The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
Let’s talk about things that matter in our daily lives :
Voting Rights
Equal Pay
Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
In-Depth Discussion on GOP Debate, Young Voters, and Tim Scott's Campaign Suspension
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Hello Everyone, I hope you all have a great Holiday Weekend!
This episode delves into the aftereffects of the GOP debate, particularly analyzing potential frontrunners like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. We also examine the dampening enthusiasm of young voters for the Biden administration, largely due to unmet campaign promises and ongoing concerns over issues like student loan forgiveness and economic anxieties. Lastly, the suspension of Tim Scott's presidential campaign is discussed, touching on what it means for the political landscape.
[Topic 1] 0:00 The Third GOP Debate
[Topic 2] 03:19 Third GOP Debate
[Topic 3] 36:37 Young Voters Question Biden's Support
[Topic 4} 56:25 Tim Scott Suspends Campain For President
01:00:20 Final Thoughts
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
Ominous instrumental music
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo:Good morning. It is. Thursday. About 10 in the morning here and sunny, Orlando, Florida, actually, it's raining outside. You know, I am always a coffee person. I love coffee. It's the only thing to not make me a bitch. In the morning. It's it's almost like that. Nate. Donald's commercial. It's like, don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Why. I haven't had my coffee. But that's probably not why you guys are watching this video or listening on apple, Spotify. Or wherever else you get your podcasts from. I've been gone for two weeks in New York, obviously. And I'll post those videos. On our social media and I am Stephane Garrison or the last underscore conversation. For you guys. See my. And venture. So with that being gone for two weeks, I wasn't able to produce anything. Honestly, I wasn't. But we have a lot to talk. First. We'll have to talk about the GL. E eight. Because I don't know. I've watched the first two. And this one, the third one, it kind of. It just wasn't it for me. It, it, I don't know. Like I was more hoping on like debating and the more I keep watching these GOP debates, the more I'm like, this is not really a debate. This is more just like. Old white people talking on stage that. I guess I should care about. After a GOP, then let's head over to, there's a lot of talk about young voters, a lot and lead young voters like myself. We turned out for Biden. In 2020. And. A lot of them are starting to like cast doubt. Some of them are unsure whether they're on a vote for Biden. Again. There was also another article which I'll bring in a separate episode. About black voters. Are kind of on the scale of not voting for five nine. With how we're going to vote for them because we're not voting for. The other guy who told us when he ran, you have no other choice. But I digress. And then. The only. Black. Candidate who was running for president for the GLP has suspended. His campaign, which as most of you guys know when they say suspend, they truly just means that they're ending it. I know why they just don't be like, I am ending Mike and pain now he's suspending it. Which I guess maybe that's giving some of his. Sponsors or supporters hope that maybe he'll run again another four years maybe who knows? But. I'm not shocked, Tim Scott, wasn't doing very good in the polls and onstage. I was hoping for a lot more. So I want to talk about all three of those right here on the last conversation.
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo-1:so, I don't know about you, but I. Watch. The GLP debates. I usually, this is actually my first time watching. These debates, usually I don't. I watched a little bit when Biden was running, I thought that one was hilarious. But this one, I was like, all right, we're going to watch it because I want to make sure that, you know, I understand these people are running. So the first two, I was like, okay, you know, they're not bad. But then the third one. I was kind of like, Where is. Like no one is truly standing out to me to be. A Republican. President right. And I've never voted Republican before. But if I were, I would want one of them to truly stand out right. And I'll give you my opinion of who I think stands out the most, but I will also say that this particular person. There is a very slim chance that they will get the. Nomination. So moving on from that. Abortion. As we all know is a huge thing in our country right now. We did an episode. Of Roy V way when it was turned over. On our last podcast, which Paul, the conversation. I will read posts that episode here on the last conversation. So you can see. Exactly what was won on. I remember I did that episode as soon as the Supreme court overturned it. And I, I, I did like an emergency episode, which I usually never knew, but I, I left work. And I just came straight home and I like set everything up, which we had a different setup than. And I just went straight into it. And now the question. It's been an, every single election that we've had since it's been overturned. So the primaries, it was a huge thing. These special elections that just happened about a week ago. It was always, it's always on the ballot. It's always on the ballot. And the issue that Republicans always face is that. They just don't understand. They, they say they know what the American people want. But then it doesn't show, right? Because a lot of them are still saying, oh, they're still saying ban. They're still saying. They're saying the words that people are still saying. So in their minds. Well, it's not really a ban, but essentially there's a band, right? And Democrats are using that to their full advantage. They're like, Hey, you're Republican. People want to ban abortions. They want to restrict what a woman can do with her body. You have here in Florida where it was 15 weeks and most of everyone in Florida. We're pretty. Concise with it. Are we were content with it. It was 15 weeks. You know, it's not the most ideal because a lot of doctors who are smart and intelligent have said that 15 weeks is still not enough time. Because most women are just finding out that they were pregnant within 15 weeks. So it was 15 weeks here. Here in Florida. And then Santa is decided to be a complete jackass. And turn it to six weeks and six weeks struck a huge blow, right? Because six weeks is, that's not that's, that's like child's play at that point. And so every time you see him on a. On a stage. Or if you see him talking to. Or quarter, like one-on-one. They always say you created one of the strictest abortion ones because there's only a second state that also has six weeks as well. Some don't even have any weeks. But with six weeks. People are like, no, the American people are like, no. And then they asked him if he would take that six weeks that he did here in Florida and make it a national. And he said, yes, At obviously. It's not going to go very well for him, the general, but that we're not even talking about. That. Essentially. We're talking about the GOP debate, which. For the first 99 minutes of their debate. They didn't talk about it, even though it is one of the biggest. Topics. Of the GLP it's going to be on every single. Ticket from now until the Supreme court. Says. Okay. Fine. We will allow abortion. At this many weeks under these circumstances that you, whatever the case may be until it goes back to Supreme court. Abortion will always be on every single ticket. And every candidate who was running for a public office. Even myself later. In the years. Needs to understand that that how important it is. So let's go into. This one. So unlike their last gathering day, chaotics fumble up interruptions, cross top to the date. Wednesday in Miami did hammer away. pOints of substance. And while those blessings were surely worth debating, even if the candidates largely agreed on top lines, like supporting Israel, holding Hamas, I ran China. The effects was ultimately disordered. If the GOP is going to take that the white house. Why. Knowing it, political hardness standing is in the way. Considering the candidates narrow interest, it made some sense, none of their views on abortion, which came out 20 minutes before closing time. Our particular popular at the moment, taking together former South Carolina, Nikki Haley. Plea for consensus on the issue in South Carolina. Sendbird. Tim Scott and cysts on it. 15. Federal ban echo. Logic set forth by Virginia governor when young skin. And the days and weeks before his state GOP colleagues came up short in a high state flighters legislative contest. Abortion was the wasn't the only decisive topic they got short. Shift in Miami, former president Trump to. It was an afterthought for most of the night after receiving a few measure, jabs. Early on and only at the POB lane of the men mediators. Florida. Rhonda Santas summed up. Argument against Trump saying that he is. A different guy than he was in 2016. And like Haley suggesting the Republicans not go chasing past Laurie's. The sense has. He says the same. Line. Every single debate for the last three debates, he says the same line when it comes to Trump. Oh, if he wants your vote. He should be on stage. And that's the only thing he says, the only person who has been the most critical. Of Trump has been Chris Christie. Now a lot of experts out there. Have set, the reason why these five candidates have not harshly. Bashed Trump is because they. Want to, they want the supporters that Trump has to come over to. They're in pain. Now you'll probably like we'll step on. If a bash and. Will they not come. Essentially. Yes. If you bash your. Best for if you bash your best friend. Do you think that your best friend's friends are going to come over to your side and help you do whatever you're trying to do? Essentially now. Right. So. In my view, they are tiptoeing around the issue. Trump is the issue. You, I understand that you may want. Some of his supporters. But. Some of those supporters are like, I call them at this point, they're like all members, like they are devoted to him. So, but there are people in that. Holt that can be influenced to come over to your side. Right. And that's the issue that these five tenets for present aren't basic. You have to attack. Stop tiptoeing around him. Stop saying insults, but they're not really insults, like stop saying, well, he should be here. Obviously. He hasn't been here for the last week. Debates the scientist. So stop saying he's not coming. Right. Every time you guys have it to be. He has another event that reaches. Pretty much the same amount of audience that you're the bait has reached. So you need to attack him. Call him out for what he is. Right. That's the only way you're going to have voters be like, Hey, you're going to be a president. Right. It's going to go after people not go after people. Let me rephrase that. It's going to stand up for us, right. And until they attack him, They're always going to be behind him. I'm not saying attacking light. Well now attack pretty much you have. Yeah, you have to do something. You can't just keep saying these softer words out. Oh, well, he should be here or you have Nikki Haley saying, well, he was a good present than. But he's not the president that we need right now. Like come on. Just shit. You got to do more. But that topic. Trump was like last, like they barely talk about him. Which. You know, Is whatever. At one point. They started talking about. Tik TOK. And we'll, we'll talk about that to the second. So that who was also one of the contenders was the lone dissenter on that front. Talking up his use of the app as a campaign tool while his rivals play. To bury it then effectively calling the Haley hypocrite because her daughter uses it. Understandably and frustrating. The Haley told. The vet. She leave my daughter out of the mouth before dismissing him as scum. Aye. I thought. That that was probably. The best moment. Of that entire debate. And here's why I say that. Is. And like, and. None of you guys really know this, but I, I like, I like Hayley. I probably would never vote for her. But I like, I like, I, I. Let me rephrase that. I like that she's in a competition. Onstage. I don't even know now. Let me rephrase that. At this very moment. I cheer for Haley. I was like, yes. Do it girl. Because it's about time that we see someone just finally just. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you guys understand what I'm trying to say, but at that very moment, I was like, Haley, you did like, and some people were like, oh, maybe she shouldn't have said that. And I was like, no, she said exactly what most of us was feeling. Coming from a parent standard view and I'm not hearing them just to Cod. Maybe still. I felt like you like. Family's a low blow. Now in a separate interview that that CNN did with him after the bait, they, right. Don't you think that's a low blow and he's like, yeah, I think it's a low blow. And I think I should have. You know, He. Stayed with this stance, right? I felt. That it was a low blow that you should not bring family into politics. And that even though her daughter uses take top for daughter is not integral campaign. Right. If you saw Nikki using it, then you could criticize Nikki for using the platform. But her daughter is eight child. And most children, or at least all children use take top. Right. That's not. Those two though. Those are two, like apples, oranges that. Are not equal. So I thought it was fine that she called them. Honestly, I thought she would probably call them a different word, but. Scum was. It was pretty good. I thought it was like a nice, nice head-on, but I liked it. Anyways. Let's move on. Formal New Jersey, Chris Christie. Trump's harshest critic on the cable is hardly registered. Put another dent in his reputation as a shroud or occasionally. Public speaker. Here are these six takeaways that CNN poll for you. One was the foreign policy. On Israel's war on Hamas there, it was little disagreement between the five candidates and that their answers were often quite similar. IB Paulin. Then be finished the job once. And for all of these butchers, the census said, Referring to Israel's prime minister by his nickname. The first thing I said to him, When it happened was I said, finish them. He really said. tHere was a sharp division over whether the United States should continue to support you frame. Against Russia is fresh. Well that left. No doubt where he studied issuing a layby review on Ukraine present. Zelensky. While accusing the war torn country of harboring Nazis and anti-democratic beliefs. He goes on to say, to frame this as some kind of battle between good versus evil, don't buy it. That's what VEC said. Haley continued to tussle with that outreach onstage said the Russian president Putin and Chinese leader. Jim Payne were. Salivating at the thought that someone like that to become president. Christie agreed. They go on to save. Let's remember the last time that we turned our backs on a shooting war in Europe, per SEASET. I brought it just, it brought us just a couple years. And then 500,000 Europeans were killed in Europe to defeat Hitler. This is not a choice. The sentence and Scott shifted the conversation from Ukraine. To United. Tonight at states and Mexico border and left out as to why they believe us support for the country should continue. We're not going to send our sons and daughters. Do you create Florida? Governor said. I'm going to send troops to our suburb. No comment. No, just no comment. Just, just like in the second, the date abortion concerns, didn't make it to the front to the first, more than 90 minutes of the program this time though. The inclusion was especially notable as it came a night after Ohio voters in shrine, abortion rights in their state constitution. And Republican suffered defeats in key races across the country where the issue of abortion. When the topic was finally brought up, most of the candidates help from what their position suggesting that they had not been moved by Tuesday. So results. Scott stood on his calls for 15 week federal ban while Haley continued to push for a middle of the road approach. She goes on to say that one more looking at this. There are some states that's going to be pro-life side. I welcome that. There are some states going to be pro-choice side. I wish that wasn't the case, but. The people decided. Haley in my opinion is trying to be the middle brown place. Right. So she isn't. Far, right? So she's not a, like a Trumper. She's trying to be like that middle ground present. And I think it. It's. It's a hit or miss. Honestly, it is. Because. I don't know. It's I don't think, I think the country's ready for someone to be middle ground, but they also. You can be a Republican in the middle ground. You still have to get most of your base behind you. And there are a lot of Republicans. Not middle ground. And they were on the right side of a lot of issues. So she's trying to be that middle ground person. Which could help her. But it also could be her weekly too. So it just depends. On how things play out between now and. And January, if her team can really bolster that she is going to be this bi-partisan president, right. Because there have been surveys about our country worked. So if Congress was more bi-partisan. And the country loves when we are bipartisan. Right. And we work together to achieve these types of goals. Not every site is going to get what they want, but every site gets something. And the country. Is more willing to go that route then for Matt gates to shut down our entire government system by ousting. McCarthy. That three weeks of not having a government, people did not like that bills did not get passed. Legislations did not get passed. People didn't honestly know what. I could do, or, you know, we have the present. Who's calling for certain things to happen. That can't happen without a functional government. And so when things happen on. Bi-partisan agreement. People are more accepting of that because they're like, okay, we got something done. We're not just sitting on our hands and our ass doing nothing. People pay. The people vote for these representatives to go to Congress, to make these laws right, to help shape our country. And on a bipartisanship, that means our country gets rolling. So. That's my little speech. Moving on. UmDe Santase, meanwhile seemed to put Tuesday's losses at the feet of anti-abortion groups. Saying that they've been caught flat footed on these. Referendum. Since the reversal. Voters in states across the political spectrum, including Kansas, Michigan, California, Vermont, and now Ohio. Voters have affirmed the right. To an abortion in the ballot measures. It's a stark reversal from the second debate. When Santa said of the 20 2022 election results, I reject the idea that pro-lifers are to blame for midterm defeats. So in this issue. After the. Anti-abortion groups and was like, Hey. You guys haven't been doing your job. Obviously, these people are winning the pro you know, pro. Abortion. Pro pro-choice. And he's like you anti-people, aren't doing a. You're flat-footed you should be campaigning more. I don't necessarily think that that is. One to help him. When it comes to getting your support, because they're going to be like, what do you mean we've been, flat-footed obviously. The people. What this. It goes on to say it. Wasn't the only answer on abortion. Which the census flipped. After declaring at the September debate that he would sign up bill to block the procedure. After 15 weeks is present. If it's reached his desk, the sentence went back to ducking support for a federal ban. I was not necessarily going to do it the same as Virginia. So you've got to work for the bottom. You got to work from the bottom up. No one likes someone who's going to keep changing. You saw how. We'll go from there. Christie said Tuesday's results. We're what the constitutional farmers. Wanted and what anti-abortion advocates had hoped for and overturning review, wait, letting the states decide. He goes on to say that we have people running to say let's short circuit, the states from doing what they need to do. And let's go right to some type of federal ban at a certain number of weeks. I think, and this is my opinion. My opinion alone. When the states decide. That's what should happen? I think, I don't think that the decision was the greatest in the world. But we also did not see what was coming about. We did not see these states turn out in numbers to support abortion. Right. And when Supreme court overturned it, I was like, man, now it's back to the states. It's just. It's not going to work. But. Look at what we got, these states are choosing. Especially some of those states who have very hard line abortions. Legislation. Right. So the people are deciding, no, we want these, we want these rights, these rights are the constitution they're enshrined in being an American woman in this country. It shouldn't be in the hands of. Men or the government of what you should be able to do. With your body and it showing. And now. Republicans are kind of like, oh, We did not expect this to happen. So. The next topic that they talked about was China. And I love talking about China because for some reason, Everyone is like, well, China is this and China is that. You do realize that both of our economies. Depend on each other. Right. Everything that isn't made here in America is made from China. They get shipped over here. So our economies depend on each other. So we have to have that working relationship. I like to call it. The. I like to call it. The brothers the United States in China. Well brothers. We're brothers that don't like each other we're brothers that we do separate things. And our separate households. We may not like what our brother does in their household. They may not like things that we do in our household. But we have to work together. In order for both of our economies. To grow. Right. Biden just met with Jean ping. There are Chinese president about two days ago. We'll do that. We'll talk about that in another episode. But we have to have that consistent relationship with them. You know, it's us, China and Russia. Probably the three most biggest, super excuse me, superpowers in the world. We have to have. Working relationship with at least one of them. Right. And our economy. Kind of goes off of China. Right. They come over. We get aro. We get our technologies from there. Phones from there we get. Gaming systems from there, we have tourism from both from both ends. So we're brothers. We need each other. We may not like what each other are doing on our individual sides. But we need each other. And I think some of these Republicans who are like, well, Russ take it to China. You can only stick it so much before China says, well, fuck you get your shit from somewhere else. And then these Republican presidents are going to be like, well, what are else. We don't wait. We mate. Things here in America. But we don't make enough as if we're getting it from China. We're getting money, abundance of things. Right? So our economies depend on each other. So we need to work on that. We need to build, I'm not saying that we need to be best friends, but we need to be. Causal. We need to understand that a. We need each other. So we can. Be able to have that friendship. So that's another speech. Sorry. Anyway, so, but the science isn't Haley disagreed over China. The sentence, criticized Haley for recruitment. The Chinese fiberglass company that comes to her state during her tenure as governor. Centers said she welcomed them into South Carolina, gave them, landed near a military base, wrote the Chinese ambassador, a love letter saying that what a great friend that they are that was. Like they're number one way to an economy, to an economic development. In Florida. I banned China from buying land in the state. He continued, we kicked the. Institutes out of our university. We recognize the threat and we've acted swiftly and decisively. That's what he said. Now as I just said, Our economies depend on each other. They need us. We need them. bUt Haley wasn't given an opportunity to immediately respond, but she didn't let the critique slip by and later attached to senses. Own record through the state economic development agency. She says, yes, I bought a fiberglass. Company 10 years ago, the South Carolina, but Ron, you are the chair of your economic development agency. That as of last week said Florida is the ideal place for Chinese businessmen. And then the, that now. Yeah, the get his little feathers in there. Same as the sentence was correct to point out Hailey's previous support for Chinese investment, but the entrepreneur went on to criticize the Florida governor over ties to a donor. Lobbied on behalf of the Chinese investment in the us. That appeared to be a reference to a poor set, the sentence donor 10 Griffin, the CEO of the hedge fund. Citadel push to amend the bill that allowed Chinese nationals to purchase property near. Military basis. In the us, the scent has denied. The next. Accusation. We're going to take a quick break when we come back. The Vivek wanted to throw blows. And he threw blows everywhere.
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo-2:I am happy that we took that break because my laptop is about to die. So Vivek decided that, you know what? Fuck it. It's the third debate I'm going to swing at. Except for Trump. During the first debate. Vivek, called the other Republicans super pack puppets at last months. Semi valley, California advent. He told it down, calling them good people, tainted. By broken. System. The question then. Was which version would show up in Miami? The. Former debate kid or the dignified states. The answer was clear. Within minutes, the biotech entrepreneur came out, swinging against the media. Haley did the bait monitor the media publican national committee chair, woman. Rona. McDaniel. DeSantis And Florida governors boots. Basically. Anyone. But Trump was Cherokee. Asked why voters should back. Over Trump. He said error out a loud list of Ruden says first he blamed McDaniel for the string of losses. Republicans have suffered since 2017. When she was elected RN share, but also notably. Office and gave her an option to come on stage and resign. And then he blacks, the decision to have NBC news, Lester Holt, and Kristin. Walker hosts the Salem radios, Hugh Wyatt. I think about who's moderating this debate. This should be, this should be tougher. Carson, Joe Rogan or Elon Musk. He said before blasting the corrupt media establishment. On Israel. He said that he would encourage Israel prime minister, Benjamin NAHU to smoke those terrorists. On his Southern border while the presidential candidate. What the smoking materialist on our Southern border. Who has sought to distinguish himself as an American first candidate? And I feel up. Neo-cons. Then, so that didn't Haley for her foreign policy Rhonda centers who has battled these speculation over his boots, who. The crossfire. Do you want a leader on a different generation? Who's going to put his country first. Or do you want Dick Cheney in three inch? Feels. We've got two of them. Yeah. You know, everyone's talking about his. Or like starting up. Like whole up. Like boots were flattened on. Anyways, what's your problem. And who were the two people who. You think? Well, I wouldn't say who are going to drop out. You think kind of fizzle. Chris Christie and Tim Scott. Now one could the forgiven for forgetting that Christie and Scott were even on the debate stage. Wednesday night. The other three candidates were more interested in scoring shots at each other and seem to view Christie and Scott. As lagging too far behind in the polls to spend much time on. There were only a few moments when Scott and Christie were even addressed in one Haley, not to fellow South Carolina on abortion. After he said as present, he would. He was back a 15 week national limit. On the procedure and IRD, both to Sansa. and Haley to agree with them. Haley countered with, there are an anti-abortion bill sponsored by South Carolina, Lindsey Graham. That Scott reframed from supporting. And he's been Dade on his position on abortion. Scott shot back. That's just not true for the most part though. Scott and Christie didn't really get into the fray and the other three candidates were fine with that. Now. Let's talk about it. As we now, Tim Scott dropped out. Chris Christie will probably be the next to drop his. His poll numbers are just not there. I think he's only staying afloat because he's the only. Candidate, who was I just coming after Trump, like, so he's going to stay there. And my personal opinion. I think the back is going to either drop out or. Has pulled number one, other. But I think RNC will probably RNC in the pack. We'll probably not support for that anymore, which I think he's doing most of the stuff on its own anyways. So he's not really going off through donations. Who I'm really looking at is Hayley. Nikki Haley, I think. That there is a slim chance that she could be a nominee, but at the same time you have Santas. So. thEre's been a lot of debates of who could defeat Biden. I think that Haley would probably have a good chance. And at the same time with how her poll numbers are. How Ron's numbers are. I think if Ron was the nominee. I don't think he would want. That's my person. I think he's just, he's one of those people where, you know, he enacted the first six week ban and he stands by it. He says that Florida is a state that people should look at. But honestly, Florida, isn't doing very good. We would've had a lot of money come in doing summer. And even over the winter times with a lot of big conventions, But because of his war on Disney has policies. That's politics. They decided to not show up. And that'll be happening for. So. That's what I think. Well, we'll keep an eye out for it. Anyways, our next topic is young voters. We'll be right back.
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo-3:So. Young voters. We essentially to Biden to the finish line. I say that. Because. We did. But those been. I don't know, like, and you know, they said this about Obama is that during this time Obama poll numbers were. We're low too, for his second term. And now it's happening. Bye. And there was a lot of young voters who are. I wouldn't say that they're not, they're not there, but they're on that question. So one young voter gave. So. His side and was like, You know, we were excited. And I think that's what we need. Like we need. More excitement for the campaign for him running again. I think. You know, with the war in Israel with crane. Hobby Tonomys going with student loan forgiveness. There's not a lot of excitement and a lot of young people. Or feeling it. So let's talk about it. And I'll give you my opinion at the end. Of what I think. By needs to do to start igniting some of those fires. Let's go into it. As Carrie Singleton looks ahead of the next presidential election, he's thinking back to the excitement that he felt when president Joe Biden and vice president. I'm a Harris visit the historic grounds. Of Clark Atlanta university and Morehouse college. He says, I remember the energy that was here on campus that day. he Stood in a crowd and applauded the speech on voting rights and democracy. And. On that course. Winter day in January, 2020, the president was closing in on his first year in office and Singleton and others. Any audience at high hopes? Since then voting rights legislation. And the Congress, the Supreme court rejected student loan forgiveness, the high prices. From food to housing are feeling the economic anxieties that Singleton said. Have come together to dampen his enthusiasm for the pilot. For the possibilities. What the Biden administration could achieve. He goes on saying that we're not expecting them to make changes overnight. But I do think that people. Or everyone is willing to hold the administration accountable for some of these promises that were made, if they don't happen. I don't think it's it's. I think it's going to be a scary election. For all those warning signs faced and present a year before the election. Apart from the skepticism of young voters is a high on list. A spokesman for the Biden campaign called the election deeply. Deeply hardened for the young people and pledged to build on the strong turnout for young voters. In the 2022. Midterm elections yet. A respectful resistance toward the president comes alive in one conversation after the other. The deepest conversation. Touching his age, he turns 81 next week. The economy. And Israel and Hamas. His age, let's talk about it. By the time he gets out, he'll be like 85, 86. Give or take. Trump's not map. So, yes, his age is. Then we are all concerned about his age. He jokes about his age, and one thing. And I'm going to just step aside for one second. I promise we'll get back to here. One thing that I do not like about them. Right now is. They. It irritates me. When. They are. Talking about replacing him. Right. Which if they wanted to replace him. That should have been a decision you do before. He announces that he's wanting to reel. He's willing to run again for reelection. Do not do this while this man is in office right now, running. it is one of my biggest pet peeves with the party, because. It kind of undermines the president, right. It undermined. You have these. You have these Democrats? Who are leaving their position. To run for prison. And it's like, dude. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish because at the end of the day, The end of the day goal. And this has been said, Is to the feet, Trump. Somehow some Mashable way. We have to defeat this guy. And if you have all these people running for office out of his own party, It takes votes from Biden. You may get a few. But then Trump gets up. Because people are now dividing. Right. It's not a two, it's not two people. It's one. You already know who the nominee is going to be. It may change. It may not. But then you have like five other people. We're also writing for eight democratic. Precedent. It kind of leaves people unsure of what's going to happen. And that's just my that's just my side note. I don't like it. Because it doesn't help. So his age is something that everyone has talked about. Yes. He's old. We all know he's old. He's still doing the job right. The other thing that they talk about is the economy the economy is, and I don't know why he attaches name to. But he did and it's called by an economics. And With the war on Ukraine things and gotten expensive. And now Israel. And Ammas has many things expensive to wars are expensive. They have a drastic. Effect on the economy. Relationships. Well, China don't meet the economy any better because things are a lot more expensive to get certain technologies to get certain products. With the student loan forgiveness. You know, I don't know. I understand where the thought it's coming from. And I appreciate what he's trying to do. But I think a lot of young people, you got understand that the president just doesn't have the power to just push it through. Right. As you saw, he's tried pushing it through, so we have to give him credit for something, right. Because. How am I says no, or he. Or he's getting sued or whatever the case may be. But. Certain things just don't happen. Overnight. Certain things won't happen in a certain administration because you have a house that's run by Republicans. If the house was. Nine by Democrats in the Senate was run by Democrats. We could push almost every single thing that Biden wants to do. And pass it. But because the house is Republican and the Senate is Democrat. There's only so much that he can actually push through. Especially if the Republicans don't agree. You know, We're the minorities in the house. If we have. Full support of the house. Then we could do whatever we want. That's something that we have to understand of how this government works. Let's move on. If they can fund a war, they can find the money to pay off her student loans said, Rachel Carol. Who cast her first vote for president for Biden. The cost of living is way too high right now. I don't think the economy really caters to young people. Carol says she doesn't regret her vote for Biden. Particularly given the alternative of Donald Trump, but finds herself disappointed by some of the white house. Priorities. They made a lot of promises going into office and a lot of. Those have not been met. Carol said he graduated last year and works for a nonprofit. At advocacy group, she says she intends to vote for, by them again, but worries about a lack of enthusiasm. She sees among people, her age. It is for Biden. However, it's against Trump in the same breath. A lot of the times we're voting, unfortunately for the lesser of two evils. Kevin Munez, a spokesman for the Biden campaign said the election will offer a. Stark choice and a clear contrast. Next November. If you can fund a war, you can find money to pay off our student. I am not the way I'm laughing is it's almost like those two aren't even on the same. Plainfield. They're really not. And some of you who watch or listen, you're going to be like Stefan. What. Are you talking about, or you may disagree with me or you might even agree with me. But a war. Is different from paying off your student welcomes. Remember that? Your student loans. You took those student loans. The government did not say, Hey, take the student loan. You took the student loan, so you have to be responsible for some of it. But paying off all your student loans and that's something that never truly gets the, I mean, I have student loans too. I'm paying them off myself. But a war is completely different. Or is helping our ally. And paying off your student loan is. You know, we try, they tried and it got shot down. So he can just keep trying and maybe rework the words or whatever the case may be. However Republicans are trying to fit their own little 2 cents in there. But paying off your student debt. Is not a priority. Remember, it's your student that you got the student. So. Anyways. Some of, you might think I'm an asshole for saying that, but honestly, Like. I don't, I, me personally, I have student loans myself. I'm getting even more. And I don't expect. Need to pay off my student loans. I'll eventually paid them off when I'm like eight years old. Anyways. They go on to say that we're working hard to highlight how an extreme mega agenda would devastate the financial security, safety and freedom of young people. He also added as Democrats did in 2020 and 2022. We will meet young Americans where they, where they are and earn their boats. Instead. Young voters were critical components of the presence. Victory, particularly here in Georgia. We're buying the feed at Trump by 11,779 volts out of nearly 5 million cats. Exit polls in 2020 show the voters 18 to 29 made up 20% of Georgia. Georgia is a wet. Electoral and the only state. Of the top six battle rounds. The percentage of young voters. And see that the national Sheriff's 17%. Then by one Georgia voters back. 14 points up onto the exit polls, but now a year before the elections share res shows. Far closer race or voters under the age of 30, have split weigh six for Trump and 44 for byte. And that's according to a New York times and Sierra college. Pole. yoU've got to vote for something. saId Georgia state, Senator Nevada. Is parts Democrat who organized voters in 2020 to help build Biden's winning coalition. The first time around we fired. Donald Trump this time around and voters want to rehire Biden. Then they want to, and they want to see politics and they want to feel like the issues they're concerned about. Are being hurt. Is on Perth and Muslim American who last fall became. Youngest woman elected to Georgia Senate said rebuilding a democratic coalition has been more complicated. Given the anger many young voters have expressed over the administration's financial support for Israel in the aftermath of October 7th, masker. Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists. They don't want to feel. Complaint and the funding of an ongoing war. I think that young voters recognize you can't bomb your way to peace insecurity. A Gibson, a senior Morehouse college also recalled the excitement of seeing Biden Harris visit campuses. Last year, he said that Ian tend to support Biden. But without the enthusiasms of the 40 years ago. We're going into an election cycle where we have to pick up between two different people who are very, very old in age. I think that there should be other candidates that should have emerged from a democratic party to actually challenge Biden. Paul spoke. Classmates. He would see Biden past Bhutan. He said to many American politicians. To reboot, to retire, which feeds mistrust in the system. My generation tries to tries not to play in age-ism. But there are some really valid concerns buy and use 82 wants to win reelection. Exterior. Trump would be 78 next year. It's like, why would you even want to work when you reached a certain age? I would enjoy the final years of my life in peace. I think that brings a lot of mistrust. Another freshmen said that he is concerned of softening. Of support for buying them on many young black voters, particular men. He feared a disinformation campaign was at work when they have undermined by sanding, but he also believed voters were eager for inspiration. A lot of lap. Response from young generations comes because they want to see that there is so hoped in. But our out of the darkness. Some of the biggest accomplishments in the Biden administration was from infrastructure funding and the lowering of prescription drugs. Don't resonate as loudly and interviews with young voters childcare, affordable housing, abortion rights. We're expresses for our bigger priorities. With biomed, the top of the ticket, potentially facing a rematch in the 2020 race. Young voters say the burden rests on him to deliver on its promises and stir excitement about his candidacy. Not take their support for granted. I leave you this just as we hold Trump accountable. The Morehouse senior sob by. Early last year, we hope by accountable as well. So. Let's talk about it. I think. I agree with part of this. What most of this, I believe the excitement needs to become more excitement. I remember watching, I didn't go to any of the campaigns, but I remember watching it on TV. I remember seeing. Former president Obama. Out there. Campaigning. And people love him now. So I saw the excitement, the campaigning. The complainant in the middle of light blocking off intersections campaign. In the middle of the streets. I remember the excitement that we had. And. I believe that that excitement can come back. And I'm hoping that after the holidays, that excitement starts up again. My advice. Would be for the Biden campaign. To essentially. We start. When I mean by restart is that a lot of young voters are going to be your primarily are going to. Are going to be turning out. A lot of them turned out for biting. In the last election. We need them to turn out again. But you have to bring that excitement just because you won the first four years, you have to keep going. And one message that we for our young voters is that, as I've said before, when you have a divided. Government things do not get past. At all. Right. So you said childcare, affordable housing. an Abortion. As you have seen abortion has been on every single ticket. Which is good and that's all we need to keep voting on. That's how we make abortion a priority. Affordable housing. Is something that comes down to a state level as well. And that's voting for people who. Who are, who their message is. Hey, we need to put caps on housing, right? Cause right now in Florida housing, Housing goes up about 20% every year, 20%. It's not a lot, but 20% for, you know, a one bedroom. That was staying yet. Maybe costed you. When I lived down here. You know, towards the early 2016 and 17 housing was completely affordable. But because housing was going up every 20 odd, 20% a year at increased. One bedroom now. And the complex I live in is currently 16 on routers. Right. So in Florida, you need a roommate. Otherwise you're going to be living. And, you know, you may not want to live in that type of environment. So I definitely think that. Those issues need to be addressed. And I think that on the campaign trail, that's what he needs to be doing is addressing these concerns. Addressing the abortion being like guys, we are doing everything we possibly can to make sure that abortion is on that ballot, but also giving it to the voters and being like you guys make this stuff happen every time there's election, you hold these politicians and you tell them, Hey, look, this is what we want. And. Show them the results. Hey, it happened in Michigan. It happened in Ohio. This is what we want. For childcare. I believe we passed something for child. I believe they path. I don't know why we say we they pass something for childcare. I'd have to do my research. I, I think, I think it's over now, but childcare is also an issue. Having another childcare bill. But as I've said before, and I'll say it again. We are. The minority in the house. Right. If we had complete control of the house, we could do essentially anything we want. At essentially anything, but essentially we could pass those bills because we have the majority, but because we don't have the majority in the house. We're subject to what. Now the Senate, we have the Senate, which. They haven't been speculations that we may not have the Senate next year, just depending on how things are going. But the election for Senate and Congress, I believe is next year as well. So young people make sure you're voting. For people you want to see if you, if you think childcare. If you believe that childcare is that important to you? Vote for people who are going to support a childcare bill. iF you want. I wouldn't say equal housing, but if. You want low housing, lower housing and cost like that. You have to support people who are going to be on that ballot to do. So anyways, We are way over our time when it nets and final topic. When I talk about is Tim Scott discontinuing his campaign for president. We'll be right back. Yeah.
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo-4:All right. So last topic, and then we are closing out. We alright. Currently 59 minutes. Episode. I told you it was going to be a lot. We had a lot to catch it up, obviously. But. Tim Scott, as you know, he was the only black candidate on. On the GOP stage. Has suspended his campaign for president and as most of you now, When they say suspend, they just. Are there any need? Or I guess, I guess suspension would be like he's suspended until the next presidential election. Whenever. That case may be. Pence also dropped out to. But here's what he said on Fox news. He says, I love America more today than I did. I May 22nd, but when I go back to Iowa it will be not as a presidential candidate. I'm suspending my campaign. The announcement on Sunday nights of many of Scott's aids and donors by surprise to people post. This campaigns that they were not given advance notice, even though it was becoming increasingly clear, Scott was facing the uphill struggle to break through. To their GLP primary. The super pat supporting Scott pulled its slate of television ads in October. And following last week's third debate decided not to make a new investment. Scott's presidential prospects dimmed over the last several weeks, beginning with the superpacs decision to pull ads. Last month. Scott's campaign set. It's going Going all in on Iowa. The fact to gain on his primarily rivals by targeting. Nomination contest. For the GOP calendar. Scott. Kept the decision to exit the race close. His best people linked to his campaign said by the timing. It was more surprising than the announcements health. His team had been worried about qualifying for the fourth Republican debate. Next month after being the last candidate to meet the donors and pulling threshold. To mate, I'm the third debate. hE has been hoping a strong debate performance with jumpstart, his candidacy, but even he can see that too. Risers. Or he concerned to at. Alleys in advisers that it hadn't happened. By leaving the race. Now people chill closest campaigns that they, he could return to the Senate without an embarrassing finish in Iowa. He reserves the possibility. Of a future. Presidential run. And leaves without getting in the crosshairs of Donald Trump. Should the former president become the nominee. Tim ran a optimistic and hopeful message, but that's not what. The Republican basis, right? Now. There was more, but it's Tim Scott. But he does say one last night. I want to read it for you. He says, I think the voters who are the most remarkable people on the planet have been really clear. That they're telling me. Not now, too. I don't think they're saying. Trey. No. But I don't think that they're saying. Not now what. And so I'm going to respect voters and keep working really hard and look forward to. Tim Scott. At least, you know, He has the presidential. The date under his. Not the date, but at least he has the presidential contender under his belt. Now as a title. You know, he ran for president. And he suspended his campaign because he knew he was not doing very good in the polls. No one was really changing. Tim Scott right now. Anyways with that being said, Let's. I wasn't going to stop and then do another, but let's go ahead and end with final thoughts.
Microphone Array (Intelr Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones) & Camo-5:So with final thoughts. The GOP debate. Showed us who is likely going to be. Obviously we know Trump is polling very high right now, but I think the next two options is going to be the Santas and Nikki. Haley. I Think Nikki Haley can. Get seconds. But she needs to start not only attacking Trump, but she also needs to start attacking the sentence for his policies. For how he says everyone should look at Florida of how well we're doing when honestly we're not. And I think the abortion. What she said on stage that sheets to run with that. As everyone keeps saying that Republicans are going to keep losing because they don't understand what Americans want. They say, they know that we, what, what people want. They're like, oh, well this is what the American people want. And it's truly not. So until they understand. What the needs are. They're going to keep losing. So I think. Haley has that advantage of saying what she did. She needs to kind of pounce on it. And these losses that they lost with with a special election that just happened. She needs to see where the losses are and see what she can. I Think. That young voters are going to turn out for Biden. But I believe that Biden needs to start. Running. In a sense, his campaign needs to pick up. We need to have that excitement that we had in 2020. So that means coming back out to campuses. That means. You know, getting, getting those Democrats who are, who can have an upper. So you have Obama have the shell out there. Have those people who got us excited before for you. To do that again. Understand where we are in the economy under, you know? Yeah. You're saying I understand, but truly come out to the young people and be like, well, I understand where you've struggled. Okay. These are the challenges that we are facing in order to get to where we all want to be. I think some young people need to understand that you need to pay off some of your student loan yourself and not try and have them pay it off for you. Because I didn't understand that contrast of student loans. We have to, this is our ally. We have to do this. We have like, we have to support Ukraine. So Russia doesn't think that it has the power to just take over another country. Those things we have to do student loans. It's kind of it's on the docket, but it's going to come a little later. That's something that we just have to keep fighting. In-house for. And piece out Tim Scott. It was nice. Seeing, you know, a black face on. I shouldn't have said that it was nice seeing a black. African-American descent candidate on the stage for president. It always is. I'm running for these elected offices, but as you said yourself, I don't think the time is right for a Tim Scott right now. Especially. Maybe after we, after the whole Trump thing and Biden's out of office of his second term. Then there's a possibility of having a Tim Scott back onstage and having more voice. But I think suspending your, his campaign was a good decision and. You know, maybe he can help Nikki Haley and help her campaign and see where they, where their weaknesses are, where their strengths are. And combined and maybe yOu can defeat Trump that way as well. So, Anyways, that is. Our entire episode. Before I do leave, I want to. Ah, what do I want to say? First off, make sure you follow us on our social medias. That's going to be Instagram at, iamstephangarrison, or you can follow the podcast exclusively. At thelast_conversation follow us on Tik TOK at[thelast_conversation] there as well, because we're about to do a video right after this video. Cause we just got some breaking news about your Santos, not running for reelection. Until then thank you for all the support and love that you guys are showing for this podcast. Whether it be. Audio, whether it be on YouTube. And I think it's phenomenal. That's the first time we ever posted our podcast on YouTube. And so even though it's not a lot of use. I still love it. Make sure you comment down below in the YouTube episode of what perks do you like, what you like to see? And hopefully you guys have a fantastic Thanksgiving. If I not see you guys or talk to you guys. And make sure you have a fantastic Christmas or just have a fantastic holidays in general, but I'll see you guys before the holidays. Right here. On the last. Humber station.