The Last Conversation
The Last Conversation, is a weekly show that uniquely looks at politics from a young black male point of view.
My name is Stephan, I’m a Political Science major at Arizona State University and an Original Creator on the Fireside Chat platform.
With my experiences in Law Enforcement growing up in the middle class and now studying political science, I’m bringing a different aspect to how we see political issues. Every issue is a political issue.
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Women’s Rights
Systematic Racism
The Last Conversation
Speaker Mike Johnson & George Santos' Troubles
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Johnson and Representative George Santos. It analyzes Johnson's stances on issues, such as LGBTQ+ rights, gun control, and budget cuts, after his election as the Speaker, with detailed elaboration on his political ideologies and major commitments. The conversation transitions to discuss charges against George Santos, who is facing 23 federal charges but still intends to run for re-election. The conversation encourages listeners to monitor both political figures critically in the future.
0:00 Speaker Mike Johnson
01:14 Mike Johnson
08:19 Johnson Vs Government Shut Down
30:45 Santos In Trouble Again
38:46 Closing Remarks
To all my Melanated People (Black & Brown), it's never a sign of weakness to ask for help when you really need it. Life is not cupcakes and rainbows—struggles are what make us stronger!
Hey everyone today on the last conversation we are going to talk about. Who is Mike Johnson. Now, as you guys know, speaker Mike Johnson was just elected. Into the house. Which means that he's second in command. If something happens to present Joe Biden, Hopefully not. But. We're going to learn about them. See what he is about. And then we're also going to talk about some of the challenges that he's going to be facing. He has a spending bill that's right on the docket. So we need to learn about that because our government is posed the shutdown in less than 30 days. And our best friend out of all places, George Santos. Is now facing 23. Federal charges. And he says he's not guilty of any of them. They have no merit. And. He's added that he is still going to run for reelection. Join me as we talk about all these endeavors right here on the last. Conversation.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio) & Camo-2:Alright, as you heard in our last show, you haven't watched it, or if you haven't listened to it, please do. Mike Johnson is now the new speaker of the house, but you're probably wondering, well, Stefan, who is he? What's he about? What type of platforms should we be worried about? You should be heavily worried. He is a Trump ally. If some of you love Trump, then you're probably going to love this guy. But. Some of you like myself who do not like Trump, you're going to worry. What the hell this guy is all about. What did he support? Who he's going to ally himself with, what bills is he going to pass and what bills he's going to just kind of throw it to the curb. So Mike Johnson is the new speaker. He has been a vocal supporter for of the former president, Donald Trump. That is a key commercial figure in the fail efforts to overturn the 2020 election. As you know, with the 20, 20 election there. Trump was trying to reach out to different states and overturn our election saying that their votes were invalid saying that people who were voting from home, their votes didn't count. If you didn't come to the ballot. It didn't vote. It didn't count. And Mike Johnson. Was one of those congressmen who were like, yes, let's go ahead and try and overturn it. The Louisiana Republican was first elected to the house in 2016 and serves as vice chair of the house Republican conference. As well as the GLP deputy Witt and assistant leadership role. I'm an attorney with a force on the constitutional law. Johnson joined the group of house Republicans. And voting to sustain the. Jection to elect coral. Votes on January 6th, 2021. During Trump's first impeachment trial in January, 2020 Johnson. Along with the, with a group of other GOP lawmakers served as a largely ceremonial role in Trump's Senate impeachment team. Johnson also sent a personal email from his account in 2022. Every house, Republican solicitating signatures for. a Brief and the longshot, Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate electoral college votes for multiple states. So already. This guy. Isn't good. I mean to try and overturn a fair and just the election. We already know where he stands, which means that he's probably one of those who are saying, well, January 6th didn't really happen. Let's continue on after the election was called in favor of Joe Biden, November 7th, 2020. Johnson posted on Twitter, formerly known as X or X. Formally known as Twitter. And said, I have just called president Trump to say this stay strong and keep fighting, sir. The nation is depending upon your resolve. We must exhaust every ability, legal remedy to restore the American stress and the fairness of our election system. Although Trump said he wouldn't endorse anyone in the speaker race Wednesday. He lent support to Johnson and the posts on his truth. Social. He says, and I quote in 2024, we will have an even bigger and more important. When my strong suggestion is to go with the leading candidate, Mike Johnson. And get done fast. That's what Trump posted. Johnson serves as judiciary committee. And the armed services committee, he's also a former chair of the Republican study committee. After receiving a degree in business administration from Louisiana state university and a Juris doctorate from the Paul M urban law center, Johnson took on the role as a college professor and conservative talk show radios. He began as political re. Career. And the Louisiana legislator where he served from 2015. To 17. And then being elected into Congress and Louisiana's fourth district. Well, Kevin Hern Oklahoma. Who chairs, the influential Republican study committee dropped out of the race for speaker Tuesday evening and that Johnson. He goes on to say, I want everyone to know this race has gotten to the point where it's getting crazy. This is more about people right now than it should be. He said this should be about America and America's greatness for that. I stepped aside and threw my support behind Mike Johnson. I think he'd be a great speaker. Johnson's when in a secret ballot race for the house Republican conference nominee for speaker followed Missouri's Tom Emmers decision to drop out of the race hours. After we bought the 10, chose him to be the nominee, following resistance from the right flank of the conference. And rebuttal from Trump. Steve And Jim Jordan also dropped out. After earlier seeking. The speaker's gavel. So. That's a lot. That's a lot to process. You're like, Wait, what's going on. Essentially you had all these Republican nominees, essentially dropouts. Right. You have Trump and Johnson supported him. And Jim Jordan also did, but Jordan lost three times. Like, and I mean, Every time he lost, he lost by more like, usually you lose by you, but he lost. And then he lost more. And then the third try, he lost again. And they were just like, shut up, sit down. You're done. So this is just background information on, on Johnson. We're eventually going to find out more about him through the coming weeks. In the coming days. And I'll try and update you guys week by week. On how that process is going. So let's continue on because this is almost done. So Johnson joined the speakership race on Saturday and he posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. He says I've been humbled to have so many members from across our conference. Reach out to encourage me to seek the nomination of speaker. Until yesterday, I had never. Contacted one person about this. And I have never been, I've never before. I aspire to the office. He had posted. However after much prayer and deliberation, I'm stepping forward now. Mike Johnson, as I say, we're going to learn more about him. So then you at home while you're listening to this and you know what we're dealing with. He already tried to turn. One election the other way. Now we have another reelection with Biden running for reelection. Will he try and overturn it again. I would say there's probably a 70% chance that he will. Now because he's speaker of the house, he has a lot more power. Than he did as a render Congressman. So now we're going to switch some gears because as I said, Johnson's facing a lot, especially with the government shutdown looming. Less than 30 days away. And he's kind of. Send his agenda on what he wants to do now that he has the gavel.
Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio) & Camo-3:We're going to switch gears just slightly, because now we need to find out what Johnson has on his agenda, which. Is quite some being newly elected as house speaker there. And there really was no transition of like, Hey, this is the gavel, take this. It was three weeks of chaos. So he's pretty much getting like on the job training. As he's doing the job. So let's take a look. So as the new speaker is in for, on the job training and emerges. Sean. Hani on Fox news on Thursday, Johnson laid out. His worldview, which is rooted in the Bible answered critics or his long career fighting against gay rights declined to go into details on his opposition, to all abortion rights and said that he would change the house rules to make it harder to speaker. Let me. Slow down. In that little paragraph, I just read. We already know that he's not a friend. One. He said all his views are rooted in the Bible. Which is fine. You can be a Christian person, but the Bible doesn't translate very well to people, right. Especially to the global. So he has a long career fighting against gay rights. He's declined to go into detail about his opposition into abortion rights. So already he doesn't care about our LGBTQ plus community. And he doesn't care about women. But let's keep going on. But as first order of business, he explained was to start negotiating with the white house about funding bills. And while he sounded respectful and reasonable, he's also made it clear Republicans support. Won't come cheap. His first order of business will insist to cut on the fund, the fund, the government, when funding lapse in less than three weeks. The federal government is lapsing long. Between short-term funding bills. Johnson did not rule out the need for another such short stop gap, bill. When the funding next. Out on November 17. While he did not endorse a specific plan. Johnson and Hannity talked about one Republican plan. And I have a call for an 8% cut of government spending. A shore nonstarter for the white house and the Senate. He goes on to say, I think there will be conditions that the American people can live with and the consensus that we can build around here in the house. He has demands for the Ukraine support. Unlike some Republicans, Johnson supports more funding to help crane fight off Russia. But he delivered a list of 12 demands. Republicans want to see met to make sure the money is well spent. It's also not clear how much aid Republicans will agree to. The white house has asked for 60. Billion. And I'm thinking that he's more than likely going to cut that down to either. I want to say, he's going to probably go down to maybe 40 or 30. Billion. He wants to cut budget in exchange for Israel support. Rather than simply passing the bill. With additional funding for you playing Israel. Republicans will insist on separating the two issues and Johnson said they will want to see budget cuts elsewhere in exchange for the 14.3 billion white house wants for Israel. He goes on to say that we're not just printing out money to send it overseas. We're going to find. Cuts elsewhere to do that. A lot of critics have. Been talking about recently that they. That Biden put Israel and Ukraine together. And with a Republican controlled house. More than likely that bill that's together. Is going to separate. Because they're going to see one issue is more important than the other. As I just read Johnson sees that you claim is more important. So he's going to give them more funding. Israel is probably not going to get. The 14.3 billion that the white house is asking for. And as he said, if you want that, we have to find cuts elsewhere. Now the Republican party is very known. We're trying to cut Medicaid, social security. Childcare. They're always trying to cut what they believe is not essential. But to most American people, Medicare, social security childcare. Food stamps. That's important, but that's primarily my prediction. My personal opinion. And my personal prediction is that that's where they want to start. They're going to look at cutting one of those four down. Well, there's going to be food stamps. So that means less food stamps is being sent out. So security. Or Medicare, one of those three, they're going to cut. To try and make one for. It is 14.3. Billion dollar. The white house has asked for. Moving on. He also wants Congress to weigh in on military use. And what sounds like a major shift? In recent years, Johnson said, Republicans, try to resist. President Joe Biden's ability to respond with the us military power in the middle east. Every president since George W. Bush has relied on executive power to move us troops. Under the banner. Fighting terrorists. If it came to us, troops being needed to help rescue American hostages, and Israel Johnson said Congress should weigh in. He says they have very limited authority on what they can do to respond without coming to Congress to seek consent. Us has this history of trying to be the police for the world. And as we move on. And time we're starting to see that we can't be the police. We can be like a mediator, but being the police of the world. We just with how things are running in our own government. I don't see that. It's fine. a Story recently came out that said that China is trying to take on that role of being the peacekeeper. Which essentially, I think they're doing a terrible job because then they should be over where Ukraine and Russia are trying to negotiate a peace deal. But. BUt as it said, most presidents have used just executive power. To move us troops. But he believes that Congress should also have a say so in that, and it shouldn't just be in the present. It should also be Congress as well. Which is. Controlled by. Republicans. So who knows what their views are on trying to use military or not use military? Another issue is the human heart not guns. As the latest mass shooting on folds and name Johnson said, guns are not to blame for this horrible we're current incidents in his view since. As a person could use a car to mow people down. It makes no sense to further regulate guns. He says at the end of the day, it's the problem is the human heart. It's not guns. It's not the weapons. HE goes on to say, or while the article goes on to say that I have to read. The exchange and a few times to understand his point. And I'm not sure exactly how to assess his comparison other than to point out that we. Don't have an epidemic of mass murders by vehicle in this country. Johnson did not say. He could consider legislation related to mental health, but did not go into specifics. Guns and mental health have been. A crucial. Epidemic for this country. And the issue is, is that you have these Republicans who are backed by the NRA will not come out and say, Hey look, guns are bad. Right? Most of the country wants. Better background checks. You, you can't buy a gun if you can't drink alcohol until 21, you can't. Buy a gun until 21. I have always pitched that if you have been baker acted or Marchmen at. That it should be in a national database. To where if you did decide to go, Hey, I'm going to go buy a gun from academy, right. Academy types and all your information. They send it out. That database is linked to the mental health database. So it will run. Hey, have you ever been baker? Anywhere in the country, not just in your county, but anywhere. Cause you could've moved. All right. Have you ever been marched mat and those two things should disqualify you from having a gun? We're having too many mental health crisis and people grabbing guns and going on these mass shootings. But yet no one wants to do anything right. There's programs that are out there, but they're not getting funded because there was no funding from the government. We have guns are an issue. Guns and hearts are the issue. You can't say the problem. The problem is the human heart. The guns. It was an issue. It shouldn't be so readily accessible to own a gun. I understand. That you have your second amendment. You know you right. To bear arms the right to protect, which is fine. I have my own gun. But we have to do more. We can't just, it's almost like we wait for the next mass shooting before we have these conversations. We're not having these conversations every single day, trying to be like, okay, You know, if we have a house Republicans who are controlling the house, we need to be passing bills that help mental. People. We need to be passing bills that, you know, we're the only country that deals with these mass shootings. Like this it's ridiculous. It's almost like every year, we're not even done with a year and we've had. At over 10. What is it going to take before we actually pass laws that you can't just pick up a gun and start shooting, right? When are we going to pass laws that says every school needs an armed security art? So we've made sure we protect our kids. But no, we keep passing these stupid, ridiculous laws like here in Florida. We're now you don't even need a, you don't even need a license to carry. You can just carry. God has to be concealed, but you don't need a license. I just recently got my license. But that's because I'm a black man and United States. buT. We can't. Sit here and just wait for another mass shooting. Before we have these conversations, we can't have leaders like Johnson. Who almost pretty much dismiss mental health or dismiss guns, like guns are the issue and then have the guns. We wouldn't have these issues. Mo in a car. We don't have mass murders. Oh, someone mold 15 people. No, that's not how that works. I I'm going to stop talking. I can go on. For a while with mass shootings. Moving on. Respect for Biden, but a dig at his age. Johnson said he met with Biden. For a meeting for about 20, 15 to 20 minutes. At which they discuss no policy, but Johnson said he can't help, but respect the man. Who has attained the oval office, even if he feels Biden's leading a failed presidency. Moments after talking about the about the cordial meeting Johnson agreed with Hannity that Biden's mental. Acuity has declined in recent years. He goes on to say, clearly, if you look at the tape of Joe Biden, making an argument in the Senate judiciary committee. Few years ago. You will see a speech that delivers. That he delivers now. There's a difference again. I mean, It's not a personal insult. It's just reality. It's also a main line of attack. Republicans are using the question Biden's leadership with voters. Before the election. We'll talk about. Probably that in like a couple other episodes, but just to touch on it now. That has been the only question of his entire presidency about running for reelection is his age. Right? And Biden has made. Jokes after joke saying, Hey, with age, you have wisdom, right? But you see it in. His actions of what he does when he went over to Israel, like, though, Like they know him, right. He, he has that connection with people. I always call it. He has that like grandpa affection. Like, you're like, oh, look, grandpa was here. And people like, right. And. He may not boost his own. Corn, but he has other people boost his horn, like Gavin Newsome who's in California. Right. He has him. Gavin is. Pretty good spokesman for the president or he has, you know, his former boss. President Obama who comes out and speaks on his behalf. So sometimes. He doesn't have to do with himself. He'll have other people who are respected in the community, do it for him. Newson has was also in Beijing, China. I'm meeting with China to kind of better the relation, but we'll talk about that in a different episode. But that's mainly Republicans main. They're like his age, his age. As I age it's like, Trump's not that far behind him. And Trump goes off on rants that you're like, what? Trump is old, but then he still acts like a 12 year old child. Right. So 12 year old child in the white house, it's not a good idea, but Biden's age. And yes, I will say from a democratic Stanhope point of view, I do worry about his age. I don't worry about his age. That he can't govern. I worry about his age because I want to make sure that he's healthy, right. For someone who's in their eighties. I want to make sure that he's taking it slow and he's not doing. Too much. And that's why I said it's good for him to have advocates that are out there being able to preach. His word. So it's not like, oh, well we just don't see him. I. I mean, he's out, he's went to Israel when he went to on a secret shirt. Do you crane? Like. The man is doing things that you were like, what is he doing? Right. But anyways, moving on. Guiding principles for conservatism. In both his speech, the lawmakers, after wanting to speak a role and his interview with Kennedy Johnson laid out what sounds like a much practice list of either Ideologies core principles of American conservatism. Our individual freedoms limited government, the rule of law. Peace through strength. Physical responsibility, free markets can have human dignity. Those are the principles that he says that should be guiding. Republicans are repeat that again. He says individual freedom. Limited government, the rule of law. Peace through strength. Physical responsibility, free markets and the human dignity. I like how he says human dignity. But then yet he persecutes our queer people and he persecutes women. And not being able to do for you over their bodies. That's not human dignity. That's called human selective. Is it. hE says he will use these. He said to convince Democrats, the us should not be led down a path toward European style socialism. But you can easily project, any number of the dates and this country into his core principles. Gun safety versus a second. Amendment individual freedoms. How the us protects its people with health and safety regulations. EPA and FDA limited government. The consequences for trying to overturn the election rule of law. Defense spending an aid for Ukraine, peace through strength, the role of regulation and creating a fair playing field, free markets. How the government collects taxes and what services it provides. Physical responsibility. LGBTQ rights and abortion rights, human dignity. So that's how you can, I literally just said that. I'm like genius. I don't even wait this. But that's pretty much what it is, right? Those are. The core issues, but each of those issues. Makes sense. Let's go on. It's worldview on the Bible. Kennedy asked Johnson about some writing and positions on gay rights that seem out of whack with today's world in which same sex marriage is legal and support it. By most Americans. CNN KeyFile has outlined some of Johnson's writings and comments, including his argument years ago, that gay sets could be outlawed. And his argument that same-sex marriages was a threat to democracy. Johnson Kennedy. He doesn't even remember all that stuff in that much of it was in support of then laws as a religious freedom attorney. As such, he was actively fighting against same sex marriage. But your rights for same-sex domestic partners and Roe met before the Supreme court. That state should be able to outlaw same-sex. Intercourse. Does that sound familiar? It kind of sounds like you wanted to do what you Ganda is currently doing right now. Except Uganda wants to kill them. At or in prison for 10 years to life. You know, He goes on to say today, he said he follows the rule of law and loves all people regardless of their lifestyles without. I'm not even going to say it. That comment itself is a shore. To fascinate LGBTQ Americans who don't view their sexual orientations as a choice. Johnson also helped write a bill that is viewed as the nation's version of Florida law. That critics label, as the say, gay bill. Which prohibits institutions that refer to sexual orientation for most students. Johnson is not going to apologize for his beliefs and said that an easy way into his mind is to go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That's my worldview and that's what I believe. And so I make no apologies. That's what he said. Cultural war issues are not frontline matters. It seems logical that Johnson could push for a bill that he authored regarding the discussion of sexual orientation in classrooms. And Johnson did not rule out using his position to push legislation that would restrict gender and abortion rights. But. He argued. thEre are more pressing issues, which he listed is Israel, Ukraine, China. I ran the economy of the border. And fentanyl. Epic than it. He goes on to say that these are the frontline matters that we have our attention on right now. And the rest of these things. They're just using as political tax. So he goes on to say, Last, but not least is give me a chance. Kennedy said Johnson, a press release from Democrats that are you. Johnson is a magnet. As stream is who opposes all abortion and wants to cut social security. People who know him. He said knows those things. Aren't true. Give me a chance. Let me have a chance to lead in here and you'll see what I'm really about. Democrats will work. With him to pass legislation. So they will have to give him some kind of chance. I say. From what we all read about him. What. His views are on these certain matters. I will give him a chance. Right. I'll give him a chance. But. I think we're still going to be kind of critical. Right? We still don't know him fully. We know about some background of his, we know about his views. He now says, you know, he doesn't I'm trying to find it. He now says. That he follows the rule of law and loves all people regardless of their lifestyle and choices. So. You know, it's, it kind of puts him like in that. Watching McCollough, it kind of puts them like in the middle, it doesn't weigh him as terrible. It doesn't weigh him as a superhero. It kind of puts him in the middle of, we kind of have to see how his speakership has shaped. And see exactly how he rules in a sense with the majority, as I said, well, Republicans. It's honestly, you want to see about keeping them in line, as we know, he is a magnet. At extremist. So he's going to have. The agenda of what they propose. Trump endorsed him on his own social media platform. Even though Johnson's calling the shots. Trump is going to have some type of influence in there. He already had influence with the government shut down by telling Matt gates shut the government down. Right. So we're going to see some of that influence. The magma, right? Isn't probably one opposable says things that he's doing because he's part of them. He's Hey, he's in the club. So we go, we're going to have to watch very carefully about what might Johnson does, what he says. What his views on social issues? I know the Democrats have Wayne and. Vice-president Kamala Harris already started speaking about gun violence. So I want to see if he's going to talk more about gun violence or if he's going to kind of like. Say something, but also push it off. Like, is he going to talk about mental health? Is he going to talk about bringing the legislation about gun control, certain issues about that? Because that's what primarily will that what a lot of American people are going to be looking at. They're also going to be looking at social security, which he said, he's not going to be cutting, but where else are you going to get this 14.5 billion? If you said that you're not just going to hand it over. You're going to do some cuts. What are those cuts exactly. Going to be. So these are some things that we're going to be watching. I want you guys at home. As you're listening to this, or if you're watching this. To kind of keep them back your mind. Now if you like Mike Johnson, that's all you, you know, this is a, this is a podcast for everyone who has a different opinion. I invite different opinions. If you're someone like me where you were kind of like now we're. We're just going to weigh you out right now. You're about even. I don't dislike you. But I don't like you or kind of in the middle. So we're going to go ahead and take a brief break. And then when we come back, we're going to talk about our best friend George Santos, as he faces 23 federal charges and still is going to run for reelection.
Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio) & Camo-4:Our best friend as most of you now, George Santos is in trouble again. Oh, so Santos is now facing 23. It went from 10 to now. 23 federal charges. And he says that he will not accept a plea deal and he's still want to run for reelection. So. And that'll represent. George Santos remained define on Wednesday after facing new federal criminal charges. Insisting that he would not accept a plea deal and you will run for reelection next year. New York Republican claim that none of the 23 charges against him have any merit continuing that he would fight them all in court and battle calls for his expulsion. And the battle they, they said it as soon as they got a new speaker that. The problematics Santos. He goes on, say that I'm going to continue to fight this as much as I said in the past, nothing has changed. Santos told a small group of reporters and his office on Wednesday morning. I think I've made it clear that I will fight to prove my innocence. So yeah, I'm pretty much denying every last bit of charges. That'll prosecutors on Tuesday. Unrevealed a fresh round of charges against Santos, calling a S siphon indictment. That brings the total number of counts against them. The 23. This indictment is wider in scope. And provides new and damaging details about Santos, alleged efforts to personally profit through his campaign. Including the allegations that you still don't. Donors identities. And they'd fraudulent charges on their credit card. To the tone of thousands of dollars, federal prosecutors also alleged that he embezzled cash. From his company and conspired with his former campaign treasurer to fall asleep, donation totals. Santos on Wednesday, insisted that if he. I won't accept any plea deal as he pushed back. Sometimes with profanity against the charges of. He said, number one question you will ask me is, are you going to take a plea deal? No, the answer is I will not take a plea deal. Santos added. That he thinks the campaign. Charges is bullshit. When pressed by reporters on the array of charges against him, Santos claims he didn't defraud any donors or fake fundraising goals and said that he didn't embezzle money from his campaign. On a specific charges currently array against them in federal court. Santos claimed that he had no clue. Who was racking up federal on fraudulent credit charges and knowledge that he may have received. More and unemployment benefits than he should have, which it's about time that he says he can find. That's something he says, I've I never actually, I never transaction sending goal financial procedure in the campaign. That's why you pay treasurers and fundraisers and financial advisers for eight campaign. That's why you have to have these hefty campaign expenses. Why would in God? I ever handled a credit card. It was just not the case Santos at it. And that he has no idea. Nate. The charter and an indictment earlier this year, the government charged Santos and taking part of the unemployment insurance scheme that resulted in him receiving more than 24,000. Dollars and unemployment benefits. But Santos on Wednesday downplay the chart is saying that he may have received. A little extra or too. And can prove that. Although extra two 24,000. Isn't just a little. Extra too. It's not like, oh, well they sent me like 50 bucks now.$24,000. He goes on to say that even if I were to have taken two checks, too many. Let's make it very clear. Nobody in this country gets indicted for taking a check or two more than they're entitled to during unemployment period or in that case, you don't indict people for that, because if you were going to indict every single American. That overpay by unemployment benefits during the pandemic. You'll pretty much indict half the country at this point. So, you know, This is a. 1100 indictment that can easily write that check and make the government whole. I like how he's trying to like, make an excuse for taking money that feed in deserve. He said you would have to indict every American. Most Americans, they just get it taken out of the paycheck. Right. But I don't think they get over$24,000 mistakenly sent to them. And may Santos 35 pled not guilty to 13 federal charges. Those initial charges included seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds and two counts of making mutually false statements. The U S of representatives. Elected last year to represent a district that didn't the part of long island and plain Santos has been on their investigation in multiple jurisdictions and by the house ethics committee. The Congressman has admitted to making some misleading claims about his education and financial status. But continues to deny more serious allegations. That he has not admitted to some of those things that he on Saturday, he said that he went to a certain Ivy league school. They have no record of him leaving, graduated. He said that he worked for certain companies. They have no records. No W2's to prove that he even worked there. Right. So. Those aren't little lies. It's like, where did you go to school? Well, I went to school a year. They have no record. I don't think they were just born. Lauren you'll file and be like, he never attended. He announced in April that he will seek reelection in 2024 to represent new York's third congressional district, which will likely be a competitive turf. Next year, president Joe Biden would have won the district by eight points in 2020 under. Redrawing lines. Democrat. Tom. So zoo. Suzie. Who left Congress for an unsuccessful 22? BYD announced earlier Tuesday that he's running for his old seat. The madness in Washington, DC. And the and George Santos. Chaos and remain in the United States. Congress is obviously. Is oblivious to everyone. He said in a statement. So George Santos. I would say he's probably toast at this point. He might win, but when the first charges first came out, there was a lot of people in his own district that pretty much said. No, we want you out. Like we don't want some. I say this, we don't want some criminal representing us, but yet someone who we know. You know, formal presence facing a lot more charges. 98. Exactly. But we'll be watching Jorah Santos closely. Like he went on a rant. I don't have the video, but it's on CNN where he like was like F this F that like, He's going downhill. Will he went his reelection. I would say it's about a 60% that he doesn't win because. Like he's lying about a lot of things and he has all these charges. So. I believe that Congress might. Not send him out because remember. Republicans in the house. They only have like a very slim majority. Like they, they don't have like, 10 plus they only have about. A couple seats. That they can lose. So if they send the Santos packing, It means that they still have. Power. But it's still very slim. On whatever they're trying to pass. That's the end of George Santos. Hey, when we come back, we're going to go ahead and wrap up our show and close because I have to be in New York. Later this evening, so. We'll talk about that.
Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio) & Camo-5:All right. So we want to, and a lot today in this episode, I literally told myself before I started recording, I was like, We're only going to do a 30 minute episode, and yet it's turned into like a 44 minute episode, but we learned a lot. We learned about Mike Johnson. We learned about some of his views on the topics of funding government. What do you think on certain social issues? And we also learned that our best find George Santos is facing more federal charges and that he's still seeking reelection. So now you're up to date. But before we go, I just want to say thank you to all of you guys who are listening to this podcast. Whether you're listening to apple. Spotify. Google. anD for all of you guys who are going to potentially watch us on YouTube thank you as well. Doing these shows It's honestly, a passionate. We took a mental break for about two months and now we're back doing episodes again. I, as I said before, I am traveling out to New York for work. For the next two weeks, I will still try and produce an episode now that I have the equipment now to be able to bring it to you. So as soon as something comes out, I will try and get another episode. Two guys. Also, another thing is that if you have been following us, On our last podcast, which is the conversation. Make sure you stay and follow us now on. Instagram and Tik TOK. We are on call the last underscore conversation. Follow us there. For updates on the podcast. We'll send out small little snippets so you can see what's going to be out. With all that being said, the smart. Be kind, be different and treat everyone that way that you won't be treated. I love you all. I have a safe morning or night. Evening. And I'll talk to you guys again on our next episode up though. Bye everyone.
And I hope that we see each other next time, bye.