier this year. So. Anyways with that being said, I love you all. I appreciate everything that you guys do by listening to shells. Please make sure that you share the show on your social medias tag us. So I can comment. Other than that. Next year. I'm hoping to do an episode on affirmative action for some of you guys who don't know the Supreme court over rule. That which means that race does not play a part in your college application. One college student or soon to be college students shares her story with CNN. And I can't wait to share that story with you. No, I do not have her with me, but I have her story. And it's just going to help spread the message of how affirmative action works. How students who are black and brown. Feel that they should. Include. that they are black. Or brown. Just because they don't know if it's going to hurt their chances of getting into a college or not. We'll talk about that on our next episode. And about a week. Don't quote me on that maybe two weeks. Stay tuned on our social media. We'll post it on Twitter. When that episode will be recorded. And when it is actually finally edited. And sent out to you. Have a great night. I love you all. And happy new year. Hopefully you guys are being, you guys are safe. Be safe. Be kind. The different tree over the one that you want to be treated. And that is. The show right here on the last conversation.